Your IP :
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field\FormField;
* Form represents an HTML form.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @api
class Form extends Link implements \ArrayAccess
* @var \DOMNode
private $button;
* @var Field\FormField[]
private $fields;
* Constructor.
* @param \DOMNode $node A \DOMNode instance
* @param string $currentUri The URI of the page where the form is embedded
* @param string $method The method to use for the link (if null, it defaults to the method defined by the form)
* @throws \LogicException if the node is not a button inside a form tag
* @api
public function __construct(\DOMNode $node, $currentUri, $method = null)
parent::__construct($node, $currentUri, $method);
* Gets the form node associated with this form.
* @return \DOMNode A \DOMNode instance
public function getFormNode()
return $this->node;
* Sets the value of the fields.
* @param array $values An array of field values
* @return Form
* @api
public function setValues(array $values)
foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
$this->fields->set($name, $value);
return $this;
* Gets the field values.
* The returned array does not include file fields (@see getFiles).
* @return array An array of field values.
* @api
public function getValues()
$values = array();
foreach ($this->fields->all() as $name => $field) {
if ($field->isDisabled()) {
if (!$field instanceof Field\FileFormField && $field->hasValue()) {
$values[$name] = $field->getValue();
return $values;
* Gets the file field values.
* @return array An array of file field values.
* @api
public function getFiles()
if (!in_array($this->getMethod(), array('POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'))) {
return array();
$files = array();
foreach ($this->fields->all() as $name => $field) {
if ($field->isDisabled()) {
if ($field instanceof Field\FileFormField) {
$files[$name] = $field->getValue();
return $files;
* Gets the field values as PHP.
* This method converts fields with the array notation
* (like foo[bar] to arrays) like PHP does.
* @return array An array of field values.
* @api
public function getPhpValues()
$values = array();
foreach ($this->getValues() as $name => $value) {
$qs = http_build_query(array($name => $value), '', '&');
parse_str($qs, $expandedValue);
$varName = substr($name, 0, strlen(key($expandedValue)));
$values = array_replace_recursive($values, array($varName => current($expandedValue)));
return $values;
* Gets the file field values as PHP.
* This method converts fields with the array notation
* (like foo[bar] to arrays) like PHP does.
* @return array An array of field values.
* @api
public function getPhpFiles()
$values = array();
foreach ($this->getFiles() as $name => $value) {
$qs = http_build_query(array($name => $value), '', '&');
parse_str($qs, $expandedValue);
$varName = substr($name, 0, strlen(key($expandedValue)));
$values = array_replace_recursive($values, array($varName => current($expandedValue)));
return $values;
* Gets the URI of the form.
* The returned URI is not the same as the form "action" attribute.
* This method merges the value if the method is GET to mimics
* browser behavior.
* @return string The URI
* @api
public function getUri()
$uri = parent::getUri();
if (!in_array($this->getMethod(), array('POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH')) && $queryString = http_build_query($this->getValues(), null, '&')) {
$sep = false === strpos($uri, '?') ? '?' : '&';
$uri .= $sep.$queryString;
return $uri;
protected function getRawUri()
return $this->node->getAttribute('action');
* Gets the form method.
* If no method is defined in the form, GET is returned.
* @return string The method
* @api
public function getMethod()
if (null !== $this->method) {
return $this->method;
return $this->node->getAttribute('method') ? strtoupper($this->node->getAttribute('method')) : 'GET';
* Returns true if the named field exists.
* @param string $name The field name
* @return Boolean true if the field exists, false otherwise
* @api
public function has($name)
return $this->fields->has($name);
* Removes a field from the form.
* @param string $name The field name
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException when the name is malformed
* @api
public function remove($name)
* Gets a named field.
* @param string $name The field name
* @return FormField The field instance
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException When field is not present in this form
* @api
public function get($name)
return $this->fields->get($name);
* Sets a named field.
* @param FormField $field The field
* @api
public function set(FormField $field)
* Gets all fields.
* @return FormField[] An array of fields
* @api
public function all()
return $this->fields->all();
* Returns true if the named field exists.
* @param string $name The field name
* @return Boolean true if the field exists, false otherwise
public function offsetExists($name)
return $this->has($name);
* Gets the value of a field.
* @param string $name The field name
* @return FormField The associated Field instance
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the field does not exist
public function offsetGet($name)
return $this->fields->get($name);
* Sets the value of a field.
* @param string $name The field name
* @param string|array $value The value of the field
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the field does not exist
public function offsetSet($name, $value)
$this->fields->set($name, $value);
* Removes a field from the form.
