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<requirement check="php" type="version" operator="ge" value="5.2.4" />
<font size="5" color="#182e7a">phpLiteAdmin</font> is a web-based SQLite database admin tool written in PHP with support for SQLite2 and SQLite3.
<br /><br />
phpLiteAdmin is released under the <a href="" target="_blank">GNU GPL v3</a>.
<li>Lightweight - consists of a single 150KB source file for portability </li>
<li>Supports SQLite3 with backwards-compatibility for SQLite2 </li>
<li>Create and delete databases </li>
<li>Add, delete, rename, empty, and drop tables </li>
<li>Browse, add, edit, and delete records </li>
<li>Add, delete, and edit table columns </li>
<li>Manage table indexes </li>
<li>Manage table triggers </li>
<li>Import and export tables, structure, indexes, and data </li>
<li>View data as bar, pie, and line charts </li>
<li>Graphical search tool to find records based on specified field values </li>
<li>Create and run your own custom SQL queries in the free-form query editor/builder </li>
<li>Easily apply core SQLite functions to column values using the GUI </li>
<li>Write your own PHP functions to be available to apply to column values </li>
<li>Secure password-protected interface with login screen and cookies </li>
<li>Specify and manage an unlimited number of databases </li>
<li>Specify a directory and optionally its subdirectories to scan for databases </li>
<li>Allows multiple installations on the same server, each with a different password </li>
<li>Design your own theme using CSS or install a pre-made theme from the community </li>
<li>All presented in an intuitive, easy-to-use GUI that allows non-technical, SQL-illiterate users to fully manage databases </li>