Your IP :
'use strict'
let npa
const path = require('path')
module.exports = parseArgs
function parseArgs (argv, defaultNpm) {
argv = argv || process.argv
if (argv.length > 2 && argv[2][0] !== '-') {
// fast-path around arg parsing! Don't even need to load yargs here.
return fastPathArgs(argv, defaultNpm)
npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const parser = yargsParser(argv, defaultNpm)
const opts = parser.getOptions()
const bools = new Set(opts.boolean)
let cmdIndex
let hasDashDash
for (let i = 2; i < argv.length; i++) {
const opt = argv[i]
if (opt === '--') {
hasDashDash = true
} else if (opt === '--node-arg' || opt === '-n') {
argv[i] = `${opt}=${argv[i + 1]}`
argv.splice(i + 1, 1)
} else if (opt[0] === '-') {
if (
// --no-install needs to be special-cased because we're abusing
// yargs a bit in order to get the --help text right.
opt !== '--no-install' &&
!bools.has(opt.replace(/^--?(no-)?/i, '')) &&
opt.indexOf('=') === -1
) {
} else {
cmdIndex = i
if (cmdIndex) {
const parsed = parser.parse(argv.slice(0, cmdIndex))
const parsedCmd = npa(argv[cmdIndex])
parsed.command = parsed.package && parsedCmd.type !== 'directory'
? argv[cmdIndex]
: guessCmdName(parsedCmd)
parsed.isLocal = parsedCmd.type === 'directory'
parsed.cmdOpts = argv.slice(cmdIndex + 1)
if (typeof parsed.package === 'string') {
parsed.package = [parsed.package]
parsed.packageRequested = !!parsed.package
parsed.cmdHadVersion = parsed.package || parsedCmd.type === 'directory'
? false
: !== parsedCmd.raw
const pkg = parsed.package || [argv[cmdIndex]]
parsed.p = parsed.package = => npa(p).toString())
return parsed
} else {
const parsed = parser.parse(argv)
if (typeof parsed.package === 'string') {
parsed.package = [parsed.package]
// -c *requires* -p, because the -c string should not be touched by npx
if ( && parsed.package) {
parsed.packageRequested = !!parsed.package
parsed.cmdHadVersion = false
const pkg = parsed.package
parsed.p = parsed.package = => npa(p).toString())
} else if ( && !parsed.package) {
parsed.packageRequested = false
parsed.cmdHadVersion = false
parsed.p = parsed.package = []
} else if (hasDashDash) {
const splitCmd = parsed._.slice(2)
const parsedCmd = npa(splitCmd[0])
parsed.command = parsed.package
? splitCmd[0]
: guessCmdName(parsedCmd)
parsed.cmdOpts = splitCmd.slice(1)
parsed.packageRequested = !!parsed.package
parsed.cmdHadVersion = parsed.package
? false
: !== parsedCmd.raw
const pkg = parsed.package || [splitCmd[0]]
parsed.p = parsed.package = => npa(p).toString())
return parsed
function fastPathArgs (argv, defaultNpm) {
let parsedCmd
let pkg
if (argv[2].match(/^[a-z0-9_-]+$/i)) {
parsedCmd = { registry: true, name: argv[2], raw: argv[2] }
pkg = [`${argv[2]}@latest`]
} else {
npa = require('npm-package-arg')
parsedCmd = npa(argv[2])
if (parsedCmd.type === 'directory') {
pkg = []
} else {
pkg = [parsedCmd.toString()]
return {
command: guessCmdName(parsedCmd),
cmdOpts: argv.slice(3),
packageRequested: false,
isLocal: parsedCmd.type === 'directory',
cmdHadVersion: ( !== parsedCmd.raw &&
parsedCmd.type !== 'directory'
package: pkg,
p: pkg,
shell: false,
noYargs: true,
npm: defaultNpm || 'npm'
parseArgs.showHelp = () => require('yargs').showHelp()
module.exports._guessCmdName = guessCmdName
function guessCmdName (spec) {
if (typeof spec === 'string') {
if (!npa) { npa = require('npm-package-arg') }
spec = npa(spec)
if (spec.scope) {
return + 1)
} else if (spec.registry) {
} else if (spec.hosted && spec.hosted.project) {
return spec.hosted.project
} else if (spec.type === 'git') {
const match = spec.fetchSpec.match(/([a-z0-9-]+)(?:\.git)?$/i)
return match[1]
} else if (spec.type === 'directory') {
return spec.raw
} else if (spec.type === 'file' || spec.type === 'remote') {
let ext = path.extname(spec.fetchSpec)
if (ext === '.gz') {
ext = path.extname(path.basename(spec.fetchSpec, ext)) + ext
return path.basename(spec.fetchSpec, ext).replace(/-\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-[a-z0-9.\-+]+)?$/i, '')
console.error(Y()`Unable to guess a binary name from ${spec.raw}. Please use --package.`)
return null
function yargsParser (argv, defaultNpm) {
const usage = `
npx [${Y()`options`}] <${Y()`command`}>[@${Y()`version`}] [${Y()`command-arg`}]...
npx [${Y()`options`}] [-p|--package <${Y()`package`}>]... <${Y()`command`}> [${Y()`command-arg`}]...
npx [${Y()`options`}] -c '<${Y()`command-string`}>'
npx --shell-auto-fallback [${Y()`shell`}]
return require('yargs')
.usage(Y()`Execute binaries from npm packages.\n${usage}`)
.option('package', {
alias: 'p',
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Package to be installed.`
.option('cache', {
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Location of the npm cache.`
.option('always-spawn', {
describe: Y()`Always spawn a child process to execute the command.`,
type: 'boolean'
.option('no-install', {
type: 'boolean',
describe: Y()`Skip installation if a package is missing.`
.option('userconfig', {
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Path to user npmrc.`
.option('call', {
alias: 'c',
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Execute string as if inside \`npm run-script\`.`
.option('shell', {
alias: 's',
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Shell to execute the command with, if any.`,
default: false
.option('shell-auto-fallback', {
choices: ['', 'bash', 'fish', 'zsh'],
describe: Y()`Generate shell code to use npx as the "command not found" fallback.`,
requireArg: false,
type: 'string'
.option('ignore-existing', {
describe: Y()`Ignores existing binaries in $PATH, or in the local project. This forces npx to do a temporary install and use the latest version.`,
type: 'boolean'
.option('quiet', {
alias: 'q',
describe: Y()`Suppress output from npx itself. Subcommands will not be affected.`,
type: 'boolean'
.option('npm', {
describe: Y()`npm binary to use for internal operations.`,
type: 'string',
default: defaultNpm || 'npm'
.option('node-arg', {
alias: 'n',
type: 'string',
describe: Y()`Extra node argument when calling a node binary.`
.alias('version', 'v')
.alias('help', 'h')
.epilogue(Y()`For the full documentation, see the manual page for npx(1).`)
var _y
function Y () {
if (!_y) { _y = require('./y.js') }
return _y