Your IP :
* Sample configuration.php file.
* Is not be used by api.php and serves only as a template
if (!defined("SOFAWIKI")) die("invalid acces");
// 1. Name your wiki
$swMainName = "[[site_name]]"; // SofaWiki
$swBaseHrefFolder = "[[softurl]]/"; //
$swBaseHref = $swBaseHrefFolder.'index.php'; //
// 2. Create a cookie prefix if you have multiple wikis on the same domain and add personal cookies here
//$swCookiePrefix = 'sofawiki';
if (array_key_exists('affiliate',$_GET))
swSetCookie("affiliate", $_GET['aff'],2*604800);
// 2. Create a master user. This needed because there is no user page yet at installation
$poweruser = new swUser;
$poweruser->username = "[[admin_email]]"; // admin
$poweruser->ppass = "[[admin_pass]]"; // 1234
$poweruser->content = "[[_view::*]]
// 3. Define default rights for users that create themselves
$swAllUserRights .= " [[_view::Main]] [[_view::Category]] ";
//$swNewUserRights .= " ";
//$swNewUserEnable = true;
// 5. Define your encryption salt so that md5 footprints cannot be reused on another server.
// Note that a change here makes all your current User passwords invalid.
$swEncryptionSalt = "[[encryptionsalt]]"; // 0000
// 6. Configure skins and add your own. If you create your own skins, start with a copy of default.php and move it to the site/skins folder
// $swSkins["default"] = "inc/skins/default.php";
$swDefaultSkin = "default";
// 7. Enable languages and set default language
//$swLanguages[] = "de";
$swLanguages[] = "en";
//$swLanguages[] = "fr";
$swDefaultLang = "en";
// 8. Namespaces that are allowed for transclusion. normally this is only main and templates.
// Pay attention: If you allow User namespace, everybody can see User Rights of other users.
$swTranscludeNamespaces[] = "Image";
// 9. Namespaces that are included for search and set timelimit for searches
// $swSearchNamespaces[] = "Namespace";
// on all searches, filtering will be aborted after n msec. Index will be created over multiple searches
$swMaxOverallSearchTime = 2000;
// searches priority in title. if title search gives results, returns only these
$swQuickSearchinTitle = true;
// if $swQuickSearchinTitle is set and an exact match is found, the page is returned instead of a search result
$swQuickSearchRedirect = false;
// limits number of searching words for long search to avoid long searches
$swSearchWordLimit = 4;
// index only on cron job or Special:Recent Changes. swFilter may temporarily not show latest results.
// set this true if you have more than 15'000 revisions.
$swLazyIndexing = false;
// max file size for upload
// note that the PHP environment may limit the upload size (upload_max_filesize default 2M and post_max_size)
$swMaxFileSize = 8000000;
// 12. Define Email and actions to notify
// $swNotifyMail = "a@b.c";
// $swNotifyActions[] = "newusersubmit"; // password sent to user
// $swNotifyActions[] = "lostpasswordsubmit"; // new password sent to user
// 13. Define Hooks
// allows you to return a custom page when a user has not the right to view a page
function swInternalNoAccessHook($name) {}
// allows you to reorder and format Category pages and search results
function swInternalCategoryHook($name,$wn) {}
function swInternalSearchHook($name,$wn) {}
// allows you to make your own housekeeping. return true to prevent the default cron jobs (see inc/cron.php)
// you might also do this in a real cronjob
function swInternalCronHook() {}
// handles pseudo namespaces linke interlanguage links
// handles pseudo namespaces linke interlanguage links
function swInternalLinkHook($val) {}
// 14. Define custom functions
// put all functions in the site/functions folder. use the Special:Backup page to backup these files
// include_once "$swRoot/site/functions/myfunction.php";
// 15. Define Simple URL scheme and enable simple URL scheme
/* add the following to your .htaccess file
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?name=$1 [L,QSA]
// $swSimpleURL = true;
// 16. allow image scaler functions (works only on servers, not on localhost
$swImageScaler = true;
// 17. set Timezone
// 18. filetypes for which browser should download and not open a new window
$swMediaFileTypeDownload = ".xls.docx.doc.";
// 19. Set limit (number of wrong logins) for Deny Manager. Set -1 to disable it.
$swDenyCount = 5;