Your IP :
#============================================================= -*-Perl-*-
# Template::VMethods
# Module defining virtual methods for the Template Toolkit
# Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Template::VMethods;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed looks_like_number );
use Template::Filters;
our $VERSION = '3.100';
our $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
inc => \&root_inc,
dec => \&root_dec,
item => \&text_item,
list => \&text_list,
hash => \&text_hash,
length => \&text_length,
size => \&text_size,
empty => \&text_empty,
defined => \&text_defined,
upper => \&text_upper,
lower => \&text_lower,
ucfirst => \&text_ucfirst,
lcfirst => \&text_lcfirst,
match => \&text_match,
search => \&text_search,
repeat => \&text_repeat,
replace => \&text_replace,
remove => \&text_remove,
split => \&text_split,
chunk => \&text_chunk,
substr => \&text_substr,
trim => \&text_trim,
collapse => \&text_collapse,
squote => \&text_squote,
dquote => \&text_dquote,
html => \&Template::Filters::html_filter,
xml => \&Template::Filters::xml_filter,
item => \&hash_item,
hash => \&hash_hash,
size => \&hash_size,
empty => \&hash_empty,
each => \&hash_each,
keys => \&hash_keys,
values => \&hash_values,
items => \&hash_items,
pairs => \&hash_pairs,
list => \&hash_list,
exists => \&hash_exists,
defined => \&hash_defined,
delete => \&hash_delete,
import => \&hash_import,
sort => \&hash_sort,
nsort => \&hash_nsort,
item => \&list_item,
list => \&list_list,
hash => \&list_hash,
push => \&list_push,
pop => \&list_pop,
unshift => \&list_unshift,
shift => \&list_shift,
max => \&list_max,
size => \&list_size,
empty => \&list_empty,
defined => \&list_defined,
first => \&list_first,
last => \&list_last,
reverse => \&list_reverse,
grep => \&list_grep,
join => \&list_join,
sort => \&list_sort,
nsort => \&list_nsort,
unique => \&list_unique,
import => \&list_import,
merge => \&list_merge,
slice => \&list_slice,
splice => \&list_splice,
# Template::Stash needs the above, so defer loading this module
# until they are defined.
require Template::Stash;
our $PRIVATE = $Template::Stash::PRIVATE;
# root virtual methods
sub root_inc {
no warnings;
my $item = shift;
sub root_dec {
no warnings;
my $item = shift;
# text virtual methods
sub text_item {
sub text_list {
[ $_[0] ];
sub text_hash {
{ value => $_[0] };
sub text_length {
length $_[0];
sub text_size {
return 1;
sub text_empty {
return 0 == text_length($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;
sub text_defined {
return 1;
sub text_upper {
return uc $_[0];
sub text_lower {
return lc $_[0];
sub text_ucfirst {
return ucfirst $_[0];
sub text_lcfirst {
return lcfirst $_[0];
sub text_trim {
for ($_[0]) {
return $_[0];
sub text_collapse {
for ($_[0]) {
s/\s+/ /g
return $_[0];
sub text_match {
my ($str, $search, $global) = @_;
return $str unless defined $str and defined $search;
my @matches = $global ? ($str =~ /$search/g)
: ($str =~ /$search/);
return @matches ? \@matches : '';
sub text_search {
my ($str, $pattern) = @_;
return $str unless defined $str and defined $pattern;
return $str =~ /$pattern/;
sub text_repeat {
my ($str, $count) = @_;
$str = '' unless defined $str;
return '' unless $count;
$count ||= 1;
return $str x $count;
sub text_replace {
my ($text, $pattern, $replace, $global) = @_;
$text = '' unless defined $text;
$pattern = '' unless defined $pattern;
$replace = '' unless defined $replace;
$global = 1 unless defined $global;
if ($replace =~ /\$\d+/) {
# replacement string may contain backrefs
my $expand = sub {
my ($chunk, $start, $end) = @_;
$chunk =~ s{ \\(\\|\$) | \$ (\d+) }{
$1 ? $1
: ($2 > $#$start || $2 == 0 || !defined $start->[$2]) ? ''
: substr($text, $start->[$2], $end->[$2] - $start->[$2]);
if ($global) {
$text =~ s{$pattern}{ &$expand($replace, [@-], [@+]) }eg;
else {
$text =~ s{$pattern}{ &$expand($replace, [@-], [@+]) }e;
else {
if ($global) {
$text =~ s/$pattern/$replace/g;
else {
$text =~ s/$pattern/$replace/;
return $text;
sub text_remove {
my ($str, $search) = @_;
return $str unless defined $str and defined $search;
$str =~ s/$search//g;
return $str;
sub text_split {
my ($str, $split, $limit) = @_;
$str = '' unless defined $str;
