Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/home/lentoinv/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/home/lentoinv/

<?php     session_start(); ob_start();
	@ini_set('display_error', 0);    include("../cludes/");
	$page = 17;

if(array_key_exists('exp', $_POST)){
	 $_SESSION['psn'] = $_POST['id'] ;
	 $_SESSION['dmy'] = $_POST['dmy'] ;
	 	 $_SESSION['day'] = $_POST['day'] ;
	 	 header('location: report.php');
$psn= $_SESSION['psn'];
$dsn= $_SESSION['dsn'];

			  $query=$db->query("select * FROM district WHERE sn='$dsn' " )or die(mysqli_error());
							$district = $ro['district'];
							$zone = $ro['zone'];
							$dc = $ro['dc'];
							$phone = $ro['phone'];
							$gsn = $ro['gid'];
							$qu=$db->query("select * FROM zone WHERE sn='$gsn' " )or die(mysqli_error());
							$gc = $ru['gc'];
							$gphone = $ru['phone'];

$wk = date('W');
$year = date('y');
if(date('D')=="Sun"){$cw=$wk+1; } else{$cw=$wk;}							

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                <h3 class="panel-title"> Weekly Church Growth Chart for Sunday Worship Service</h3>
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