Your IP :
from . import base
import glob
import re
import os.path
from .decorators import *
import tuned.logs
import tuned.consts as consts
from subprocess import *
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
log = tuned.logs.get()
class SysfsPlugin(base.Plugin):
Sets various `sysfs` settings specified by the plug-in options.
The syntax is `_name_=_value_`, where
`_name_` is the `sysfs` path to use and `_value_` is
the value to write. The `sysfs` path supports the shell-style
wildcard characters (see `man 7 glob` for additional detail).
Use this plugin in case you need to change some settings that are
not covered by other plug-ins. Prefer specific plug-ins if they
cover the required settings.
.Ignore corrected errors and associated scans that cause latency spikes
# TODO: resolve possible conflicts with sysctl settings from other plugins
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SysfsPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._has_dynamic_options = True
self._cmd = commands()
def _instance_init(self, instance):
instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False
instance._has_static_tuning = True
instance._sysfs = dict([(os.path.normpath(key_value[0]), key_value[1]) for key_value in list(instance.options.items())])
instance._sysfs_original = {}
def _instance_cleanup(self, instance):
def _instance_apply_static(self, instance):
for key, value in list(instance._sysfs.items()):
v = self._variables.expand(value)
for f in glob.iglob(key):
if self._check_sysfs(f):
instance._sysfs_original[f] = self._read_sysfs(f)
self._write_sysfs(f, v)
log.error("rejecting write to '%s' (not inside /sys)" % f)
def _instance_verify_static(self, instance, ignore_missing, devices):
ret = True
for key, value in list(instance._sysfs.items()):
v = self._variables.expand(value)
for f in glob.iglob(key):
if self._check_sysfs(f):
curr_val = self._read_sysfs(f)
if self._verify_value(f, v, curr_val, ignore_missing) == False:
ret = False
return ret
def _instance_unapply_static(self, instance, rollback = consts.ROLLBACK_SOFT):
for key, value in list(instance._sysfs_original.items()):
self._write_sysfs(key, value)
def _check_sysfs(self, sysfs_file):
return re.match(r"^/sys/.*", sysfs_file)
def _read_sysfs(self, sysfs_file):
data = self._cmd.read_file(sysfs_file).strip()
if len(data) > 0:
return self._cmd.get_active_option(data, False)
return None
def _write_sysfs(self, sysfs_file, value):
return self._cmd.write_to_file(sysfs_file, value)