Your IP :
* This file is part of the Nette Framework (
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (
namespace Nette\Utils;
use Nette;
use Nette\HtmlStringable;
use function is_array, is_float, is_object, is_string;
* HTML helper.
* @property string|null $accept
* @property string|null $accesskey
* @property string|null $action
* @property string|null $align
* @property string|null $allow
* @property string|null $alt
* @property bool|null $async
* @property string|null $autocapitalize
* @property string|null $autocomplete
* @property bool|null $autofocus
* @property bool|null $autoplay
* @property string|null $charset
* @property bool|null $checked
* @property string|null $cite
* @property string|null $class
* @property int|null $cols
* @property int|null $colspan
* @property string|null $content
* @property bool|null $contenteditable
* @property bool|null $controls
* @property string|null $coords
* @property string|null $crossorigin
* @property string|null $data
* @property string|null $datetime
* @property string|null $decoding
* @property bool|null $default
* @property bool|null $defer
* @property string|null $dir
* @property string|null $dirname
* @property bool|null $disabled
* @property bool|null $download
* @property string|null $draggable
* @property string|null $dropzone
* @property string|null $enctype
* @property string|null $for
* @property string|null $form
* @property string|null $formaction
* @property string|null $formenctype
* @property string|null $formmethod
* @property bool|null $formnovalidate
* @property string|null $formtarget
* @property string|null $headers
* @property int|null $height
* @property bool|null $hidden
* @property float|null $high
* @property string|null $href
* @property string|null $hreflang
* @property string|null $id
* @property string|null $integrity
* @property string|null $inputmode
* @property bool|null $ismap
* @property string|null $itemprop
* @property string|null $kind
* @property string|null $label
* @property string|null $lang
* @property string|null $list
* @property bool|null $loop
* @property float|null $low
* @property float|null $max
* @property int|null $maxlength
* @property int|null $minlength
* @property string|null $media
* @property string|null $method
* @property float|null $min
* @property bool|null $multiple
* @property bool|null $muted
* @property string|null $name
* @property bool|null $novalidate
* @property bool|null $open
* @property float|null $optimum
* @property string|null $pattern
* @property string|null $ping
* @property string|null $placeholder
* @property string|null $poster
* @property string|null $preload
* @property string|null $radiogroup
* @property bool|null $readonly
* @property string|null $rel
* @property bool|null $required
* @property bool|null $reversed
* @property int|null $rows
* @property int|null $rowspan
* @property string|null $sandbox
* @property string|null $scope
* @property bool|null $selected
* @property string|null $shape
* @property int|null $size
* @property string|null $sizes
* @property string|null $slot
* @property int|null $span
* @property string|null $spellcheck
* @property string|null $src
* @property string|null $srcdoc
* @property string|null $srclang
* @property string|null $srcset
* @property int|null $start
* @property float|null $step
* @property string|null $style
* @property int|null $tabindex
* @property string|null $target
* @property string|null $title
* @property string|null $translate
* @property string|null $type
* @property string|null $usemap
* @property string|null $value
* @property int|null $width
* @property string|null $wrap
* @method self accept(?string $val)
* @method self accesskey(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self action(?string $val)
* @method self align(?string $val)
* @method self allow(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self alt(?string $val)
* @method self async(?bool $val)
* @method self autocapitalize(?string $val)
* @method self autocomplete(?string $val)
* @method self autofocus(?bool $val)
* @method self autoplay(?bool $val)
* @method self charset(?string $val)
* @method self checked(?bool $val)
* @method self cite(?string $val)
* @method self class(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self cols(?int $val)
* @method self colspan(?int $val)
* @method self content(?string $val)
* @method self contenteditable(?bool $val)
* @method self controls(?bool $val)
* @method self coords(?string $val)
* @method self crossorigin(?string $val)
* @method self datetime(?string $val)
* @method self decoding(?string $val)
* @method self default(?bool $val)
* @method self defer(?bool $val)
* @method self dir(?string $val)
* @method self dirname(?string $val)
