Your IP :
* This file is part of the Predis package.
* (c) Daniele Alessandri <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Predis;
use Predis\Command\CommandInterface;
use Predis\Command\RawCommand;
use Predis\Command\ScriptCommand;
use Predis\Configuration\Options;
use Predis\Configuration\OptionsInterface;
use Predis\Connection\ConnectionInterface;
use Predis\Connection\Parameters;
use Predis\Connection\ParametersInterface;
use Predis\Monitor\Consumer as MonitorConsumer;
use Predis\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use Predis\PubSub\Consumer as PubSubConsumer;
use Predis\Response\ErrorInterface as ErrorResponseInterface;
use Predis\Response\ResponseInterface;
use Predis\Response\ServerException;
use Predis\Transaction\MultiExec as MultiExecTransaction;
* Client class used for connecting and executing commands on Redis.
* This is the main high-level abstraction of Predis upon which various other
* abstractions are built. Internally it aggregates various other classes each
* one with its own responsibility and scope.
* {@inheritdoc}
* @author Daniele Alessandri <>
class Client implements ClientInterface, \IteratorAggregate
const VERSION = '2.0.2';
/** @var OptionsInterface */
private $options;
/** @var ConnectionInterface */
private $connection;
/** @var Command\FactoryInterface */
private $commands;
* @param mixed $parameters Connection parameters for one or more servers.
* @param mixed $options Options to configure some behaviours of the client.
public function __construct($parameters = null, $options = null)
$this->options = static::createOptions($options ?? new Options);
$this->connection = static::createConnection($this->options, $parameters ?? new Parameters);
$this->commands = $this->options->commands;
* Creates a new set of client options for the client.
* @param array|OptionsInterface $options Set of client options
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return OptionsInterface
protected static function createOptions($options)
if (is_array($options)) {
return new Options($options);
} elseif ($options instanceof OptionsInterface) {
return $options;
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type for client options');
* Creates single or aggregate connections from supplied arguments.
* This method accepts the following types to create a connection instance:
* - Array (dictionary: single connection, indexed: aggregate connections)
* - String (URI for a single connection)
* - Callable (connection initializer callback)
* - Instance of Predis\Connection\ParametersInterface (used as-is)
* - Instance of Predis\Connection\ConnectionInterface (returned as-is)
* When a callable is passed, it receives the original set of client options
* and must return an instance of Predis\Connection\ConnectionInterface.
* Connections are created using the connection factory (in case of single
* connections) or a specialized aggregate connection initializer (in case
* of cluster and replication) retrieved from the supplied client options.
* @param OptionsInterface $options Client options container
* @param mixed $parameters Connection parameters
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return ConnectionInterface
protected static function createConnection(OptionsInterface $options, $parameters)
if ($parameters instanceof ConnectionInterface) {
return $parameters;
if ($parameters instanceof ParametersInterface || is_string($parameters)) {
return $options->connections->create($parameters);
if (is_array($parameters)) {
if (!isset($parameters[0])) {
return $options->connections->create($parameters);
} elseif ($options->defined('cluster') && $initializer = $options->cluster) {
return $initializer($parameters, true);
} elseif ($options->defined('replication') && $initializer = $options->replication) {
return $initializer($parameters, true);
} elseif ($options->defined('aggregate') && $initializer = $options->aggregate) {
return $initializer($parameters, false);
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Array of connection parameters requires `cluster`, `replication` or `aggregate` client option'
if (is_callable($parameters)) {
$connection = call_user_func($parameters, $options);
if (!$connection instanceof ConnectionInterface) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Callable parameters must return a valid connection');
return $connection;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type for connection parameters');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCommandFactory()
return $this->commands;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getOptions()
return $this->options;
* Creates a new client using a specific underlying connection.
* This method allows to create a new client instance by picking a specific
* connection out of an aggregate one, with the same options of the original
* client instance.
* The specified selector defines which logic to use to look for a suitable
* connection by the specified value. Supported selectors are:
* - `id`
* - `key`
* - `slot`
* - `command`
* - `alias`
* - `role`
* Internally the client relies on duck-typing and follows this convention:
* $selector string => getConnectionBy$selector($value) method
* This means that support for specific selectors may vary depending on the
* actual logic implemented by connection classes and there is no interface
* binding a connection class to implement any of these.
* @param string $selector Type of selector.
* @param mixed $value Value to be used by the selector.
* @return ClientInterface
public function getClientBy($selector, $value)
$selector = strtolower($selector);
if (!in_array($selector, array('id', 'key', 'slot', 'role', 'alias', 'command'))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid selector type: `$selector`");
if (!method_exists($this->connection, $method = "getConnectionBy$selector")) {
$class = get_class($this->connection);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Selecting connection by $selector is not supported by $class");
if (!$connection = $this->connection->$method($value)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot find a connection by $selector matching `$value`");
return new static($connection, $this->getOptions());
* Opens the underlying connection and connects to the server.
public function connect()
* Closes the underlying connection and disconnects from the server.
public function disconnect()
* Closes the underlying connection and disconnects from the server.
* This is the same as `Client::disconnect()` as it does not actually send
* the `QUIT` command to Redis, but simply closes the connection.
public function quit()
* Returns the current state of the underlying connection.
