Your IP :
package Module::Build::PPMMaker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
our $VERSION = '0.4224';
# This code is mostly borrowed from ExtUtils::MM_Unix 6.10_03, with a
# few tweaks based on the PPD spec at
# The PPD spec is based on <>
sub new {
my $package = shift;
return bless {@_}, $package;
sub make_ppd {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $build = delete $args{build};
my @codebase;
if (exists $args{codebase}) {
@codebase = ref $args{codebase} ? @{$args{codebase}} : ($args{codebase});
} else {
my $distfile = $build->ppm_name . '.tar.gz';
print "Using default codebase '$distfile'\n";
@codebase = ($distfile);
my %dist;
foreach my $info (qw(name author abstract version)) {
my $method = "dist_$info";
$dist{$info} = $build->$method() or die "Can't determine distribution's $info\n";
$self->_simple_xml_escape($_) foreach $dist{abstract}, @{$dist{author}};
# TODO: could add <LICENSE HREF=...> tag if we knew what the URLs were for
# various licenses
my $ppd = <<"PPD";
<SOFTPKG NAME=\"$dist{name}\" VERSION=\"$dist{version}\">
@{[ join "\n", map " <AUTHOR>$_</AUTHOR>", @{$dist{author}} ]}
# We don't include recommended dependencies because PPD has no way
# to distinguish them from normal dependencies. We don't include
# build_requires dependencies because the PPM installer doesn't
# build or test before installing. And obviously we don't include
# conflicts either.
foreach my $type (qw(requires)) {
my $prereq = $build->$type();
foreach my $modname (sort keys %$prereq) {
next if $modname eq 'perl';
my $min_version = '0.0';
foreach my $c ($build->_parse_conditions($prereq->{$modname})) {
my ($op, $version) = $c =~ /^\s* (<=?|>=?|==|!=) \s* ([\w.]+) \s*$/x;
# This is a nasty hack because it fails if there is no >= op
if ($op eq '>=') {
$min_version = $version;
# PPM4 spec requires a '::' for top level modules
$modname .= '::' unless $modname =~ /::/;
$ppd .= qq! <REQUIRE NAME="$modname" VERSION="$min_version" />\n!;
# We only include these tags if this module involves XS, on the
# assumption that pure Perl modules will work on any OS.
if (keys %{$build->find_xs_files}) {
my $perl_version = $self->_ppd_version($build->perl_version);
$ppd .= sprintf(<<'EOF', $self->_varchname($build->config) );
foreach my $codebase (@codebase) {
$ppd .= sprintf(<<'EOF', $codebase);
$ppd .= <<'EOF';
my $ppd_file = "$dist{name}.ppd";
open(my $fh, '>', $ppd_file)
or die "Cannot write to $ppd_file: $!";
binmode($fh, ":utf8")
if $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useperlio};
print $fh $ppd;
close $fh;
return $ppd_file;
sub _ppd_version {
my ($self, $version) = @_;
# generates something like "0,18,0,0"
return join ',', (split(/\./, $version), (0)x4)[0..3];
sub _varchname { # Copied from
my ($self, $config) = @_;
my $varchname = $config->{archname};
# Append "-5.8" to architecture name for Perl 5.8 and later
if ($] >= 5.008) {
my $vstring = sprintf "%vd", $^V;
$vstring =~ s/\.\d+$//;
$varchname .= "-$vstring";
return $varchname;
my %escapes = (
"\n" => "\\n",
'"' => '"',
'&' => '&',
'>' => '>',
'<' => '<',
my $rx = join '|', keys %escapes;
sub _simple_xml_escape {
$_[1] =~ s/($rx)/$escapes{$1}/go;
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::PPMMaker - Perl Package Manager file creation
On the command line, builds a .ppd file:
./Build ppd
This package contains the code that builds F<.ppd> "Perl Package
Description" files, in support of ActiveState's "Perl Package
Manager". Details are here:
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky <>, Ken Williams <>
Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3)