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d� Zdd� ZdS )z/Various utility functions, and a utility class.� )�absolute_import)�unicode_literals)�
SC_CLK_TCK�dnfc C s t | �t S )z�Convert a number of jiffies to seconds. How many jiffies are in a second
is system-dependent, e.g. 100 jiffies = 1 second is common.
:param jiffies: a number of jiffies
:return: the equivalent number of seconds
)�int�_USER_HZ)Zjiffies� r
�/usr/lib/python3.6/�jiffies_to_seconds s r c C sj | dkr0d| d | d
d | d d | d f S | dkrVd| d | d d | d f S d| d | d f S )
a Return a human-readable string representation of the length of
a time interval given in seconds.
:param seconds: the length of the time interval in seconds
:return: a human-readable string representation of the length of
the time interval