Your IP :
# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Net/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package Net::SSLeay;
#line 1265 "blib/lib/Net/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay/"
sub http_cat { # address, port, message --> returns reply / (reply,errs,cert)
my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message) = @_;
my ($got, $errs, $written);
($got, $errs) = open_proxy_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port);
return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) unless $got;
### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary).
warn "http_cat $$: sending " . blength($out_message) . " bytes...\n"
if $trace==3;
warn "http_cat $$: sending `$out_message' (" . blength($out_message)
. " bytes)...\n" if $trace>3;
($written, $errs) = tcp_write_all($out_message);
goto cleanup unless $written;
warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2;
($got, $errs) = tcp_read_all();
warn "Got " . blength($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3;
warn "Got `$got' (" . blength($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3;
close SSLCAT_S;
return wantarray ? ($got, $errs) : $got;
# end of Net::SSLeay::http_cat