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Errors raised by Device methods.
.. moduleauthor:: Sebastian Wiesner <>
� )�absolute_import)�division)�print_function)�unicode_literalsN)�
add_metaclassc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�DeviceErrorzP
Any error raised when messing around w/ or trying to discover devices.
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �/usr/lib/python3.6/_errors.pyr $ s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�DeviceNotFoundErrorz�
An exception indicating that no :class:`Device` was found.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5
Rename from ``NoSuchDeviceError`` to its current name.
N)r r r
r r r r r
r + s r c @ s, e Zd ZdZdd� Zedd� �Zdd� ZdS ) �DeviceNotFoundAtPathErrorzh
A :exc:`DeviceNotFoundError` indicating that no :class:`Device` was
found at a given path.
c C s t j| |� d S )N)r �__init__)�self�sys_pathr r r
r ; s z"DeviceNotFoundAtPathError.__init__c C s
| j d S )z<
The path that caused this error as string.
r )�args)r r r r
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