Your IP :
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 02/19/97 aliu Converted from java.
* 03/18/97 clhuang Updated per C++ implementation.
* 03/27/97 helena Updated to pass the simple test after code review.
* 08/26/97 aliu Added currency/intl currency symbol support.
* 07/22/98 stephen Changed to match C++ style
* currencySymbol -> fCurrencySymbol
* Constants changed from CAPS to kCaps
* 06/24/99 helena Integrated Alan's NF enhancements and Java2 bug fixes
* 09/22/00 grhoten Marked deprecation tags with a pointer to replacement
* functions.
#ifndef DCFMTSYM_H
#define DCFMTSYM_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/numsys.h"
#include "unicode/unum.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Symbols for formatting numbers.
* This class represents the set of symbols needed by DecimalFormat
* to format numbers. DecimalFormat creates for itself an instance of
* DecimalFormatSymbols from its locale data. If you need to change any
* of these symbols, you can get the DecimalFormatSymbols object from
* your DecimalFormat and modify it.
* <P>
* Here are the special characters used in the parts of the
* subpattern, with notes on their usage.
* <pre>
* \code
* Symbol Meaning
* 0 a digit
* # a digit, zero shows as absent
* . placeholder for decimal separator
* , placeholder for grouping separator.
* ; separates formats.
* - default negative prefix.
* % divide by 100 and show as percentage
* X any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
* ' used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.
* \endcode
* </pre>
* [Notes]
* <P>
* If there is no explicit negative subpattern, - is prefixed to the
* positive form. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00".
* <P>
* The grouping separator is commonly used for thousands, but in some
* countries for ten-thousands. The interval is a constant number of
* digits between the grouping characters, such as 100,000,000 or 1,0000,0000.
* If you supply a pattern with multiple grouping characters, the interval
* between the last one and the end of the integer is the one that is
* used. So "#,##,###,####" == "######,####" == "##,####,####".
class U_I18N_API DecimalFormatSymbols : public UObject {
* Constants for specifying a number format symbol.
* @stable ICU 2.0
enum ENumberFormatSymbol {
/** The decimal separator */
/** The grouping separator */
/** The pattern separator */
/** The percent sign */
/** Zero*/
/** Character representing a digit in the pattern */
/** The minus sign */
/** The plus sign */
/** The currency symbol */
/** The international currency symbol */
/** The monetary separator */
/** The exponential symbol */
/** Per mill symbol - replaces kPermillSymbol */
/** Escape padding character */
/** Infinity symbol */
/** Nan symbol */
/** Significant digit symbol
* @stable ICU 3.0 */
/** The monetary grouping separator
* @stable ICU 3.6
/** One
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Two
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Three
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Four
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Five
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Six
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Seven
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Eight
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Nine
* @stable ICU 4.6
/** Multiplication sign.
* @stable ICU 54
/** Approximately sign.
* @internal
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
/** count symbol constants */
kFormatSymbolCount = kExponentMultiplicationSymbol + 2
* Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale.
* @param locale The locale to get symbols for.
* @param status Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @stable ICU 2.0
DecimalFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
* Creates a DecimalFormatSymbols instance for the given locale with digits and symbols
* corresponding to the given NumberingSystem.
* This constructor behaves equivalently to the normal constructor called with a locale having a
* "numbers=xxxx" keyword specifying the numbering system by name.
* In this constructor, the NumberingSystem argument will be used even if the locale has its own
* "numbers=xxxx" keyword.
* @param locale The locale to get symbols for.
* @param ns The numbering system.
* @param status Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @stable ICU 60
DecimalFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale, const NumberingSystem& ns, UErrorCode& status);
* Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the default locale.
* This constructor will not fail. If the resource file data is
* not available, it will use hard-coded last-resort data and
* set status to U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR.
* @param status Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @stable ICU 2.0
DecimalFormatSymbols(UErrorCode& status);
* Creates a DecimalFormatSymbols object with last-resort data.
* Intended for callers who cache the symbols data and
* set all symbols on the resulting object.
* The last-resort symbols are similar to those for the root data,
* except that the grouping separators are empty,
* the NaN symbol is U+FFFD rather than "NaN",
* and the CurrencySpacing patterns are empty.
* @param status Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @return last-resort symbols
* @stable ICU 52
static DecimalFormatSymbols* createWithLastResortData(UErrorCode& status);
* Copy constructor.
* @stable ICU 2.0
DecimalFormatSymbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols&);
* Assignment operator.
* @stable ICU 2.0
DecimalFormatSymbols& operator=(const DecimalFormatSymbols&);
* Destructor.
