Your IP :
#================================================================= -*-Perl-*-
# Template::Directive
# Factory module for constructing templates from Perl code.
# Andy Wardley <>
# Much of this module is hairy, even furry in places. It needs
# a lot of tidying up and may even be moved into a different place
# altogether. The generator code is often inefficient, particularly in
# being very anal about pretty-printing the Perl code all neatly, but
# at the moment, that's still high priority for the sake of easier
# debugging.
# Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Template::Directive;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Template::Base';
use Template::Constants;
use Template::Exception;
our $VERSION = '3.100';
our $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
our $WHILE_MAX = 1000 unless defined $WHILE_MAX;
our $PRETTY = 0 unless defined $PRETTY;
our $OUTPUT = '$output .= ';
sub _init {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
$self->{ NAMESPACE } = $config->{ NAMESPACE };
return $self;
sub trace_vars {
my $self = shift;
return @_
? ($self->{ TRACE_VARS } = shift)
: $self->{ TRACE_VARS };
sub pad {
my ($text, $pad) = @_;
$pad = ' ' x ($pad * 4);
$text =~ s/^(?!#line)/$pad/gm;
# These methods are called by the parser to construct directive instances.
# template($block)
sub template {
my ($self, $block) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 2) if $PRETTY;
return "sub { return '' }" unless $block =~ /\S/;
return <<EOF;
sub {
my \$context = shift || die "template sub called without context\\n";
my \$stash = \$context->stash;
my \$output = '';
my \$_tt_error;
eval { BLOCK: {
} };
if (\$@) {
\$_tt_error = \$context->catch(\$@, \\\$output);
die \$_tt_error unless \$_tt_error->type eq 'return';
return \$output;
# anon_block($block) [% BLOCK %] ... [% END %]
sub anon_block {
my ($self, $block) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 2) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = '';
my \$_tt_error;
eval { BLOCK: {
} };
if (\$@) {
\$_tt_error = \$context->catch(\$@, \\\$output);
die \$_tt_error unless \$_tt_error->type eq 'return';
# block($blocktext)
sub block {
my ($self, $block) = @_;
return join("\n", @{ $block || [] });
# textblock($text)
sub textblock {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
return "$OUTPUT " . &text($self, $text) . ';';
# text($text)
sub text {
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
return '' if !length $text;
if ( $text =~ tr{$@\\}{} ) {
$text =~ s/(["\$\@\\])/\\$1/g;
$text =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
return '"' . $text . '"';
$text =~ s{'}{\\'}g if index( $text, q{'} ) != -1;
return q{'} . $text . q{'};
# quoted(\@items) "foo$bar"
sub quoted {
my ($self, $items) = @_;
return '' unless @$items;
return ("('' . " . $items->[0] . ')') if scalar @$items == 1;
return '(' . join(' . ', @$items) . ')';
# my $r = '(' . join(' . ', @$items) . ' . "")';
# print STDERR "[$r]\n";
# return $r;
# ident(\@ident)
sub ident {
my ($self, $ident) = @_;
return "''" unless @$ident;
my $ns;
# Careful! Template::Parser always creates a Template::Directive object
# (as of v2.22_1) so $self is usually an object. However, we used to
# allow Template::Directive methods to be called as class methods and
# Template::Namespace::Constants module takes advantage of this fact
# by calling Template::Directive->ident() when it needs to generate an
# identifier. This hack guards against Mr Fuckup from coming to town
# when that happens.
if (ref $self) {
# trace variable usage
if ($self->{ TRACE_VARS }) {
my $root = $self->{ TRACE_VARS };
my $n = 0;
my $v;
while ($n < @$ident) {
$v = $ident->[$n];
for ($v) { s/^'//; s/'$// };
$root = $root->{ $v } ||= { };
$n += 2;
