Your IP :
package Module::Build::Platform::MacOS;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.4224';
use Module::Build::Base;
our @ISA = qw(Module::Build::Base);
use ExtUtils::Install;
sub have_forkpipe { 0 }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# $Config{sitelib} and $Config{sitearch} are, unfortunately, missing.
foreach ('sitelib', 'sitearch') {
$self->config($_ => $self->config("install$_"))
unless $self->config($_);
# For some reason $Config{startperl} is filled with a bunch of crap.
(my $sp = $self->config('startperl')) =~ s/.*Exit \{Status\}\s//;
$self->config(startperl => $sp);
return $self;
sub make_executable {
my $self = shift;
require MacPerl;
foreach (@_) {
MacPerl::SetFileInfo('McPL', 'TEXT', $_);
sub dispatch {
my $self = shift;
if( !@_ and !@ARGV ) {
require MacPerl;
# What comes first in the action list.
my @action_list = qw(build test install);
my %actions = map {+($_, 1)} $self->known_actions;
delete @actions{@action_list};
push @action_list, sort { $a cmp $b } keys %actions;
my %toolserver = map {+$_ => 1} qw(test disttest diff testdb);
foreach (@action_list) {
$_ .= ' *' if $toolserver{$_};
my $cmd = MacPerl::Pick("What build command? ('*' requires ToolServer)", @action_list);
return unless defined $cmd;
$cmd =~ s/ \*$//;
$ARGV[0] = ($cmd);
my $args = MacPerl::Ask('Any extra arguments? (ie. verbose=1)', '');
return unless defined $args;
push @ARGV, $self->split_like_shell($args);
sub ACTION_realclean {
my $self = shift;
chmod 0666, $self->{properties}{build_script};
# ExtUtils::Install has a hard-coded '.' directory in versions less
# than 1.30. We use a sneaky trick to turn that into ':'.
# Note that we do it here in a cross-platform way, so this code could
# actually go in Module::Build::Base. But we put it here to be less
# intrusive for other platforms.
sub ACTION_install {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::ACTION_install(@_)
if eval {ExtUtils::Install->VERSION('1.30'); 1};
local $^W = 0; # Avoid a 'redefine' warning
local *ExtUtils::Install::find = sub {
my ($code, @dirs) = @_;
@dirs = map { $_ eq '.' ? File::Spec->curdir : $_ } @dirs;
return File::Find::find($code, @dirs);
return $self->SUPER::ACTION_install(@_);
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::Platform::MacOS - Builder class for MacOS platforms
The sole purpose of this module is to inherit from
C<Module::Build::Base> and override a few methods. Please see
L<Module::Build> for the docs.
=head2 Overridden Methods
=over 4
=item new()
MacPerl doesn't define $Config{sitelib} or $Config{sitearch} for some
reason, but $Config{installsitelib} and $Config{installsitearch} are
there. So we copy the install variables to the other location
=item make_executable()
On MacOS we set the file type and creator to MacPerl so it will run
with a double-click.
=item dispatch()
Because there's no easy way to say "./Build test" on MacOS, if
dispatch is called with no arguments and no @ARGV a dialog box will
pop up asking what action to take and any extra arguments.
Default action is "test".
=item ACTION_realclean()
Need to unlock the Build program before deleting.
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael G Schwern <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3), ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3)