* @method self disabled(?bool $val)
* @method self download(?bool $val)
* @method self draggable(?string $val)
* @method self dropzone(?string $val)
* @method self enctype(?string $val)
* @method self for(?string $val)
* @method self form(?string $val)
* @method self formaction(?string $val)
* @method self formenctype(?string $val)
* @method self formmethod(?string $val)
* @method self formnovalidate(?bool $val)
* @method self formtarget(?string $val)
* @method self headers(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self height(?int $val)
* @method self hidden(?bool $val)
* @method self high(?float $val)
* @method self hreflang(?string $val)
* @method self id(?string $val)
* @method self integrity(?string $val)
* @method self inputmode(?string $val)
* @method self ismap(?bool $val)
* @method self itemprop(?string $val)
* @method self kind(?string $val)
* @method self label(?string $val)
* @method self lang(?string $val)
* @method self list(?string $val)
* @method self loop(?bool $val)
* @method self low(?float $val)
* @method self max(?float $val)
* @method self maxlength(?int $val)
* @method self minlength(?int $val)
* @method self media(?string $val)
* @method self method(?string $val)
* @method self min(?float $val)
* @method self multiple(?bool $val)
* @method self muted(?bool $val)
* @method self name(?string $val)
* @method self novalidate(?bool $val)
* @method self open(?bool $val)
* @method self optimum(?float $val)
* @method self pattern(?string $val)
* @method self ping(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self placeholder(?string $val)
* @method self poster(?string $val)
* @method self preload(?string $val)
* @method self radiogroup(?string $val)
* @method self readonly(?bool $val)
* @method self rel(?string $val)
* @method self required(?bool $val)
* @method self reversed(?bool $val)
* @method self rows(?int $val)
* @method self rowspan(?int $val)
* @method self sandbox(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self scope(?string $val)
* @method self selected(?bool $val)
* @method self shape(?string $val)
* @method self size(?int $val)
* @method self sizes(?string $val)
* @method self slot(?string $val)
* @method self span(?int $val)
* @method self spellcheck(?string $val)
* @method self src(?string $val)
* @method self srcdoc(?string $val)
* @method self srclang(?string $val)
* @method self srcset(?string $val)
* @method self start(?int $val)
* @method self step(?float $val)
* @method self style(?string $property, string $val = null)
* @method self tabindex(?int $val)
* @method self target(?string $val)
* @method self title(?string $val)
* @method self translate(?string $val)
* @method self type(?string $val)
* @method self usemap(?string $val)
* @method self value(?string $val)
* @method self width(?int $val)
* @method self wrap(?string $val)
class Html implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, HtmlStringable
use Nette\SmartObject;
/** @var array<string, mixed> element's attributes */
public $attrs = [];
/** @var bool use XHTML syntax? */
public static $xhtml = false;
/** @var array<string, int> void elements */
public static $emptyElements = [
'img' => 1, 'hr' => 1, 'br' => 1, 'input' => 1, 'meta' => 1, 'area' => 1, 'embed' => 1, 'keygen' => 1,
'source' => 1, 'base' => 1, 'col' => 1, 'link' => 1, 'param' => 1, 'basefont' => 1, 'frame' => 1,
'isindex' => 1, 'wbr' => 1, 'command' => 1, 'track' => 1,
/** @var array<int, HtmlStringable|string> nodes */
protected $children = [];
/** @var string element's name */
private $name;
/** @var bool is element empty? */
private $isEmpty;
* Constructs new HTML element.
* @param array|string $attrs element's attributes or plain text content
* @return static
public static function el(?string $name = null, $attrs = null)
$el = new static;
$parts = explode(' ', (string) $name, 2);
if (is_array($attrs)) {
$el->attrs = $attrs;
} elseif ($attrs !== null) {
if (isset($parts[1])) {
foreach (Strings::matchAll($parts[1] . ' ', '#([a-z0-9:-]+)(?:=(["\'])?(.*?)(?(2)\2|\s))?#i') as $m) {
$el->attrs[$m[1]] = $m[3] ?? true;
return $el;
* Returns an object representing HTML text.
public static function fromHtml(string $html): self
return (new static)->setHtml($html);
* Returns an object representing plain text.
public static function fromText(string $text): self
return (new static)->setText($text);
* Converts to HTML.
final public function toHtml(): string
return $this->render();
* Converts to plain text.
final public function toText(): string
return $this->getText();
* Converts given HTML code to plain text.
public static function htmlToText(string $html): string
return html_entity_decode(strip_tags($html), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
* Changes element's name.