# does the first element of the identifier have a NAMESPACE
# handler defined?
if (@$ident > 2 && ($ns = $self->{ NAMESPACE })) {
my $key = $ident->[0];
# a faster alternate to $key =~ s/^'(.+)'$/$1/s
if ( index( $key, q[']) == 0 ) {
substr( $key, 0, 1, '' );
substr( $key, -1, 1, '' ); # remove the last char blindly
if ($ns = $ns->{ $key }) {
return $ns->ident($ident);
if (scalar @$ident <= 2 && ! $ident->[1]) {
$ident = $ident->[0];
else {
$ident = '[' . join(', ', @$ident) . ']';
return "\$stash->get($ident)";
# identref(\@ident) \
sub identref {
my ($self, $ident) = @_;
return "''" unless @$ident;
if (scalar @$ident <= 2 && ! $ident->[1]) {
$ident = $ident->[0];
else {
$ident = '[' . join(', ', @$ident) . ']';
return "\$stash->getref($ident)";
# assign(\@ident, $value, $default) foo = bar
sub assign {
my ($self, $var, $val, $default) = @_;
if (ref $var) {
if (scalar @$var == 2 && ! $var->[1]) {
$var = $var->[0];
else {
$var = '[' . join(', ', @$var) . ']';
$val .= ', 1' if $default;
return "\$stash->set($var, $val)";
# args(\@args) foo, bar, baz = qux
sub args {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $hash = shift @$args;
push(@$args, '{ ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }')
if @$hash;
return '0' unless @$args;
return '[ ' . join(', ', @$args) . ' ]';
# filenames(\@names)
sub filenames {
my ($self, $names) = @_;
if (@$names > 1) {
$names = '[ ' . join(', ', @$names) . ' ]';
else {
$names = shift @$names;
return $names;
# get($expr) [% foo %]
sub get {
my ($self, $expr) = @_;
return "$OUTPUT $expr;";
# call($expr) [% CALL bar %]
sub call {
my ($self, $expr) = @_;
$expr .= ';';
return $expr;
# set(\@setlist) [% foo = bar, baz = qux %]
sub set {
my ($self, $setlist) = @_;
my $output;
while (my ($var, $val) = splice(@$setlist, 0, 2)) {
$output .= &assign($self, $var, $val) . ";\n";
chomp $output;
return $output;
# default(\@setlist) [% DEFAULT foo = bar, baz = qux %]
sub default {
my ($self, $setlist) = @_;
my $output;
while (my ($var, $val) = splice(@$setlist, 0, 2)) {
$output .= &assign($self, $var, $val, 1) . ";\n";
chomp $output;
return $output;
# insert(\@nameargs) [% INSERT file %]
# # => [ [ $file, ... ], \@args ]
sub insert {
my ($self, $nameargs) = @_;
my ($file, $args) = @$nameargs;
$file = $self->filenames($file);
return "$OUTPUT \$context->insert($file);";
# include(\@nameargs) [% INCLUDE template foo = bar %]
# # => [ [ $file, ... ], \@args ]
sub include {
my ($self, $nameargs) = @_;
my ($file, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift @$args;
$file = $self->filenames($file);
$file .= @$hash ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
return "$OUTPUT \$context->include($file);";
# process(\@nameargs) [% PROCESS template foo = bar %]
# # => [ [ $file, ... ], \@args ]
sub process {
my ($self, $nameargs) = @_;
my ($file, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift @$args;
$file = $self->filenames($file);
$file .= @$hash ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
return "$OUTPUT \$context->process($file);";
# if($expr, $block, $else) [% IF foo < bar %]
# ...
# [% ELSE %]
# ...
# [% END %]
sub if {
my ($self, $expr, $block, $else) = @_;
my @else = $else ? @$else : ();
$else = pop @else;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
my $output = "if ($expr) {\n$block\n}\n";
foreach my $elsif (@else) {
($expr, $block) = @$elsif;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
$output .= "elsif ($expr) {\n$block\n}\n";
if (defined $else) {
$else = pad($else, 1) if $PRETTY;
$output .= "else {\n$else\n}\n";
return $output;
