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ddddddddddddddddddd d!d"d#d$g$Zd%d&lZd%d&lZd%d&lZd%d'lT d%d(lmZmZ d%d&lZd%Z d)Z
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d1d&d2d&d&d&d&d&d-�d.d!�Zed3d&d&fd/d"�Zed&d&fd0d#�Zd&S )4aS Interface to the liblzma compression library.
This module provides a class for reading and writing compressed files,
classes for incremental (de)compression, and convenience functions for
one-shot (de)compression.
These classes and functions support both the XZ and legacy LZMA
container formats, as well as raw compressed data streams.
decompressZis_check_supported� N)�*)�_encode_filter_properties�_decode_filter_properties� � c @ s� e Zd ZdZd"dd#ddd�dd�Zdd � Zed
d� �Zdd
� Zdd� Z dd� Z
dd� Zd%dd�Zd'dd�Z
d)dd�Zd+dd�Zdd� Zejfdd�Zd d!� ZdS ),r a@ A file object providing transparent LZMA (de)compression.
An LZMAFile can act as a wrapper for an existing file object, or
refer directly to a named file on disk.
Note that LZMAFile provides a *binary* file interface - data read
is returned as bytes, and data to be written must be given as bytes.
N�rr )�format�check�preset�filtersc C s& d| _ d| _t| _|dkrL|dkr*td��|dk r:td��|dkrFt}t}n@|dkr~|dkr`t}t}t ||||d�| _
d| _ntdj|���t
|tttjf�r�d|kr�|d7 }tj||�| _ d| _|| _n*t|d�s�t|d�r�|| _ || _ntd��| jtk�r"tj| j tt||d�}tj|�| _dS )a� Open an LZMA-compressed file in binary mode.
filename can be either an actual file name (given as a str,
bytes, or PathLike object), in which case the named file is
opened, or it can be an existing file object to read from or
write to.
mode can be "r" for reading (default), "w" for (over)writing,
"x" for creating exclusively, or "a" for appending. These can
equivalently be given as "rb", "wb", "xb" and "ab" respectively.
format specifies the container format to use for the file.
If mode is "r", this defaults to FORMAT_AUTO. Otherwise, the
default is FORMAT_XZ.
check specifies the integrity check to use. This argument can
only be used when opening a file for writing. For FORMAT_XZ,
the default is CHECK_CRC64. FORMAT_ALONE and FORMAT_RAW do not
support integrity checks - for these formats, check must be
omitted, or be CHECK_NONE.
When opening a file for reading, the *preset* argument is not
meaningful, and should be omitted. The *filters* argument should
also be omitted, except when format is FORMAT_RAW (in which case
it is required).
When opening a file for writing, the settings used by the
compressor can be specified either as a preset compression
level (with the *preset* argument), or in detail as a custom
filter chain (with the *filters* argument). For FORMAT_XZ and
FORMAT_ALONE, the default is to use the PRESET_DEFAULT preset
level. For FORMAT_RAW, the caller must always specify a filter
chain; the raw compressor does not support preset compression
preset (if provided) should be an integer in the range 0-9,
optionally OR-ed with the constant PRESET_EXTREME.
filters (if provided) should be a sequence of dicts. Each dict
should have an entry for "id" indicating ID of the filter, plus
additional entries for options to the filter.
NFr �rbr zACannot specify an integrity check when opening a file for readingzICannot specify a preset compression level when opening a file for reading�w�wb�a�ab�x�xb)r r r r r
zInvalid mode: {!r}�bT�read�writez6filename must be a str, bytes, file or PathLike object)Ztrailing_errorr r )r r ���)r r r r r r )�_fp�_closefp�_MODE_CLOSED�_mode�
ValueErrorr �
_MODE_READr �_MODE_WRITEr �_compressor�_posr �
isinstance�str�bytes�os�PathLike�builtinsr �hasattr� TypeError�_compressionZDecompressReaderr r �io�BufferedReader�_buffer) �self�filename�moder r r r Z mode_code�raw� r9 �/usr/lib64/python3.6/�__init__1 sB ,
zLZMAFile.__init__c C s� | j tkrdS zB| j tkr,| jj� d| _n"| j tkrN| jj| jj � � d| _W dz| j
rd| jj� W dd| _d| _
t| _ X X dS )z�Flush and close the file.
May be called more than once without error. Once the file is
closed, any other operation on it will raise a ValueError.
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