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/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2020, MariaDB Corporation.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Optimized function-like macros for the x86 architecture (_WIN32 included).
#define sint2korr(A) (*((const int16 *) (A)))
#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \
(((uint32) 255L << 24) | \
(((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\
(((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \
((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \
(((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\
(((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \
((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])))
#define sint4korr(A) (*((const long *) (A)))
#define uint2korr(A) (*((const uint16 *) (A)))
#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) |\
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) |\
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16))
#define uint4korr(A) (*((const uint32 *) (A)))
#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) |\
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) |\
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) |\
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) |\
(((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32))
#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) | \
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) | \
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) | \
(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) | \
(((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) | \
(((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40))
#define uint8korr(A) (*((const ulonglong *) (A)))
#define sint8korr(A) (*((const longlong *) (A)))
#define int2store(T,A) *((uint16*) (T))= (uint16) (A)
#define int3store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar) ((A));\
*(T+1)=(uchar) (((uint) (A) >> 8));\
*(T+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\
} while (0)
#define int4store(T,A) *((long *) (T))= (long) (A)
#define int5store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A));\
*((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\
*((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\
*((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24));\
*((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32));\
} while(0)
#define int6store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A)); \
*((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8)); \
*((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \
*((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \
*((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \
*((T)+5)=(uchar) (((A) >> 40)); \
} while(0)
#define int8store(T,A) *((ulonglong *) (T))= (ulonglong) (A)
typedef union {
double v;
long m[2];
} doubleget_union;
#define doubleget(V,M) \
do { doubleget_union _tmp; \
_tmp.m[0] = *((const long*)(M)); \
_tmp.m[1] = *(((const long*) (M))+1); \
(V) = _tmp.v; } while(0)
#define doublestore(T,V) \
do { *((long *) T) = ((const doubleget_union *)&V)->m[0]; \
*(((long *) T)+1) = ((const doubleget_union *)&V)->m[1]; \
} while (0)
#define float4get(V,M) \
do { *((float *) &(V)) = *((const float*) (M)); } while(0)
#define float8get(V,M) doubleget((V),(M))
#define float4store(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(V), (uchar*)(&M), sizeof(float))
#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((uchar*)(T), (uchar*)(&V), sizeof(float))
#define floatget(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(&V),(uchar*) (M), sizeof(float))
#define float8store(V,M) doublestore((V),(M))