# foreach($target, $list, $args, $block) [% FOREACH x = [ foo bar ] %]
# ...
# [% END %]
sub foreach {
my ($self, $target, $list, $args, $block, $label) = @_;
$args = shift @$args;
$args = @$args ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$args) . ' }' : '';
$label ||= 'LOOP';
my ($loop_save, $loop_set, $loop_restore, $setiter);
if ($target) {
$loop_save = 'eval { $_tt_oldloop = ' . &ident($self, ["'loop'"]) . ' }';
$loop_set = "\$stash->{'$target'} = \$_tt_value";
$loop_restore = "\$stash->set('loop', \$_tt_oldloop)";
else {
$loop_save = '$stash = $context->localise()';
# $loop_set = "\$stash->set('import', \$_tt_value) "
# . "if ref \$value eq 'HASH'";
$loop_set = "\$stash->get(['import', [\$_tt_value]]) "
. "if ref \$_tt_value eq 'HASH'";
$loop_restore = '$stash = $context->delocalise()';
$block = pad($block, 3) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
do {
my (\$_tt_value, \$_tt_error, \$_tt_oldloop);
my \$_tt_list = $list;
unless (UNIVERSAL::isa(\$_tt_list, 'Template::Iterator')) {
\$_tt_list = Template::Config->iterator(\$_tt_list)
|| die \$Template::Config::ERROR, "\\n";
(\$_tt_value, \$_tt_error) = \$_tt_list->get_first();
\$stash->set('loop', \$_tt_list);
eval {
$label: while (! \$_tt_error) {
(\$_tt_value, \$_tt_error) = \$_tt_list->get_next();
die \$@ if \$@;
\$_tt_error = 0 if \$_tt_error && \$_tt_error eq Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE;
die \$_tt_error if \$_tt_error;
# next() [% NEXT %]
# Next iteration of a FOREACH loop (experimental)
sub next {
my ($self, $label) = @_;
$label ||= 'LOOP';
return <<EOF;
(\$_tt_value, \$_tt_error) = \$_tt_list->get_next();
next $label;
# wrapper(\@nameargs, $block) [% WRAPPER template foo = bar %]
# # => [ [$file,...], \@args ]
sub wrapper {
my ($self, $nameargs, $block) = @_;
my ($file, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift @$args;
local $" = ', ';
# print STDERR "wrapper([@$file], { @$hash })\n";
return $self->multi_wrapper($file, $hash, $block)
if @$file > 1;
$file = shift @$file;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
push(@$hash, "'content'", '$output');
$file .= @$hash ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
return <<EOF;
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = '';
sub multi_wrapper {
my ($self, $file, $hash, $block) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
push(@$hash, "'content'", '$output');
$hash = @$hash ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
$file = join(', ', reverse @$file);
# print STDERR "multi wrapper: $file\n";
return <<EOF;
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = '';
foreach ($file) {
\$output = \$context->include(\$_$hash);
# while($expr, $block) [% WHILE x < 10 %]
# ...
# [% END %]
sub while {
my ($self, $expr, $block, $label) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 2) if $PRETTY;
$label ||= 'LOOP';
return <<EOF;
do {
my \$_tt_failsafe = $WHILE_MAX;
while (($expr) && --\$_tt_failsafe >= 0) {
die "WHILE loop terminated (> $WHILE_MAX iterations)\\n"
if \$_tt_failsafe < 0;
# switch($expr, \@case) [% SWITCH %]
# [% CASE foo %]
# ...
# [% END %]
sub switch {
my ($self, $expr, $case) = @_;
my @case = @$case;
my ($match, $block, $default);
my $caseblock = '';
$default = pop @case;
foreach $case (@case) {
$match = $case->[0];
$block = $case->[1];
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
$caseblock .= <<EOF;
\$_tt_match = $match;
\$_tt_match = [ \$_tt_match ] unless ref \$_tt_match eq 'ARRAY';
if (grep(/^\\Q\$_tt_result\\E\$/, \@\$_tt_match)) {
last SWITCH;
$caseblock .= $default
if defined $default;
$caseblock = pad($caseblock, 2) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
do {
my \$_tt_result = $expr;
my \$_tt_match;