* @param string $name The field name
public function offsetUnset($name)
* Disables validation
* @return self
public function disableValidation()
foreach ($this->fields->all() as $field) {
if ($field instanceof Field\ChoiceFormField) {
return $this;
* Sets the node for the form.
* Expects a 'submit' button \DOMNode and finds the corresponding form element.
* @param \DOMNode $node A \DOMNode instance
* @throws \LogicException If given node is not a button or input or does not have a form ancestor
protected function setNode(\DOMNode $node)
$this->button = $node;
if ('button' == $node->nodeName || ('input' == $node->nodeName && in_array($node->getAttribute('type'), array('submit', 'button', 'image')))) {
if ($node->hasAttribute('form')) {
// if the node has the HTML5-compliant 'form' attribute, use it
$formId = $node->getAttribute('form');
$form = $node->ownerDocument->getElementById($formId);
if (null === $form) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The selected node has an invalid form attribute (%s).', $formId));
$this->node = $form;
// we loop until we find a form ancestor
do {
if (null === $node = $node->parentNode) {
throw new \LogicException('The selected node does not have a form ancestor.');
} while ('form' != $node->nodeName);
} elseif ('form' != $node->nodeName) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to submit on a "%s" tag.', $node->nodeName));
$this->node = $node;
* Adds form elements related to this form.
* Creates an internal copy of the submitted 'button' element and
* the form node or the entire document depending on whether we need
* to find non-descendant elements through HTML5 'form' attribute.
private function initialize()
$this->fields = new FormFieldRegistry();
$document = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);
$root = $document->appendChild($document->createElement('_root'));
// add submitted button if it has a valid name
if ('form' !== $this->button->nodeName && $this->button->hasAttribute('name') && $this->button->getAttribute('name')) {
if ('input' == $this->button->nodeName && 'image' == $this->button->getAttribute('type')) {
$name = $this->button->getAttribute('name');
$this->button->setAttribute('value', '0');
// temporarily change the name of the input node for the x coordinate
$this->button->setAttribute('name', $name.'.x');
$this->set(new Field\InputFormField($document->importNode($this->button, true)));
// temporarily change the name of the input node for the y coordinate
$this->button->setAttribute('name', $name.'.y');
$this->set(new Field\InputFormField($document->importNode($this->button, true)));
// restore the original name of the input node
$this->button->setAttribute('name', $name);
} else {
$this->set(new Field\InputFormField($document->importNode($this->button, true)));
// find form elements corresponding to the current form
if ($this->node->hasAttribute('id')) {
// traverse through the whole document
$node = $document->importNode($this->node->ownerDocument->documentElement, true);
// corresponding elements are either descendants or have a matching HTML5 form attribute
$formId = Crawler::xpathLiteral($this->node->getAttribute('id'));
$fieldNodes = $xpath->query(sprintf('descendant::input[@form=%s] | descendant::button[@form=%s] | descendant::textarea[@form=%s] | descendant::select[@form=%s] | //form[@id=%s]//input[not(@form)] | //form[@id=%s]//button[not(@form)] | //form[@id=%s]//textarea[not(@form)] | //form[@id=%s]//select[not(@form)]', $formId, $formId, $formId, $formId, $formId, $formId, $formId, $formId), $root);
foreach ($fieldNodes as $node) {
} else {
// parent form has no id, add descendant elements only
$node = $document->importNode($this->node, true);
// descendant elements with form attribute are not part of this form
$fieldNodes = $xpath->query('descendant::input[not(@form)] | descendant::button[not(@form)] | descendant::textarea[not(@form)] | descendant::select[not(@form)]', $root);
foreach ($fieldNodes as $node) {
private function addField(\DOMNode $node)
if (!$node->hasAttribute('name') || !$node->getAttribute('name')) {
$nodeName = $node->nodeName;
if ('select' == $nodeName || 'input' == $nodeName && 'checkbox' == $node->getAttribute('type')) {
$this->set(new Field\ChoiceFormField($node));
} elseif ('input' == $nodeName && 'radio' == $node->getAttribute('type')) {
if ($this->has($node->getAttribute('name'))) {
} else {
$this->set(new Field\ChoiceFormField($node));
} elseif ('input' == $nodeName && 'file' == $node->getAttribute('type')) {
$this->set(new Field\FileFormField($node));
} elseif ('input' == $nodeName && !in_array($node->getAttribute('type'), array('submit', 'button', 'image'))) {
$this->set(new Field\InputFormField($node));
} elseif ('textarea' == $nodeName) {
$this->set(new Field\TextareaFormField($node));