Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: TList.tcl,v 1.6 2002/01/24 09:13:58 idiscovery Exp $
# TList.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tix Tabular Listbox
# widgets.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
global tkPriv
if {![llength [info globals tkPriv]]} {
tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateVariable tkPriv
# tkPriv elements used in this file:
# afterId - Token returned by "after" for autoscanning.
# fakeRelease - Cancel the ButtonRelease-1 after the user double click
proc tixTListBind {} {
tixBind TixTList <ButtonPress-1> {
tixTList:Button-1 %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <Shift-ButtonPress-1> {
tixTList:Shift-Button-1 %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <Control-ButtonPress-1> {
tixTList:Control-Button-1 %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <ButtonRelease-1> {
tixTList:ButtonRelease-1 %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
tixTList:Double-1 %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <B1-Motion> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
set tkPriv(X) %X
set tkPriv(Y) %Y
tixTList:B1-Motion %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <Control-B1-Motion> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
set tkPriv(X) %X
set tkPriv(Y) %Y
tixTList:Control-B1-Motion %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <B1-Leave> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
set tkPriv(X) %X
set tkPriv(Y) %Y
tixTList:B1-Leave %W
tixBind TixTList <B1-Enter> {
tixTList:B1-Enter %W %x %y
tixBind TixTList <Control-B1-Leave> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
set tkPriv(X) %X
set tkPriv(Y) %Y
tixTList:Control-B1-Leave %W
tixBind TixTList <Control-B1-Enter> {
tixTList:Control-B1-Enter %W %x %y
# Keyboard bindings
tixBind TixTList <Up> {
tixTList:DirKey %W up
tixBind TixTList <Down> {
tixTList:DirKey %W down
tixBind TixTList <Left> {
tixTList:DirKey %W left
tixBind TixTList <Right> {
tixTList:DirKey %W right
tixBind TixTList <Prior> {
%W yview scroll -1 pages
tixBind TixTList <Next> {
%W yview scroll 1 pages
tixBind TixTList <Return> {
tixTList:Return %W
tixBind TixTList <space> {
tixTList:Space %W
# Don't use tixBind because %A causes Tk 8.3.2 to crash
bind TixTList <MouseWheel> {
if {"[%W cget -orient]" == "vertical"} {
%W xview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 4}] units
} else {
%W yview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 2}] units
# Mouse bindings
proc tixTList:Button-1 {w x y} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
if {[$w cget -takefocus]} {
focus $w
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s1 $w $x $y
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b1 $w $x $y
{m0} {
tixTList:GoState m1 $w $x $y
{e0} {
tixTList:GoState e1 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:Shift-Button-1 {w x y} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
if {[$w cget -takefocus]} {
focus $w
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s1 $w $x $y
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b1 $w $x $y
{m0} {
tixTList:GoState m7 $w $x $y
{e0} {
tixTList:GoState e7 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:Control-Button-1 {w x y} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
if {[$w cget -takefocus]} {
focus $w
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s1 $w $x $y
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b1 $w $x $y
{m0} {
tixTList:GoState m1 $w $x $y
{e0} {
tixTList:GoState e10 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:ButtonRelease-1 {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s2 s4 s5 s6} {
tixTList:GoState s3 $w
{b2 b4 b5 b6} {
tixTList:GoState b3 $w
{m2} {
tixTList:GoState m3 $w
{m5} {
tixTList:GoState m6 $w $x $y
{m9} {
tixTList:GoState m0 $w
{e2} {
tixTList:GoState e3 $w
{e5} {
tixTList:GoState e6 $w $x $y
{e9} {
tixTList:GoState e0 $w
proc tixTList:B1-Motion {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s2 s4} {
tixTList:GoState s4 $w $x $y
{b2 b4} {
tixTList:GoState b4 $w $x $y
{m2 m5} {
tixTList:GoState m4 $w $x $y
{e2 e5} {
tixTList:GoState e4 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:Control-B1-Motion {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s2 s4} {
tixTList:GoState s4 $w $x $y
{b2 b4} {
tixTList:GoState b4 $w $x $y
{m2 m5} {
tixTList:GoState m4 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:Double-1 {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s7 $w $x $y
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b7 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:B1-Leave {w} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s2 s4} {
tixTList:GoState s5 $w
{b2 b4} {
tixTList:GoState b5 $w
{m2 m5} {
tixTList:GoState m8 $w
{e2 e5} {
tixTList:GoState e8 $w
proc tixTList:B1-Enter {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s5 s6} {
tixTList:GoState s4 $w $x $y
{b5 b6} {