# For versions of Perl prior to 5.18 we have to be very careful about
# spelling out each possible combination of arguments because split()
# is very sensitive to them, for example C<split(' ', ...)> behaves
# differently to C<$space=' '; split($space, ...)>. Test 33 of
# vmethods/text.t depends on this behaviour.
if ($] < 5.018) {
if (defined $limit) {
return [
defined $split
? split($split, $str, $limit)
: split(' ', $str, $limit)
else {
return [
defined $split
? split($split, $str)
: split(' ', $str)
# split's behavior changed in Perl 5.18.0 making this:
# C<$space=' '; split($space, ...)>
# behave the same as this:
# C<split(' ', ...)>
# qr// behaves the same, so use that for user-defined split.
my $split_re;
if (defined $split) {
eval {
$split_re = qr/$split/;
$split_re = ' ' unless defined $split_re;
$limit ||= 0;
return [split($split_re, $str, $limit)];
sub text_chunk {
my ($string, $size) = @_;
my @list;
$size ||= 1;
if ($size < 0) {
# sexeger! It's faster to reverse the string, search
# it from the front and then reverse the output than to
# search it from the end, believe it nor not!
$string = reverse $string;
$size = -$size;
unshift(@list, scalar reverse $1)
while ($string =~ /((.{$size})|(.+))/g);
else {
push(@list, $1) while ($string =~ /((.{$size})|(.+))/g);
return \@list;
sub text_substr {
my ($text, $offset, $length, $replacement) = @_;
$offset ||= 0;
if(defined $length) {
if (defined $replacement) {
substr( $text, $offset, $length, $replacement );
return $text;
else {
return substr( $text, $offset, $length );
else {
return substr( $text, $offset );
sub text_squote {
my $text = shift;
for ($text) {
return $text;
sub text_dquote {
my $text = shift;
for ($text) {
return $text;
# hash virtual methods
sub hash_item {
my ($hash, $item) = @_;
$item = '' unless defined $item;
return if $PRIVATE && $item =~ /$PRIVATE/;
$hash->{ $item };
sub hash_hash {
sub hash_size {
scalar keys %{$_[0]};
sub hash_empty {
return 0 == hash_size($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;
sub hash_each {
# this will be changed in TT3 to do what hash_pairs() does
[ %{ $_[0] } ];
sub hash_keys {
[ keys %{ $_[0] } ];
sub hash_values {
[ values %{ $_[0] } ];
sub hash_items {
[ %{ $_[0] } ];
sub hash_pairs {
[ map {
{ key => $_ , value => $_[0]->{ $_ } }
sort keys %{ $_[0] }
sub hash_list {
my ($hash, $what) = @_;
$what ||= '';
return ($what eq 'keys') ? [ keys %$hash ]
: ($what eq 'values') ? [ values %$hash ]
: ($what eq 'each') ? [ %$hash ]
# for now we do what pairs does but this will be changed
# in TT3 to return [ $hash ] by default
map { { key => $_ , value => $hash->{ $_ } } }
sort keys %$hash
sub hash_exists {
exists $_[0]->{ $_[1] };
sub hash_defined {
# return the item requested, or 1 if no argument
# to indicate that the hash itself is defined
my $hash = shift;
return @_ ? defined $hash->{ $_[0] } : 1;
sub hash_delete {
my $hash = shift;
delete $hash->{ $_ } for @_;
sub hash_import {
my ($hash, $imp) = @_;
$imp = {} unless ref $imp eq 'HASH';
@$hash{ keys %$imp } = values %$imp;
return '';
sub hash_sort {
my ($hash) = @_;
[ sort { lc $hash->{$a} cmp lc $hash->{$b} } (keys %$hash) ];
sub hash_nsort {
my ($hash) = @_;
[ sort { $hash->{$a} <=> $hash->{$b} } (keys %$hash) ];
# list virtual methods
sub list_item {
$_[0]->[ $_[1] || 0 ];
sub list_list {
sub list_hash {
my $list = shift;
if (@_) {
my $n = shift || 0;
return { map { ($n++, $_) } @$list };
no warnings;
return { @$list };
sub list_push {
my $list = shift;
push(@$list, @_);
return '';
sub list_pop {
my $list = shift;
sub list_unshift {
my $list = shift;
unshift(@$list, @_);
return '';
sub list_shift {
my $list = shift;
sub list_max {
no warnings;
