Your IP :
* notifIt! by @naoxink
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
} else {
// Browser globals
var package = factory(root.b);
root.notif = package.notif;
root.notif_confirm = package.notif_confirm;
root.notif_prompt = package.notif_prompt;
}(this, function() {
// Notification
function notif(config) {
// Util stuff
var create_close_button = function() {
return $('<span>', {
'id': 'notifIt_close',
'html': '×'
var create_notification = function() {
var div = $('<div>', {
'id': 'ui_notifIt'
var p = $('<p>', {
html: defaults.msg
return div;
// We love jQuery
var $ = jQuery;
var destroy = function() {
var dismiss = function(){
if (!defaults.fade) {
// Set animations
if (defaults.animations &&
defaults.animations[defaults.animation] &&
defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position] &&
defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].out &&
defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].out.start &&
defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].out.end) {
animation1 = defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].out.start
animation2 = defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].out.end
} else if (defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]] &&
defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position] &&
defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position].out &&
defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position].out.start &&
defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position].out.end) {
animation1 = defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position].out.start
animation2 = defaults.animations[defaults.available_animations[0]][defaults.position].out.end
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid animation')
// Execute animations
$("#ui_notifIt").animate(animation1, 100, function() {
$("#ui_notifIt").animate(animation2, 100, function() {
if (defaults.callback) {
} else {
// jQuery's fade, why create my own?
$("#ui_notifIt").fadeOut("slow", function() {
if (defaults.callback) {
// Global timeout
window.notifit_timeout = null;
// Mid position
var mid = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) / 2;
// Available positions
var available_positions = ['left', 'center', 'right', 'bottom'];
// Default config
var defaults = {
type: "default",
width: 400,
height: 60,
position: "right",
autohide: 1,
msg: "This is my default message",
opacity: 1,
multiline: 0,
fade: 0,
bgcolor: "",
color: "",
timeout: 5000,
zindex: null,
offset: 0,
callback: null,
clickable: false,
animation: 'slide'
// Extend with new params
$.extend(defaults, config);
// Animation config
// ** Maybe create an external js with only animations for easier customizing? **
defaults.animations = {}
// Slide animation [DEFAULT]
defaults.animations.slide = {
'center': {
'css_start': {
"top": parseInt(0 - (defaults.height + 10)),
"left": mid - parseInt(defaults.width / 2)
'in': {
'top': parseInt(10 + defaults.offset)
'out': {
'start': {
'top': parseInt(defaults.height - (defaults.height / 2))
'end': {
'top': parseInt(0 - (defaults.height * 2))
'bottom': {
'css_start': {
"top": 'auto',
"bottom": parseInt(0 - (defaults.height + 10)),
"left": mid - parseInt(defaults.width / 2)
'in': {
'bottom': parseInt(10 + defaults.offset)
'out': {
'start': {
'bottom': parseInt(defaults.height - (defaults.height / 2))
'end': {
'bottom': parseInt(0 - (defaults.height * 2))
'right': {
'css_start': {
"right": parseInt(0 - (defaults.width + 10)),
"right": parseInt(0 - (defaults.width * 2))
'in': {
'right': parseInt(10 + defaults.offset)
'out': {
'start': {
'right': parseFloat(defaults.width - (defaults.width * 0.9))
'end': {
'right': parseInt(0 - (defaults.width * 2))
'left': {
'css_start': {
"left": parseInt(0 - (defaults.width + 10))
'in': {
'left': parseInt(10 + defaults.offset)
'out': {
'start': {
'left': parseFloat(defaults.width - (defaults.width * 0.9))
'end': {
'left': parseInt(0 - (defaults.width * 2))
// Zoom animation
defaults.animations.zoom = {
'center': { // Not working well
'css_start': {
"top": 10,
"left": mid - parseInt(defaults.width / 2),
"zoom": 0.01
'in': {
'zoom': 1
'out': {
'start': {
'zoom': 1.3
'end': {
'zoom': 0.01
'bottom': { // Not working well
'css_start': {
"top": 'auto',
"bottom": 10,
"left": mid - parseInt(defaults.width / 2),
"zoom": 0.01
'in': {
'zoom': 1
'out': {
'start': {
'zoom': 1.3
'end': {
'zoom': 0.01
'right': {
'css_start': {
'right': 10,
'zoom': 0.01
'in': {
'right': parseInt(10 + defaults.offset),
'zoom': 1
'out': {
'start': {
'zoom': 1.3
'end': {
'zoom': 0.01
'left': {
'css_start': {
'left': 10,
'zoom': 0.01
'in': {
'zoom': 1
'out': {
'start': {
'zoom': 1.3
'end': {
'zoom': 0.01
// Check if animation exists
defaults.available_animations = Object.keys(defaults.animations)
if (!defaults.available_animations.length) {
throw new Error('No animations')
if (!available_positions.length) {
throw new Error('No available positions')
if (available_positions.indexOf(defaults.position) === -1) {
defaults.position = available_positions[0]
if (defaults.available_animations.indexOf(defaults.animation) === -1) {
defaults.animation = defaults.available_animations[0]
// Check callback
if (typeof defaults.callback !== 'function') {
defaults.callback = null;
// Width & Height
if (defaults.width > 0) {
defaults.width = defaults.width;
} else if (defaults.width === "all") {
defaults.width = screen.width - 60;
} else {
defaults.width = 400;
if (defaults.height > 100 || defaults.height < 0) {
defaults.height = 60;
// Create notification itself
var div = create_notification()
// If clickable add close button
if (defaults.clickable) {
// Set z-index
if (defaults.zindex) {
$("#ui_notifIt").css("z-index", defaults.zindex);
// If multiline we have to set the padding instead line-height
if (defaults.multiline) {
$("#ui_notifIt").css("padding", 15);
} else {
$("#ui_notifIt").css("height", defaults.height);
$("#ui_notifIt p").css("line-height", defaults.height + "px");
// Basic css
"width": defaults.width,
"opacity": defaults.opacity,
"background-color": defaults.bgcolor,
"color": defaults.color
$("#ui_notifIt p").css({
"color": defaults.color
// Class 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'info'..
