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dd� Zdd� ZdS )�UninstallPathSetzMA set of file paths to be removed in the uninstallation of a
requirement.c C s, t � | _t � | _i | _|| _d | _g | _d S )N)�set�paths�_refuse�pth�dist�save_dir�_moved_paths)�selfr � r �#/usr/lib/python3.6/�__init__ s zUninstallPathSet.__init__c C s t |�S )zs
Return True if the given path is one we are permitted to
remove/modify, False otherwise.
)r )r �pathr r r �
_permitted s zUninstallPathSet._permittedc C s� t jj|�\}}t jjt|�t jj|��}t jj|�s:d S | j|�rR| jj |� n| j
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|�� d S )N��osr �split�joinr �normcase�existsr r �addr �splitextr r )r r �head�tailr r r r! # s
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