* @return bool
public function isConnected()
return $this->connection->isConnected();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getConnection()
return $this->connection;
* Executes a command without filtering its arguments, parsing the response,
* applying any prefix to keys or throwing exceptions on Redis errors even
* regardless of client options.
* It is possible to identify Redis error responses from normal responses
* using the second optional argument which is populated by reference.
* @param array $arguments Command arguments as defined by the command signature.
* @param bool $error Set to TRUE when Redis returned an error response.
* @return mixed
public function executeRaw(array $arguments, &$error = null)
$error = false;
$commandID = array_shift($arguments);
$response = $this->connection->executeCommand(
new RawCommand($commandID, $arguments)
if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
if ($response instanceof ErrorResponseInterface) {
$error = true;
return (string) $response;
return $response;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __call($commandID, $arguments)
return $this->executeCommand(
$this->createCommand($commandID, $arguments)
* {@inheritdoc}
public function createCommand($commandID, $arguments = array())
return $this->commands->create($commandID, $arguments);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function executeCommand(CommandInterface $command)
$response = $this->connection->executeCommand($command);
if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
if ($response instanceof ErrorResponseInterface) {
$response = $this->onErrorResponse($command, $response);
return $response;
return $command->parseResponse($response);
* Handles -ERR responses returned by Redis.
* @param CommandInterface $command Redis command that generated the error.
* @param ErrorResponseInterface $response Instance of the error response.
* @throws ServerException
* @return mixed
protected function onErrorResponse(CommandInterface $command, ErrorResponseInterface $response)
if ($command instanceof ScriptCommand && $response->getErrorType() === 'NOSCRIPT') {
$response = $this->executeCommand($command->getEvalCommand());
if (!$response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
$response = $command->parseResponse($response);
return $response;
if ($this->options->exceptions) {
throw new ServerException($response->getMessage());
return $response;
* Executes the specified initializer method on `$this` by adjusting the
* actual invokation depending on the arity (0, 1 or 2 arguments). This is
* simply an utility method to create Redis contexts instances since they
* follow a common initialization path.
* @param string $initializer Method name.
* @param array $argv Arguments for the method.
* @return mixed
private function sharedContextFactory($initializer, $argv = null)
switch (count($argv)) {
case 0:
return $this->$initializer();
case 1:
return is_array($argv[0])
? $this->$initializer($argv[0])
: $this->$initializer(null, $argv[0]);
case 2:
list($arg0, $arg1) = $argv;
return $this->$initializer($arg0, $arg1);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
return $this->$initializer($this, $argv);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Creates a new pipeline context and returns it, or returns the results of
* a pipeline executed inside the optionally provided callable object.
* @param mixed ... Array of options, a callable for execution, or both.
* @return Pipeline|array
public function pipeline(/* arguments */)
return $this->sharedContextFactory('createPipeline', func_get_args());
* Actual pipeline context initializer method.
* @param array $options Options for the context.
* @param mixed $callable Optional callable used to execute the context.
* @return Pipeline|array
protected function createPipeline(array $options = null, $callable = null)
if (isset($options['atomic']) && $options['atomic']) {
$class = 'Predis\Pipeline\Atomic';
} elseif (isset($options['fire-and-forget']) && $options['fire-and-forget']) {
$class = 'Predis\Pipeline\FireAndForget';
} else {
$class = 'Predis\Pipeline\Pipeline';
* @var ClientContextInterface
$pipeline = new $class($this);
if (isset($callable)) {
return $pipeline->execute($callable);
return $pipeline;
* Creates a new transaction context and returns it, or returns the results
* of a transaction executed inside the optionally provided callable object.
* @param mixed ... Array of options, a callable for execution, or both.
* @return MultiExecTransaction|array
public function transaction(/* arguments */)
return $this->sharedContextFactory('createTransaction', func_get_args());
* Actual transaction context initializer method.
* @param array $options Options for the context.
* @param mixed $callable Optional callable used to execute the context.
* @return MultiExecTransaction|array
protected function createTransaction(array $options = null, $callable = null)
$transaction = new MultiExecTransaction($this, $options);
if (isset($callable)) {
return $transaction->execute($callable);
return $transaction;
* Creates a new publish/subscribe context and returns it, or starts its loop
* inside the optionally provided callable object.
* @param mixed ... Array of options, a callable for execution, or both.
* @return PubSubConsumer|null
public function pubSubLoop(/* arguments */)
return $this->sharedContextFactory('createPubSub', func_get_args());
* Actual publish/subscribe context initializer method.
* @param array $options Options for the context.
* @param mixed $callable Optional callable used to execute the context.
* @return PubSubConsumer|null
protected function createPubSub(array $options = null, $callable = null)
$pubsub = new PubSubConsumer($this, $options);
if (!isset($callable)) {
return $pubsub;
foreach ($pubsub as $message) {
if (call_user_func($callable, $pubsub, $message) === false) {
* Creates a new monitor consumer and returns it.
* @return MonitorConsumer
public function monitor()
return new MonitorConsumer($this);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getIterator()
$clients = array();
$connection = $this->getConnection();
if (!$connection instanceof \Traversable) {
return new \ArrayIterator(array(
(string) $connection => new static($connection, $this->getOptions())
foreach ($connection as $node) {
$clients[(string) $node] = new static($node, $this->getOptions());
return new \ArrayIterator($clients);