tixTList:GoState b4 $w $x $y
{m8 m9} {
tixTList:GoState m4 $w $x $y
{e8 e9} {
tixTList:GoState e4 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:Control-B1-Leave {w} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s2 s4} {
tixTList:GoState s5 $w
{b2 b4} {
tixTList:GoState b5 $w
{m2 m5} {
tixTList:GoState m8 $w
proc tixTList:Control-B1-Enter {w x y} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s5 s6} {
tixTList:GoState s4 $w $x $y
{b5 b6} {
tixTList:GoState b4 $w $x $y
{m8 m9} {
tixTList:GoState m4 $w $x $y
proc tixTList:AutoScan {w} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s5 s6} {
tixTList:GoState s6 $w
{b5 b6} {
tixTList:GoState b6 $w
{m8 m9} {
tixTList:GoState m9 $w
{e8 e9} {
tixTList:GoState e9 $w
# Key bindings
proc tixTList:DirKey {w key} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s8 $w $key
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b8 $w $key
proc tixTList:Return {w} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s9 $w
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b9 $w
proc tixTList:Space {w} {
if {[$w cget -state] == "disabled"} {
case [tixTList:GetState $w] {
{s0} {
tixTList:GoState s10 $w
{b0} {
tixTList:GoState b10 $w
proc tixTList:GetState {w} {
global $w:priv:state
if {[info exists $w:priv:state]} {
# If the app has changed the selectmode, reset the state to the
# original state.
set type [string index [$w cget -selectmode] 0]
if {"[string index [set $w:priv:state] 0]" != "$type"} {
unset $w:priv:state
if {![info exists $w:priv:state]} {
case [$w cget -selectmode] {
single {
set $w:priv:state s0
browse {
set $w:priv:state b0
multiple {
set $w:priv:state m0
extended {
set $w:priv:state e0
default {
set $w:priv:state unknown
return [set $w:priv:state]
proc tixTList:SetState {w n} {
global $w:priv:state
set $w:priv:state $n
proc tixTList:GoState {n w args} {
# puts "going from [tixTList:GetState $w] --> $n"
tixTList:SetState $w $n
eval tixTList:GoState-$n $w $args
# States
proc tixTList:GoState-s0 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-s1 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
tixTList:GoState s2 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s2 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-s3 {w} {
set ent [$w info anchor]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState s0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s4 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
proc tixTList:GoState-s5 {w} {
tixTList:StartScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s6 {w} {
global tkPriv
tixTList:DoScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s7 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallCommand $w $ent
tixTList:GoState s0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s8 {w key} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
} else {
set anchor [$w info $key $anchor]
$w anchor set $anchor
$w see $anchor
tixTList:GoState s0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s9 {w} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
$w anchor set $anchor
$w see $anchor
if {[$w info anchor] != ""} {
# ! may not have any elements
tixTList:CallCommand $w [$w info anchor]
$w selection clear
$w selection set $anchor
tixTList:GoState s0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-s10 {w} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
$w anchor set $anchor
$w see $anchor
if {[$w info anchor] != ""} {
# ! may not have any elements
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w [$w info anchor]
$w selection clear
$w selection set $anchor
tixTList:GoState s0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b0 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-b1 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState b2 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b2 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-b3 {w} {
set ent [$w info anchor]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState b0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b4 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
proc tixTList:GoState-b5 {w} {
tixTList:StartScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b6 {w} {
global tkPriv
tixTList:DoScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b7 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallCommand $w $ent
tixTList:GoState b0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b8 {w key} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
} else {
set anchor [$w info $key $anchor]
$w anchor set $anchor
$w selection clear
$w selection set $anchor
$w see $anchor
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $anchor
tixTList:GoState b0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b9 {w} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
$w anchor set $anchor
$w see $anchor
if {[$w info anchor] != ""} {
# ! may not have any elements
tixTList:CallCommand $w [$w info anchor]
$w selection clear
