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# coding:utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2020 All Rights Reserved
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from lvemanager.helpers import exit_with_error, run_command
import json
from abc import abstractmethod
from clcommon.lib.whmapi_lib import WhmApiRequest, WhmApiError
import sys
OWNER_ADMIN = 'admin'
OWNER_USER = 'user'
UAPI_IGNORED_ERRORS = ["The event UAPI::LangPHP::php_set_vhost_versions was handled successfully."]
def get_cpanel_api_class(owner):
Factory method that returns
certain class depending on
owner's type
:param owner: Can be 'admin' or 'user'
if owner == OWNER_ADMIN:
return CPanelAdminApi()
return CPanelUserApi()
class CPanelApi(object):
Abstract method that defines abstract methods
that must be implemented and common methods of
the derived classes
RETURN_JSON = '--output=json'
def check_operation_allowed(self, called_method):
Checks whether operation is allowed to perform
:param called_method:
raise NotImplementedError('Method check_operation_allowed must be implemented!')
def prepare_running_command(self, called_method, params, return_json):
Depending on the passed arguments,
the method builds running command
raise NotImplementedError('Method prepare_running_command must be implemented!')
def parse_result(self, called_method, result):
Some results are parsed before sending back
to the called. This method parses it and returns
transformed result.
raise NotImplementedError('Method parse_result must be implemented!')
def check_method_allowed(method_name, methods):
CPanel API contains several methods and
not all of them if supported by this utility.
for method_object in methods:
if method_name == method_object['method']:
return True
return False
def check_for_errors(self, result):
Checks whether CPanel API returned
error or not
:param result:
raise NotImplementedError('Method check_for_errors must be implemented!')
def get_method_parser(method_name, methods):
Some result must be parsed before
they are sent back to the caller. This
method extracts the method that must be executed
upon the result to transform it.
for method_object in methods:
if method_name == method_object['method']:
return method_object.get('parser', None)
def get_ignore_errors(self, method_name, methods):
return ignore error flag for method
for method_object in methods:
if method_name == method_object['method']:
return method_object.get('ignore_errors', None)
def parse_vhost_versions(result):
Method parses the result of the method 'parse_vhost_versions'.
The host will be inherited when its field 'sys_default'
inside 'php_version_source' is equal to 1.
parsed_result = []
for r in result:
'version': r.get('version'),
'host': r.get('vhost'),
'php_fpm': True if r.get('php_fpm') else False,
'inherited': True if r.get('php_version_source', {}).get('sys_default') == 1 else False
return parsed_result
def run(self, called_method, params, return_json=True):
Default method which first checks whether operation
is allowed then if allowed runs prepared command.
After receiving the result, it will call parse_result method
to transform result into desired format.
if self.check_operation_allowed(called_method):
prepared_command = self.prepare_running_command(called_method, params, return_json)
code, output, std_err = run_command(prepared_command, return_full_output=True)
if code != 0:
exit_with_error(std_err or 'output of the command: %s\n%s' % (prepared_command, output))
result = json.loads(output)
return self.parse_result(called_method, result)
except ValueError as e:
exit_with_error('Not allowed operation: {}'.format(called_method))
class CPanelAdminApi(CPanelApi):
COMMAND = '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/whmapi1'
'method': 'php_get_vhost_versions',
'parser': lambda result: CPanelAdminApi.parse_vhost_versions(result)
{'method': 'php_get_system_default_version'},
{'method': 'php_set_vhost_versions'},
{'method': 'php_get_installed_versions'}
def check_operation_allowed(self, called_method):
return self.check_method_allowed(called_method, self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS)
def prepare_running_command(self, called_method, params, return_json):
transformed_params = {}
for param in params:
key, value = param.split('=')
transformed_params[key] = value
return transformed_params
def parse_result(self, called_method, result):
parser = self.get_method_parser(called_method, self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS)
if parser is not None:
return parser(result)
return result
def parse_vhost_versions(result):
parsed_result = []
for r in result['versions']:
'version': r.get('version'),
'host': r.get('vhost'),
'user': r.get('account'),
'php_fpm': True if r.get('php_fpm') else False,
'inherited': True if r.get('php_version_source', {}).get('sys_default') == 1 else False
return parsed_result
def run(self, called_method, params, return_json=True):
params = self.prepare_running_command(called_method, params, return_json)
if self.check_operation_allowed(called_method):
return self.parse_result(called_method, WhmApiRequest(called_method).with_arguments(**params).call())
except WhmApiError as e:
exit_with_error('Not allowed operation: {}'.format(called_method))
class CPanelUserApi(CPanelApi):
COMMAND = '/usr/bin/uapi'
'LangPHP': [
{'method': 'php_set_vhost_versions'},
'method': 'php_get_installed_versions',
'ignore_errors': True,
'method': 'php_get_vhost_versions',
'parser': lambda result: CPanelApi.parse_vhost_versions(result),
'ignore_errors': True,
'method': 'php_get_system_default_version',
'ignore_errors': True,
def check_class_allowed(self, class_name):
CPanel UAPI requires to pass class name and
only few of classes are supported by this utility.
return class_name in self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS.keys()
def check_operation_allowed(self, called_method):
Checks whether operation is allowed or not.
By CPanel UAPI supports several operations
but only few of them can be called via this utility.
class_name, method_name = self.extract_class_and_method(called_method)
if self.check_class_allowed(class_name):
return self.check_method_allowed(method_name, self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS[class_name])
return False
def extract_class_and_method(called_method):
class_name, method_name = called_method.split('::')
return class_name, method_name
except ValueError:
exit_with_error('Invalid method is passed: {}'.format(called_method))
def prepare_running_command(self, called_method, params, return_json):
class_name, method_name = self.extract_class_and_method(called_method)
params = [self.COMMAND, class_name, method_name] + params
if return_json:
return params
def parse_result(self, called_method, result):
class_name, method_name = self.extract_class_and_method(called_method)
ignore_errors = self.get_ignore_errors(method_name, self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS[class_name])
self.check_for_errors(result, ignore_errors)
parser = self.get_method_parser(method_name, self.ALLOWED_OPERATIONS[class_name])
if parser is not None:
return parser(result['result']['data'])
return result['result']['data']
def check_for_errors(self, result, ignore_errors = False):
errors = result['result'].get('errors')
if not errors:
for error in errors:
# TODO: The next line is workaround of cPanel issue CPANEL-35122
# see
exit_with_error(' '.join(errors), ignore_errors=ignore_errors)