* @stable ICU 2.0
virtual ~DecimalFormatSymbols();
* Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
* @param other the object to be compared with.
* @return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
* @stable ICU 2.0
bool operator==(const DecimalFormatSymbols& other) const;
* Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
* @param other the object to be compared with.
* @return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
* @stable ICU 2.0
bool operator!=(const DecimalFormatSymbols& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
* Get one of the format symbols by its enum constant.
* Each symbol is stored as a string so that graphemes
* (characters with modifier letters) can be used.
* @param symbol Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
* @return the format symbols by the param 'symbol'
* @stable ICU 2.0
inline UnicodeString getSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const;
* Set one of the format symbols by its enum constant.
* Each symbol is stored as a string so that graphemes
* (characters with modifier letters) can be used.
* @param symbol Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
* @param value value of the format symbol
* @param propagateDigits If false, setting the zero digit will not automatically set 1-9.
* The default behavior is to automatically set 1-9 if zero is being set and the value
* it is being set to corresponds to a known Unicode zero digit.
* @stable ICU 2.0
void setSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol, const UnicodeString &value, const UBool propagateDigits);
* Loads symbols for the specified currency into this instance.
* This method is internal. If you think it should be public, file a ticket.
* @internal
void setCurrency(const char16_t* currency, UErrorCode& status);
* Returns the locale for which this object was constructed.
* @stable ICU 2.6
inline Locale getLocale() const;
* Returns the locale for this object. Two flavors are available:
* valid and actual locale.
* @stable ICU 2.8
Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
* Get pattern string for 'CurrencySpacing' that can be applied to
* currency format.
* This API gets the CurrencySpacing data from ResourceBundle. The pattern can
* be empty if there is no data from current locale and its parent locales.
* @param beforeCurrency : true if the pattern is for before currency symbol.
* false if the pattern is for after currency symbol.
* @param status: Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @return pattern string for currencyMatch, surroundingMatch or spaceInsert.
* Return empty string if there is no data for this locale and its parent
* locales.
* @stable ICU 4.8
const UnicodeString& getPatternForCurrencySpacing(UCurrencySpacing type,
UBool beforeCurrency,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Set pattern string for 'CurrencySpacing' that can be applied to
* currency format.
* @param beforeCurrency : true if the pattern is for before currency symbol.
* false if the pattern is for after currency symbol.
* @param pattern : pattern string to override current setting.
* @stable ICU 4.8
void setPatternForCurrencySpacing(UCurrencySpacing type,
UBool beforeCurrency,
const UnicodeString& pattern);
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
* @stable ICU 2.2
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
* @stable ICU 2.2
static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
* Initializes the symbols from the LocaleElements resource bundle.
* Note: The organization of LocaleElements badly needs to be
* cleaned up.
* @param locale The locale to get symbols for.
* @param success Input/output parameter, set to success or
* failure code upon return.
* @param useLastResortData determine if use last resort data
* @param ns The NumberingSystem to use; otherwise, fall
* back to the locale.
void initialize(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& success,
UBool useLastResortData = false, const NumberingSystem* ns = nullptr);
* Initialize the symbols with default values.
void initialize();
* @internal For ICU use only
inline UBool isCustomCurrencySymbol() const {
return fIsCustomCurrencySymbol;
* @internal For ICU use only
inline UBool isCustomIntlCurrencySymbol() const {
return fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol;
* @internal For ICU use only
inline UChar32 getCodePointZero() const {
return fCodePointZero;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* _Internal_ function - more efficient version of getSymbol,
* returning a const reference to one of the symbol strings.
* The returned reference becomes invalid when the symbol is changed
* or when the DecimalFormatSymbols are destroyed.
* Note: moved \#ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API after this, since this is needed for inline in DecimalFormat
* This is not currently stable API, but if you think it should be stable,
* post a comment on the following ticket and the ICU team will take a look:
* @param symbol Constant to indicate a number format symbol.
* @return the format symbol by the param 'symbol'
* @internal
inline const UnicodeString& getConstSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const;
* Returns the const UnicodeString reference, like getConstSymbol,
* corresponding to the digit with the given value. This is equivalent
* to accessing the symbol from getConstSymbol with the corresponding
* key, such as kZeroDigitSymbol or kOneDigitSymbol.
* This is not currently stable API, but if you think it should be stable,
* post a comment on the following ticket and the ICU team will take a look:
* @param digit The digit, an integer between 0 and 9 inclusive.
* If outside the range 0 to 9, the zero digit is returned.
* @return the format symbol for the given digit.