# try($block, \@catch) [% TRY %]
# ...
# [% CATCH %]
# ...
# [% END %]
sub try {
my ($self, $block, $catch) = @_;
my @catch = @$catch;
my ($match, $mblock, $default, $final, $n);
my $catchblock = '';
my $handlers = [];
$block = pad($block, 2) if $PRETTY;
$final = pop @catch;
$final = "# FINAL\n" . ($final ? "$final\n" : '')
. 'die $_tt_error if $_tt_error;' . "\n" . '$output;';
$final = pad($final, 1) if $PRETTY;
$n = 0;
foreach $catch (@catch) {
$match = $catch->[0] || do {
$default ||= $catch->[1];
$mblock = $catch->[1];
$mblock = pad($mblock, 1) if $PRETTY;
push(@$handlers, "'$match'");
$catchblock .= $n++
? "elsif (\$_tt_handler eq '$match') {\n$mblock\n}\n"
: "if (\$_tt_handler eq '$match') {\n$mblock\n}\n";
$catchblock .= "\$_tt_error = 0;";
$catchblock = pad($catchblock, 3) if $PRETTY;
if ($default) {
$default = pad($default, 1) if $PRETTY;
$default = "else {\n # DEFAULT\n$default\n \$_tt_error = '';\n}";
else {
$default = '# NO DEFAULT';
$default = pad($default, 2) if $PRETTY;
$handlers = join(', ', @$handlers);
return <<EOF;
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = '';
my (\$_tt_error, \$_tt_handler);
eval {
if (\$@) {
\$_tt_error = \$context->catch(\$@, \\\$output);
die \$_tt_error if \$_tt_error->type =~ /^(return|stop)\$/;
\$stash->set('error', \$_tt_error);
\$stash->set('e', \$_tt_error);
if (defined (\$_tt_handler = \$_tt_error->select_handler($handlers))) {
# throw(\@nameargs) [% THROW foo "bar error" %]
# # => [ [$type], \@args ]
sub throw {
my ($self, $nameargs) = @_;
my ($type, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift(@$args);
my $info = shift(@$args);
$type = shift @$type; # uses same parser production as INCLUDE
# etc., which allow multiple names
# e.g. INCLUDE foo+bar+baz
if (! $info) {
$args = "$type, undef";
elsif (@$hash || @$args) {
local $" = ', ';
my $i = 0;
$args = "$type, { args => [ "
. join(', ', $info, @$args)
. ' ], '
. join(', ',
(map { "'" . $i++ . "' => $_" } ($info, @$args)),
. ' }';
else {
$args = "$type, $info";
return "\$context->throw($args, \\\$output);";
# clear() [% CLEAR %]
# NOTE: this is redundant, being hard-coded (for now) into Parser.yp
sub clear {
return "\$output = '';";
# break() [% BREAK %]
# NOTE: this is redundant, being hard-coded (for now) into Parser.yp
sub OLD_break {
return 'last LOOP;';
# return() [% RETURN %]
sub return {
return "\$context->throw('return', '', \\\$output);";
# stop() [% STOP %]
sub stop {
return "\$context->throw('stop', '', \\\$output);";
# use(\@lnameargs) [% USE alias = plugin(args) %]
# # => [ [$file, ...], \@args, $alias ]
sub use {
my ($self, $lnameargs) = @_;
my ($file, $args, $alias) = @$lnameargs;
$file = shift @$file; # same production rule as INCLUDE
$alias ||= $file;
$args = &args($self, $args);
$file .= ", $args" if $args;
# my $set = &assign($self, $alias, '$plugin');
return "# USE\n"
. "\$stash->set($alias,\n"
. " \$context->plugin($file));";
# view(\@nameargs, $block) [% VIEW name args %]
# # => [ [$file, ... ], \@args ]
sub view {
my ($self, $nameargs, $block, $defblocks) = @_;
my ($name, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift @$args;
$name = shift @$name; # same production rule as INCLUDE
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
if (%$defblocks) {
$defblocks = join(",\n", map { "'$_' => $defblocks->{ $_ }" }
keys %$defblocks);
$defblocks = pad($defblocks, 1) if $PRETTY;
$defblocks = "{\n$defblocks\n}";
push(@$hash, "'blocks'", $defblocks);
$hash = @$hash ? '{ ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
return <<EOF;
do {
my \$output = '';