my $list = shift;
sub list_size {
no warnings;
my $list = shift;
$#$list + 1;
sub list_empty {
return 0 == list_size($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;
sub list_defined {
# return the item requested, or 1 if no argument to
# indicate that the hash itself is defined
my $list = shift;
return 1 unless @_; # list.defined is always true
return unless looks_like_number $_[0]; # list.defined('bah') is always false
return defined $list->[$_[0]]; # list.defined(n)
sub list_first {
my $list = shift;
return $list->[0] unless @_;
return [ @$list[0..$_[0]-1] ];
sub list_last {
my $list = shift;
return $list->[-1] unless @_;
return [ @$list[-$_[0]..-1] ];
sub list_reverse {
my $list = shift;
[ reverse @$list ];
sub list_grep {
my ($list, $pattern) = @_;
$pattern ||= '';
return [ grep /$pattern/, @$list ];
sub list_join {
my ($list, $joint) = @_;
join(defined $joint ? $joint : ' ',
map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @$list);
sub _list_sort_make_key {
my ($item, $fields) = @_;
my @keys;
if (ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
@keys = map { $item->{ $_ } } @$fields;
elsif (blessed $item) {
@keys = map { $item->can($_) ? $item->$_() : $item } @$fields;
else {
@keys = $item;
# ugly hack to generate a single string using a delimiter that is
# unlikely (but not impossible) to be found in the wild.
return lc join('/*^UNLIKELY^*/', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @keys);
sub list_sort {
my ($list, @fields) = @_;
return $list unless @$list > 1; # no need to sort 1 item lists
return [
@fields # Schwartzian Transform
? map { $_->[0] } # for case insensitivity
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, _list_sort_make_key($_, \@fields) ] }
: map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, lc $_ ] }
sub list_nsort {
my ($list, @fields) = @_;
return $list unless @$list > 1; # no need to sort 1 item lists
my $sort = sub {
my $cmp;
if(@fields) {
# compare each field individually
for my $field (@fields) {
my $A = _list_sort_make_key($a, [ $field ]);
my $B = _list_sort_make_key($b, [ $field ]);
($cmp = $A <=> $B) and last;
else {
my $A = _list_sort_make_key($a);
my $B = _list_sort_make_key($b);
$cmp = $A <=> $B;
return [ sort $sort @{ $list } ];
sub list_unique {
my %u;
[ grep { ++$u{$_} == 1 } @{$_[0]} ];
sub list_import {
my $list = shift;
push(@$list, grep defined, map ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : undef, @_);
return $list;
sub list_merge {
my $list = shift;
return [ @$list, grep defined, map ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : undef, @_ ];
sub list_slice {
my ($list, $from, $to) = @_;
$from ||= 0;
$to = $#$list unless defined $to;
$from += @$list if $from < 0;
$to += @$list if $to < 0;
return [ @$list[$from..$to] ];
sub list_splice {
my ($list, $offset, $length, @replace) = @_;
if (@replace) {
# @replace can contain a list of multiple replace items, or
# be a single reference to a list
@replace = @{ $replace[0] }
if @replace == 1 && ref $replace[0] eq 'ARRAY';
return [ splice @$list, $offset, $length, @replace ];
elsif (defined $length) {
return [ splice @$list, $offset, $length ];
elsif (defined $offset) {
return [ splice @$list, $offset ];
else {
return [ splice(@$list) ];
=head1 NAME
Template::VMethods - Virtual methods for variables
The C<Template::VMethods> module implements the virtual methods
that can be applied to variables.
Please see L<Template::Manual::VMethods> for further information.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<>
Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Template::Stash>, L<Template::Manual::VMethods>
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