* @return static
final public function setName(string $name, ?bool $isEmpty = null)
$this->name = $name;
$this->isEmpty = $isEmpty ?? isset(static::$emptyElements[$name]);
return $this;
* Returns element's name.
final public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
* Is element empty?
final public function isEmpty(): bool
return $this->isEmpty;
* Sets multiple attributes.
* @return static
public function addAttributes(array $attrs)
$this->attrs = array_merge($this->attrs, $attrs);
return $this;
* Appends value to element's attribute.
* @param mixed $value
* @param mixed $option
* @return static
public function appendAttribute(string $name, $value, $option = true)
if (is_array($value)) {
$prev = isset($this->attrs[$name]) ? (array) $this->attrs[$name] : [];
$this->attrs[$name] = $value + $prev;
} elseif ((string) $value === '') {
$tmp = &$this->attrs[$name]; // appending empty value? -> ignore, but ensure it exists
} elseif (!isset($this->attrs[$name]) || is_array($this->attrs[$name])) { // needs array
$this->attrs[$name][$value] = $option;
} else {
$this->attrs[$name] = [$this->attrs[$name] => true, $value => $option];
return $this;
* Sets element's attribute.
* @param mixed $value
* @return static
public function setAttribute(string $name, $value)
$this->attrs[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* Returns element's attribute.
* @return mixed
public function getAttribute(string $name)
return $this->attrs[$name] ?? null;
* Unsets element's attribute.
* @return static
public function removeAttribute(string $name)
return $this;
* Unsets element's attributes.
* @return static
public function removeAttributes(array $attributes)
foreach ($attributes as $name) {
return $this;
* Overloaded setter for element's attribute.
* @param mixed $value
final public function __set(string $name, $value): void
$this->attrs[$name] = $value;
* Overloaded getter for element's attribute.
* @return mixed
final public function &__get(string $name)
return $this->attrs[$name];
* Overloaded tester for element's attribute.
final public function __isset(string $name): bool
return isset($this->attrs[$name]);
* Overloaded unsetter for element's attribute.
final public function __unset(string $name): void
* Overloaded setter for element's attribute.
* @return mixed
final public function __call(string $m, array $args)
$p = substr($m, 0, 3);
if ($p === 'get' || $p === 'set' || $p === 'add') {
$m = substr($m, 3);
$m[0] = $m[0] | "\x20";
if ($p === 'get') {
return $this->attrs[$m] ?? null;
} elseif ($p === 'add') {
$args[] = true;
if (count($args) === 0) { // invalid
} elseif (count($args) === 1) { // set
$this->attrs[$m] = $args[0];
} else { // add
$this->appendAttribute($m, $args[0], $args[1]);
return $this;
* Special setter for element's attribute.
* @return static
final public function href(string $path, ?array $query = null)
if ($query) {
$query = http_build_query($query, '', '&');
if ($query !== '') {
$path .= '?' . $query;
$this->attrs['href'] = $path;
return $this;
* Setter for data-* attributes. Booleans are converted to 'true' resp. 'false'.
* @param mixed $value
* @return static
public function data(string $name, $value = null)
if (func_num_args() === 1) {
$this->attrs['data'] = $name;
} else {
$this->attrs["data-$name"] = is_bool($value)
? json_encode($value)
: $value;
return $this;
* Sets element's HTML content.
* @param HtmlStringable|string $html
* @return static
final public function setHtml($html)
$this->children = [(string) $html];
return $this;
* Returns element's HTML content.
final public function getHtml(): string
return implode('', $this->children);
* Sets element's textual content.
* @param HtmlStringable|string|int|float $text
* @return static
final public function setText($text)
if (!$text instanceof HtmlStringable) {
$text = htmlspecialchars((string) $text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$this->children = [(string) $text];
return $this;
* Returns element's textual content.
final public function getText(): string
return self::htmlToText($this->getHtml());
* Adds new element's child.
* @param HtmlStringable|string $child Html node or raw HTML string
* @return static
final public function addHtml($child)
return $this->insert(null, $child);
* Appends plain-text string to element content.
* @param HtmlStringable|string|int|float $text
* @return static
public function addText($text)
if (!$text instanceof HtmlStringable) {
$text = htmlspecialchars((string) $text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $this->insert(null, $text);
* Creates and adds a new Html child.