$w selection set $anchor
tixTList:GoState b0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-b10 {w} {
set anchor [$w info anchor]
if {$anchor == ""} {
set anchor 0
$w anchor set $anchor
$w see $anchor
if {[$w info anchor] != ""} {
# ! may not have any elements
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w [$w info anchor]
$w selection clear
$w selection set $anchor
tixTList:GoState b0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m0 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-m1 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState m2 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m2 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-m3 {w} {
set ent [$w info anchor]
if {$ent != ""} {
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState m0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m4 {w x y} {
set from [$w info anchor]
set to [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$to != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $from $to
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $to
tixTList:GoState m5 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m5 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-m6 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState m0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m7 {w x y} {
set from [$w info anchor]
set to [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$from == ""} {
set from $to
$w anchor set $from
$w see $from
if {$to != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $from $to
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $to
tixTList:GoState m5 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m8 {w} {
tixTList:StartScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-m9 {w} {
tixTList:DoScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-xm7 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallCommand $w $ent
tixTList:GoState m0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e0 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-e1 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState e2 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e2 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-e3 {w} {
set ent [$w info anchor]
if {$ent != ""} {
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState e0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e4 {w x y} {
set from [$w info anchor]
set to [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$to != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $from $to
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $to
tixTList:GoState e5 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e5 {w} {
proc tixTList:GoState-e6 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState e0 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e7 {w x y} {
set from [$w info anchor]
set to [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$from == ""} {
set from $to
$w anchor set $from
$w see $from
if {$to != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $from $to
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $to
tixTList:GoState e5 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e8 {w} {
tixTList:StartScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e9 {w} {
tixTList:DoScan $w
proc tixTList:GoState-e10 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
if {[$w info anchor] == ""} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
if {[$w selection includes $ent]} {
$w selection clear $ent
} else {
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
tixTList:GoState e2 $w
proc tixTList:GoState-xm7 {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != ""} {
$w selection clear
$w selection set $ent
tixTList:CallCommand $w $ent
tixTList:GoState e0 $w
# callback actions
proc tixTList:SetAnchor {w x y} {
set ent [$w nearest $x $y]
if {$ent != "" && [$w entrycget $ent -state] != "disabled"} {
$w anchor set $ent
$w see $ent
return $ent
return ""
proc tixTList:Select {w ent} {
$w selection clear
$w select set $ent
proc tixTList:StartScan {w} {
global tkPriv
set tkPriv(afterId) [after 50 tixTList:AutoScan $w]
proc tixTList:DoScan {w} {
global tkPriv
set x $tkPriv(x)
set y $tkPriv(y)
set X $tkPriv(X)
set Y $tkPriv(Y)
set out 0
if {$y >= [winfo height $w]} {
$w yview scroll 1 units
set out 1
if {$y < 0} {
$w yview scroll -1 units
set out 1
if {$x >= [winfo width $w]} {
$w xview scroll 2 units
set out 1
if {$x < 0} {
$w xview scroll -2 units
set out 1
if {$out} {
set tkPriv(afterId) [after 50 tixTList:AutoScan $w]
proc tixTList:CallBrowseCmd {w ent} {
set browsecmd [$w cget -browsecmd]
if {$browsecmd != ""} {
set bind(specs) {%V}
set bind(%V) $ent
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $browsecmd bind $ent
proc tixTList:CallCommand {w ent} {
set command [$w cget -command]
if {$command != ""} {
set bind(specs) {%V}
set bind(%V) $ent
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $command bind $ent