Your IP :
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef ISC_STRING_H
#define ISC_STRING_H 1
/*! \file isc/string.h */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <isc/formatcheck.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/platform.h>
#include <isc/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#define ISC_STRING_MAGIC 0x5e
isc_string_touint64(char *source, char **endp, int base);
* Convert the string pointed to by 'source' to uint64_t.
* On successful conversion 'endp' points to the first character
* after conversion is complete.
* 'base': 0 or 2..36
* If base is 0 the base is computed from the string type.
* On error 'endp' points to 'source'.
isc_string_copy(char *target, size_t size, const char *source);
* Copy the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a
* pointer to a string of at least 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
* If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE
* 'target' is undefined.
* Returns:
* ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'source' was successfully copied to 'target'.
* ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'source' could not be copied since 'target'
* is too small.
isc_string_copy_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *source);
* Copy the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a
* pointer to a string of at least 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
isc_string_append(char *target, size_t size, const char *source);
* Append the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a
* pointer to a NUL terminated string of at least 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a NUL terminated char[] of at
* least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
* If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE
* 'target' is undefined.
* Returns:
* ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'source' was successfully appended to 'target'.
* ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'source' could not be appended since 'target'
* is too small.
isc_string_append_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *source);
* Append the string pointed to by 'source' to 'target' which is a
* pointer to a NUL terminated string of at least 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a NUL terminated char[] of at
* least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'source' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
isc_string_printf(char *target, size_t size, const char *format, ...)
* Print 'format' to 'target' which is a pointer to a string of at least
* 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'format' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* If result == ISC_R_SUCCESS
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
* If result == ISC_R_NOSPACE
* 'target' is undefined.
* Returns:
* ISC_R_SUCCESS -- 'format' was successfully printed to 'target'.
* ISC_R_NOSPACE -- 'format' could not be printed to 'target' since it
* is too small.
isc_string_printf_truncate(char *target, size_t size, const char *format, ...)
* Print 'format' to 'target' which is a pointer to a string of at least
* 'size' bytes.
* Requires:
* 'target' is a pointer to a char[] of at least 'size' bytes.
* 'size' an integer > 0.
* 'format' == NULL or points to a NUL terminated string.
* Ensures:
* 'target' will be a NUL terminated string of no more
* than 'size' bytes (including NUL).
char *
isc_string_regiondup(isc_mem_t *mctx, const isc_region_t *source);
* Copy the region pointed to by r to a NUL terminated string
* allocated from the memory context pointed to by mctx.
* The result should be deallocated using isc_mem_free()
* Requires:
* 'mctx' is a point to a valid memory context.
* 'source' is a pointer to a valid region.
* Returns:
* a pointer to a NUL terminated string or
* NULL if memory for the copy could not be allocated
char *
isc_string_separate(char **stringp, const char *delim);
#define strsep isc_string_separate
#define memmove(a,b,c) bcopy(b,a,c)
isc_string_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
#define strlcpy isc_string_strlcpy
isc_string_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
#define strlcat isc_string_strlcat
char *
isc_string_strcasestr(const char *big, const char *little);
#define strcasestr isc_string_strcasestr
#endif /* ISC_STRING_H */