* @internal This API is currently for ICU use only.
inline const UnicodeString& getConstDigitSymbol(int32_t digit) const;
* Returns that pattern stored in currency info. Internal API for use by NumberFormat API.
* @internal
inline const char16_t* getCurrencyPattern(void) const;
* Returns the numbering system with which this DecimalFormatSymbols was initialized.
* @internal
inline const char* getNumberingSystemName(void) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Private symbol strings.
* They are either loaded from a resource bundle or otherwise owned.
* setSymbol() clones the symbol string.
* Readonly aliases can only come from a resource bundle, so that we can always
* use fastCopyFrom() with them.
* If DecimalFormatSymbols becomes subclassable and the status of fSymbols changes
* from private to protected,
* or when fSymbols can be set any other way that allows them to be readonly aliases
* to non-resource bundle strings,
* then regular UnicodeString copies must be used instead of fastCopyFrom().
UnicodeString fSymbols[kFormatSymbolCount];
* Non-symbol variable for getConstSymbol(). Always empty.
UnicodeString fNoSymbol;
* Dealing with code points is faster than dealing with strings when formatting. Because of
* this, we maintain a value containing the zero code point that is used whenever digitStrings
* represents a sequence of ten code points in order.
* <p>If the value stored here is positive, it means that the code point stored in this value
* corresponds to the digitStrings array, and codePointZero can be used instead of the
* digitStrings array for the purposes of efficient formatting; if -1, then digitStrings does
* *not* contain a sequence of code points, and it must be used directly.
* <p>It is assumed that codePointZero always shadows the value in digitStrings. codePointZero
* should never be set directly; rather, it should be updated only when digitStrings mutates.
* That is, the flow of information is digitStrings -> codePointZero, not the other way.
UChar32 fCodePointZero;
Locale locale;
char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
const char16_t* currPattern = nullptr;
UnicodeString currencySpcBeforeSym[UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT];
UnicodeString currencySpcAfterSym[UNUM_CURRENCY_SPACING_COUNT];
UBool fIsCustomCurrencySymbol;
UBool fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol;
char nsName[kInternalNumSysNameCapacity+1] = {};
// -------------------------------------
inline UnicodeString
DecimalFormatSymbols::getSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const {
const UnicodeString *strPtr;
if(symbol < kFormatSymbolCount) {
strPtr = &fSymbols[symbol];
} else {
strPtr = &fNoSymbol;
return *strPtr;
// See comments above for this function. Not hidden with #ifdef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
inline const UnicodeString &
DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol) const {
const UnicodeString *strPtr;
if(symbol < kFormatSymbolCount) {
strPtr = &fSymbols[symbol];
} else {
strPtr = &fNoSymbol;
return *strPtr;
inline const UnicodeString& DecimalFormatSymbols::getConstDigitSymbol(int32_t digit) const {
if (digit < 0 || digit > 9) {
digit = 0;
if (digit == 0) {
return fSymbols[kZeroDigitSymbol];
ENumberFormatSymbol key = static_cast<ENumberFormatSymbol>(kOneDigitSymbol + digit - 1);
return fSymbols[key];
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
// -------------------------------------
inline void
DecimalFormatSymbols::setSymbol(ENumberFormatSymbol symbol, const UnicodeString &value, const UBool propagateDigits = true) {
if (symbol == kCurrencySymbol) {
fIsCustomCurrencySymbol = true;
else if (symbol == kIntlCurrencySymbol) {
fIsCustomIntlCurrencySymbol = true;
if(symbol<kFormatSymbolCount) {
// If the zero digit is being set to a known zero digit according to Unicode,
// then we automatically set the corresponding 1-9 digits
// Also record updates to fCodePointZero. Be conservative if in doubt.
if (symbol == kZeroDigitSymbol) {
UChar32 sym = value.char32At(0);
if ( propagateDigits && u_charDigitValue(sym) == 0 && value.countChar32() == 1 ) {
fCodePointZero = sym;
for ( int8_t i = 1 ; i<= 9 ; i++ ) {
fSymbols[(int)kOneDigitSymbol+i-1] = UnicodeString(sym);
} else {
fCodePointZero = -1;
} else if (symbol >= kOneDigitSymbol && symbol <= kNineDigitSymbol) {
fCodePointZero = -1;
// -------------------------------------
inline Locale
DecimalFormatSymbols::getLocale() const {
return locale;
inline const char16_t*
DecimalFormatSymbols::getCurrencyPattern() const {
return currPattern;
inline const char*
DecimalFormatSymbols::getNumberingSystemName() const {
return nsName;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
#endif // _DCFMTSYM