my \$_tt_oldv = \$stash->get('view');
my \$_tt_view = \$context->view($hash);
\$stash->set($name, \$_tt_view);
\$stash->set('view', \$_tt_view);
\$stash->set('view', \$_tt_oldv);
# \$output; # not used - commented out to avoid warning
# perl($block)
sub perl {
my ($self, $block) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
\$context->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set')
unless \$context->eval_perl();
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = "package Template::Perl;\\n";
local(\$Template::Perl::context) = \$context;
local(\$Template::Perl::stash) = \$stash;
my \$_tt_result = '';
tie *Template::Perl::PERLOUT, 'Template::TieString', \\\$_tt_result;
my \$_tt_save_stdout = select *Template::Perl::PERLOUT;
eval \$output;
select \$_tt_save_stdout;
\$context->throw(\$@) if \$@;
# no_perl()
sub no_perl {
my $self = shift;
return "\$context->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set');";
# rawperl($block)
# NOTE: perhaps test context EVAL_PERL switch at compile time rather than
# runtime?
sub rawperl {
my ($self, $block, $line) = @_;
for ($block) {
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
$line = $line ? " (starting line $line)" : '';
return <<EOF;
#line 1 "RAWPERL block$line"
# filter()
sub filter {
my ($self, $lnameargs, $block) = @_;
my ($name, $args, $alias) = @$lnameargs;
$name = shift @$name;
$args = &args($self, $args);
$args = $args ? "$args, $alias" : ", undef, $alias"
if $alias;
$name .= ", $args" if $args;
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
$OUTPUT do {
my \$output = '';
my \$_tt_filter = \$context->filter($name)
|| \$context->throw(\$context->error);
# capture($name, $block)
sub capture {
my ($self, $name, $block) = @_;
if (ref $name) {
if (scalar @$name == 2 && ! $name->[1]) {
$name = $name->[0];
else {
$name = '[' . join(', ', @$name) . ']';
$block = pad($block, 1) if $PRETTY;
return <<EOF;
\$stash->set($name, do {
my \$output = '';
# macro($name, $block, \@args)
sub macro {
my ($self, $ident, $block, $args) = @_;
$block = pad($block, 2) if $PRETTY;
if ($args) {
my $nargs = scalar @$args;
$args = join(', ', map { "'$_'" } @$args);
$args = $nargs > 1
? "\@_tt_args{ $args } = splice(\@_, 0, $nargs)"
: "\$_tt_args{ $args } = shift";
return <<EOF;
\$stash->set('$ident', sub {
my \$output = '';
my (%_tt_args, \$_tt_params);
\$_tt_params = shift;
\$_tt_params = { } unless ref(\$_tt_params) eq 'HASH';
\$_tt_params = { \%_tt_args, %\$_tt_params };
my \$stash = \$context->localise(\$_tt_params);
eval {
\$stash = \$context->delocalise();
die \$@ if \$@;
return \$output;
else {
return <<EOF;
\$stash->set('$ident', sub {
my \$_tt_params = \$_[0] if ref(\$_[0]) eq 'HASH';
my \$output = '';
my \$stash = \$context->localise(\$_tt_params);
eval {
\$stash = \$context->delocalise();
die \$@ if \$@;
return \$output;
sub debug {
my ($self, $nameargs) = @_;
my ($file, $args) = @$nameargs;
my $hash = shift @$args;
$args = join(', ', @$file, @$args);
$args .= @$hash ? ', { ' . join(', ', @$hash) . ' }' : '';
return "$OUTPUT \$context->debugging($args); ## DEBUG ##";
=head1 NAME
Template::Directive - Perl code generator for template directives
# no user serviceable parts inside
The C<Template::Directive> module defines a number of methods that
generate Perl code for the runtime representation of the various
Template Toolkit directives.
It is used internally by the L<Template::Parser> module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<>
Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# perl-indent-level: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: