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* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_ZT_H
#define DNS_ZT_H 1
/*! \file dns/zt.h */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/rwlock.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_zt_allloaded_t)(void *arg);
* Method prototype: when all pending zone loads are complete,
* the zone table can inform the caller via a callback function with
* this signature.
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_zt_zoneloaded_t)(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone, isc_task_t *task);
* Method prototype: when a zone finishes loading, the zt object
* can be informed via a callback function with this signature.
dns_zt_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, dns_zt_t **zt);
* Creates a new zone table.
* Requires:
* \li 'mctx' to be initialized.
* Returns:
* \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS on success.
dns_zt_mount(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone);
* Mounts the zone on the zone table.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid
* \li 'zone' to be valid
* Returns:
dns_zt_unmount(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zone_t *zone);
* Unmount the given zone from the table.
* Requires:
* 'zt' to be valid
* \li 'zone' to be valid
* Returns:
dns_zt_find(dns_zt_t *zt, const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options,
dns_name_t *foundname, dns_zone_t **zone);
* Find the best match for 'name' in 'zt'. If foundname is non NULL
* then the name of the zone found is returned.
* Notes:
* \li If the DNS_ZTFIND_NOEXACT is set, the best partial match (if any)
* to 'name' will be returned.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid
* \li 'name' to be valid
* \li 'foundname' to be initialized and associated with a fixedname or NULL
* \li 'zone' to be non NULL and '*zone' to be NULL
* Returns:
dns_zt_detach(dns_zt_t **ztp);
* Detach the given zonetable, if the reference count goes to zero the
* zonetable will be freed. In either case 'ztp' is set to NULL.
* Requires:
* \li '*ztp' to be valid
dns_zt_flushanddetach(dns_zt_t **ztp);
* Detach the given zonetable, if the reference count goes to zero the
* zonetable will be flushed and then freed. In either case 'ztp' is
* set to NULL.
* Requires:
* \li '*ztp' to be valid
dns_zt_attach(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zt_t **ztp);
* Attach 'zt' to '*ztp'.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid
* \li '*ztp' to be NULL
dns_zt_load(dns_zt_t *zt, bool stop);
dns_zt_loadnew(dns_zt_t *zt, bool stop);
dns_zt_asyncload(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zt_allloaded_t alldone, void *arg);
dns_zt_asyncload2(dns_zt_t *zt, dns_zt_allloaded_t alldone, void *arg,
bool newonly);
* Load all zones in the table. If 'stop' is true,
* stop on the first error and return it. If 'stop'
* is false, ignore errors.
* dns_zt_loadnew() only loads zones that are not yet loaded.
* dns_zt_load() also loads zones that are already loaded and
* and whose master file has changed since the last load.
* dns_zt_asyncload() loads zones asynchronously; when all
* zones in the zone table have finished loaded (or failed due
* to errors), the caller is informed by calling 'alldone'
* with an argument of 'arg'.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid
dns_zt_freezezones(dns_zt_t *zt, bool freeze);
* Freeze/thaw updates to master zones.
* Any pending updates will be flushed.
* Zones will be reloaded on thaw.
dns_zt_apply(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_rwlocktype_t lock, bool stop,
isc_result_t (*action)(dns_zone_t *, void *), void *uap);
dns_zt_apply2(dns_zt_t *zt, isc_rwlocktype_t lock, bool stop, isc_result_t *sub,
isc_result_t (*action)(dns_zone_t *, void *), void *uap);
* Apply a given 'action' to all zone zones in the table.
* If 'stop' is 'true' then walking the zone tree will stop if
* 'action' does not return ISC_R_SUCCESS.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid.
* \li 'action' to be non NULL.
* Returns:
* \li ISC_R_SUCCESS if action was applied to all nodes. If 'stop' is
* false and 'sub' is non NULL then the first error (if any)
* reported by 'action' is returned in '*sub';
* any error code from 'action'.
dns_zt_loadspending(dns_zt_t *zt);
* Returns true if and only if there are zones still waiting to
* be loaded in zone table 'zt'.
* Requires:
* \li 'zt' to be valid.
dns_zt_setviewcommit(dns_zt_t *zt);
* Commit dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this
* zone table.
* Requires:
*\li 'view' to be valid.
dns_zt_setviewrevert(dns_zt_t *zt);
* Revert dns_zone_setview() calls previously made for all zones in this
* zone table.
* Requires:
*\li 'view' to be valid.
#endif /* DNS_ZT_H */