* @param array|string $attrs element's attributes or raw HTML string
* @return static created element
final public function create(string $name, $attrs = null)
$this->insert(null, $child = static::el($name, $attrs));
return $child;
* Inserts child node.
* @param HtmlStringable|string $child Html node or raw HTML string
* @return static
public function insert(?int $index, $child, bool $replace = false)
$child = $child instanceof self ? $child : (string) $child;
if ($index === null) { // append
$this->children[] = $child;
} else { // insert or replace
array_splice($this->children, $index, $replace ? 1 : 0, [$child]);
return $this;
* Inserts (replaces) child node (\ArrayAccess implementation).
* @param int|null $index position or null for appending
* @param Html|string $child Html node or raw HTML string
final public function offsetSet($index, $child): void
$this->insert($index, $child, true);
* Returns child node (\ArrayAccess implementation).
* @param int $index
* @return HtmlStringable|string
final public function offsetGet($index)
return $this->children[$index];
* Exists child node? (\ArrayAccess implementation).
* @param int $index
final public function offsetExists($index): bool
return isset($this->children[$index]);
* Removes child node (\ArrayAccess implementation).
* @param int $index
public function offsetUnset($index): void
if (isset($this->children[$index])) {
array_splice($this->children, $index, 1);
* Returns children count.
final public function count(): int
return count($this->children);
* Removes all children.
public function removeChildren(): void
$this->children = [];
* Iterates over elements.
* @return \ArrayIterator<int, HtmlStringable|string>
final public function getIterator(): \ArrayIterator
return new \ArrayIterator($this->children);
* Returns all children.
final public function getChildren(): array
return $this->children;
* Renders element's start tag, content and end tag.
final public function render(?int $indent = null): string
$s = $this->startTag();
if (!$this->isEmpty) {
// add content
if ($indent !== null) {
foreach ($this->children as $child) {
if ($child instanceof self) {
$s .= $child->render($indent);
} else {
$s .= $child;
// add end tag
$s .= $this->endTag();
if ($indent !== null) {
return "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $indent - 1) . $s . "\n" . str_repeat("\t", max(0, $indent - 2));
return $s;
final public function __toString(): string
try {
return $this->render();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
throw $e;
trigger_error('Exception in ' . __METHOD__ . "(): {$e->getMessage()} in {$e->getFile()}:{$e->getLine()}", E_USER_ERROR);
return '';
* Returns element's start tag.
final public function startTag(): string
return $this->name
? '<' . $this->name . $this->attributes() . (static::$xhtml && $this->isEmpty ? ' />' : '>')
: '';
* Returns element's end tag.
final public function endTag(): string
return $this->name && !$this->isEmpty ? '</' . $this->name . '>' : '';
* Returns element's attributes.
* @internal
final public function attributes(): string
if (!is_array($this->attrs)) {
return '';
$s = '';
$attrs = $this->attrs;
foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
if ($value === null || $value === false) {
} elseif ($value === true) {
if (static::$xhtml) {
$s .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $key . '"';
} else {
$s .= ' ' . $key;
} elseif (is_array($value)) {
if (strncmp($key, 'data-', 5) === 0) {
$value = Json::encode($value);
} else {
$tmp = null;
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if ($v != null) { // intentionally ==, skip nulls & empty string
// composite 'style' vs. 'others'
$tmp[] = $v === true
? $k
: (is_string($k) ? $k . ':' . $v : $v);
if ($tmp === null) {
$value = implode($key === 'style' || !strncmp($key, 'on', 2) ? ';' : ' ', $tmp);
} elseif (is_float($value)) {
$value = rtrim(rtrim(number_format($value, 10, '.', ''), '0'), '.');
} else {
$value = (string) $value;
$q = strpos($value, '"') === false ? '"' : "'";
$s .= ' ' . $key . '=' . $q
. str_replace(
['&', $q, '<'],
['&', $q === '"' ? '"' : ''', self::$xhtml ? '<' : '<'],
. (strpos($value, '`') !== false && strpbrk($value, ' <>"\'') === false ? ' ' : '')
. $q;
$s = str_replace('@', '@', $s);
return $s;
* Clones all children too.
public function __clone()
foreach ($this->children as $key => $value) {
if (is_object($value)) {
$this->children[$key] = clone $value;