// Set entry animation
if (defaults.animations[defaults.animation][defaults.position].css_start) {
} else {
// Execute entry animation
// Events
if (!defaults.clickable) {
$("#ui_notifIt").click(function(e) {
$('body').on('click', '#ui_notifIt #notifIt_close', function() {
if (defaults.autohide) {
if (!isNaN(defaults.timeout)) {
window.notifit_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, defaults.timeout);
return {
'destroy': destroy,
'dismiss': dismiss
// Confirm
function notif_confirm(config){
var $ = jQuery
var _config = {
'textaccept': 'Accept',
'textcancel': 'Cancel',
'message': 'Is that what you want to do?',
'fullscreen': false,
'callback': null
var settings = $.extend({ }, _config, config)
var $confirm = $('.notifit_confirm')[0] ? $('.notifit_confirm') : null;
var $bg = $('.notifit_confirm_bg')[0] ? $('.notifit_confirm_bg') : null;
function _create(){
if($confirm !== null){
return $confirm
var $acceptButton = $('<button>', {
'class': 'notifit_confirm_accept',
'text': settings.textaccept
var $cancelButton = $('<button>', {
'class': 'notifit_confirm_cancel',
'text': settings.textcancel
var $message = $('<div>', {
'class': 'notifit_confirm_message',
'text': settings.message
$confirm = $('<div>', {
'class': 'notifit_confirm'
$bg = $('<div>', { 'class': 'notifit_confirm_bg' })
return $confirm
function _show(){
'top': $bg.outerHeight() / 2 - ($confirm.outerHeight() / 2),
'left': $bg.outerWidth() / 2 - ($confirm.outerWidth() / 2)
$bg.fadeIn('fast', function(){ $confirm.slideDown('fast') })
'top': '20px',
'left': 'auto',
'right': '20px',
'display': 'none'
function _hide(){
$confirm.slideUp('fast', function(){
$bg.fadeOut('fast', function(){
function _callback(){
var response = null
response = true
}else if($(this).hasClass('notifit_confirm_cancel')){
response = false
if(typeof settings.callback === 'function'){
return settings.callback(response)
return response
function _setListeners(){
$('html').one('click', '.notifit_confirm_accept, .notifit_confirm_cancel', _callback)
// Get the party started! \o/
// Prompt
function notif_prompt(config){
var $ = jQuery
var _config = {
'message': 'Tell me something',
'default_value': '',
'textaccept': 'Accept',
'textcancel': 'Cancel',
'fullscreen': false,
'callback': null
var settings = $.extend({ }, _config, config)
var $prompt = $('.notifit_prompt')[0] ? $('.notifit_prompt') : null;
var $bg = $('.notifit_prompt_bg')[0] ? $('.notifit_prompt_bg') : null;
function _create(){
if($prompt !== null){ return $prompt }
var $acceptButton = $('<button>', {
'class': 'notifit_prompt_accept',
'text': settings.textaccept
var $cancelButton = $('<button>', {
'class': 'notifit_prompt_cancel',
'text': settings.textcancel
var $message = $('<p>', {
'class': 'notifit_prompt_message',
'text': settings.message
var $input = $('<input>', {
'type': 'text',
'class': 'notifit_prompt_input',
'value': settings.default_value
$prompt = $('<div>', {
'class': 'notifit_prompt'
$bg = $('<div>', { 'class': 'notifit_prompt_bg' })
return $prompt
function _show(){
'top': $bg.outerHeight() / 2 - ($prompt.outerHeight() / 2),
'left': $bg.outerWidth() / 2 - ($prompt.outerWidth() / 2)
$bg.fadeIn('fast', function(){ $prompt.slideDown('fast', function(){ $(this).find('.notifit_prompt_input').focus() }) })
'top': '20px',
'left': 'auto',
'right': '20px',
'display': 'none'
$prompt.slideDown('fast', function(){ $(this).find('.notifit_prompt_input').focus() })
function _hide(){
$prompt.slideUp('fast', function(){
$bg.fadeOut('fast', function(){
function _callback(){
var response = null
response = $(this).parents('.notifit_prompt').find('.notifit_prompt_input').val()
}else if($(this).hasClass('notifit_prompt_cancel')){
response = false
if(typeof settings.callback === 'function'){
return settings.callback(response)
return response
function _setListeners(){
$('html').one('click', '.notifit_prompt_accept, .notifit_prompt_cancel', _callback)
// Get the party started! Again! \o/
return {
notif: notif,
notif_confirm: notif_confirm,
notif_prompt: notif_prompt