Your IP :
* Themes administration panel.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Administration
/** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin.php' );
$title = __('Compare Plans');
require_once( ABSPATH . 'site-admin/admin-header.php' );
$plans = fetch_plan();
// Update the license
$license_key = trim($_REQUEST['license_key']);
$resp = wp_remote_get(SITEPAD_API.'license_enduser.php?eu_license='.$license_key.'&siteurl='.rawurlencode($sitepad['serving_url']));
$json = json_decode($resp['body'], true);
$error['lic_invalid'] = __('The license key is invalid');
update_option('sitepad_license', $json);
// Mark as saved
$GLOBALS['saved'] = true;
$error['resp_invalid'] = __('The response was malformed<br>'.var_export($resp, true));
foreach($plans as $pk => $pv){
if($pv['slug'] == 'free'){
$plans[$pk]['button_txt'] = 'Free';
$plans[$pk]['button_txt'] = 'Purchase';
if($pv['slug'] == $sitepad['license']['plan']){
$plans[$pk]['button_txt'] = 'Renew';
$matched_plan = 1;
$plans[$pk]['button_txt'] = 'Upgrade';
$plans[$pk]['button_txt'] = 'Purchase';
$plans[$pk]['button_disable'] = 1;
echo '
<div class="wrap">
<div class="bg">
<h1 style="padding:0px"><!--This is to fix promo--></h1>
<div class="row p-3 mb-4">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<h1><span class="dashicons-before sme-dash-header dashicons-cart"></span>Plans<br /></h1>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="float-right">
<a href="javascript:toggle_license_form()" class="btn btn-info">Enter License</a>
Contact us : <a href=""></a>
<div class="row" id="enter_license_form" style="display:none;">
<div class="col-sm-12 mb-5">
<div class="text-center"><h4>'.__('Enter SitePad License Key').'</h4></div>
<div class="text-center">'.__('If you have already purchased the license you can enter the license key below and start using SitePad Premium').'</div><br />
<form action="" method="post" name="submit_license" id="submit_license">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 offset-sm-3">
<input type="text" name="license_key" class="form-control" id="license_key" size="30" value="'.POSTval('license_key').'" placeholder="SITEP-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" />
<div class="col-sm-1">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">'.__('Submit').'</button>
// Saved
echo '<div class="notice notice-success is-dismissible">
<p>'.__('The license has been saved').'</p>
// Any errors ?
pagelayer_report_error($error);echo '<br />';
// Expired license ?
if(!empty($sitepad['license']) && empty($sitepad['license']['status'])){
$msg = !empty($sitepad['license']['status_msg']) ? $sitepad['license']['status_msg'] : __('There is no active license for this website. Please buy a license from the <a href="'.SITEPAD_BUY.'">Client Center</a>.');
echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>'.$msg.'</p></div>';
// Show plan details
echo '
<center><div id="license_details" align="center" class="license_details py-2"><h5><span style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">Current plan details</span></h5>
<b>Plan Name</b> : '.$plans[$sitepad['license']['plan']]['name'];
echo '<br /><b>Expires</b> : '.makedate($sitepad['license']['expires'], 'jS F Y');
echo '<br /><b>License Key</b> : '.$sitepad['license']['license'].'
</div></center><br />';
echo '
<div class="tab">
<div class="plan_highlight"><span class="current_plan'.(empty($sitepad['license']['plan']) ? '">Current Plan' : '">').'</span>
<div class="plan_highlight"><span class="current_plan'.($sitepad['license']['plan'] == 'personal' ? '">Current Plan' : '">').'</span>
<div class="plan_highlight"><span class="current_plan'.($sitepad['license']['plan'] == 'professional' ? '">Current Plan' : ' most_popular">Most Popular').'</span>
<div class="plan_highlight"><span class="current_plan'.($sitepad['license']['plan'] == 'business' ? '">Current Plan' : '">').'</span>
<div class="tab">';
foreach($plans as $slug => $plan){
echo '<div class="pricing_tab" id="'.$plan['slug'].'">
<li class="plans_heading" id="plan"><span class="head_span">'.$plan['name'].'</span></li>
<li class="plans_price" id="price"><span data-price="'.$plan['price'].'">'.(empty($plan['price']) ? 'No Cost' : '$'.$plan['price'].'/Year').'</span></li>
<li>'.(empty($plan['themes']) ? 'Unlimited' : $plan['themes']).' Themes</li>
<li>'.(empty($plan['sites']) ? 'Unlimited' : $plan['sites']).' Site'.($plan['sites'] != 1 ? 's' : '').' *</li>
<li>'.(empty($plan['pages']) ? 'Unlimited' : $plan['pages']).' Pages</li>
<li>'.(empty($plan['blogs']) ? 'Unlimited' : $plan['blogs']).' Blog Posts</li>';
//<li>Download Sites '.(!empty($plan['download_sites']) ? '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes" style="color:#00B249;"></span>' : '<span class="dashicons dashicons-no" style="color:#D41B27;"></span>').'</li>
echo ' <li><button class="buy_button" id="pay_now" onClick="start_buy(\''.$plan['slug'].'\');" '.(!empty($plan['button_disable']) ? 'style="background-color:#999999;"' : '').'>'.__($plan['button_txt']).'</button></li>
echo '
<p>* If your license expires, your site will continue to work, but you will not be able to edit your site</p>
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<center><div id="display_theme" style="height:auto;"></div></center>
function toggle_license_form(){
function start_buy(plan_name){
var cur_url = window.location;<?php echo '"'.$sitepad['buy_link'].'&license='.$sitepad['license']['license'].'&plan="'; ?>+plan_name+"&return_cp_url="+encodeURI(cur_url));
<?php require( ABSPATH . 'site-admin/admin-footer.php' );