Your IP :
Tweaks & Additions
System: added Chilean Peso (CLP $) as an available currency
System: temporarily disabled MFA toggle in Preferences page
Attendance: prevent setting partial future absence if a full-day absence already exists
Behaviour: added level and descriptor details to behaviour notification events
Messenger: updated the check-all option in Send Report to only select required recipients
Staff: updated the Active filter for job openings to include the open date
System Admin: added the option to define custom API scopes in Third Party Settings > Edit SSO Settings
Bug Fixes
System: fixed string format errors in Spanish and Hebrew translation files
System: fixed the invalid character check when uploading files
System: fix the message wall widget code when there are no messages
Attendance: removed Left teachers from Classes Not Registered report
Behaviour: fixed behaviour fields hidden on Edit Behaviour Record screen
Behaviour: fixed users with Manage Behaviour Records_my unable to add follow up comments
Messenger: fixed Submit button missing from New Message when only posting to message wall
Messenger: fixed the PHP 7.4 syntax error in MessageTargets when sending a new message
Messenger: fixed the appearance of the Message Wall widget in the sidebar, removed auto scrolling
Planner: fixed planner actions to return to Year Overview page if they originated there
Planner: fixed the Add action missing for teachers on empty dates in the Year Overview
Planner: fixed access to Unit Planner for users who are not part of a department with classes
Reports: fixed status message visual glitch on Write Reports page
Staff: fixed All Staff setting not persisting on the Substitute Availability weekly view
Timetable: fixed Date Unenrolled to be cleared when re-enrolling students in the same class
User Admin: fixed email validation on the Student Default Email setting
An exciting front-end refresh powered by HTMX and Alpine.js
Updated icons, menus, alerts and navigation elements
Improved forms with a quick-save shortcut and better validation
A new Activity registration system with a visual Explore Activities page
A Mailing List feature in Messenger to collect external email recipients
Changes With Important Notices
Additional modules may need updated to v28 compatible versions
User Admin: applied input and output filtering to all email address fields
Tweaks & Additions
System: set Greek as an active language
System: added Putonghua as a language option in dropdown menus
System: added IDD codes for Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea
System: added Nicaraguan Córdoba C$ as a currency option
System: refactored the Fast Finder using HTMX and Alpine
System: updated Core modules to have Gibbon Foundation as author
System: updates the timetable navigation to use AJAX reloading rather than page refresh
System: moved the login form to the bottom of the page when viewing subpages and not logged in
System: added a password strength checker and improved password policy display
System: updated all Date fields to use the browser native date picker
Attendance: added an index to the attendance log to help speed up attendance pages
Attendance: added an indicator to Student Not Present/Onsite when attendance logs conflict
Activities: updated Activity Attendance to always count participants for dates in the past
Behaviour: added a permission for students to view their own Behaviour Records (off by default)
Formal Assessment: allowed users with edit access to edit grouped Internal Assessment columns
Markbook: updated markbook columns to grey out students who joined after the Go Live date
Messenger: limited the individual message target to a maximum of 50 people
Messenger: updated preferences to ensure signatures are displayed on a white background
Planner: improved default selected course in Unit Planner sidebar menu
Planner: added an Add Block to All option in Deploy Working Copy
Reports: added a Progress by Department report for viewing class criteria progress
Rubrics: updated Edit Rubric page to allow HTML in rubric cells
Staff: updated Manage Staff to override required custom fields when manually editing a staff member
Staff: updated family page on Staff Profile to exclude personal details and addresses
Staff: added the option to exclude staff from internal coverage or set a coverage priority
Staff: updated the weightings in the Daily Coverage Planner to include overall weekly teaching load
Students: added a notification event when student notes are edited
Students: removed birthday icon from student view of class lists
User Admin: added the names of users who made changes to the User Status Log
User Admin: updated Manage Users to override required custom fields when manually editing a user
User Admin: updated Personal Documents to enable required Residency/Visa dropdown
Bug Fixes
Admissions: fixed the search results on the Manage Application page to include json data
Admissions: fixed missing Previous Schools section in Application Form view and print pages
Admissions: fixed custom field validation for second parent in Application Form
Behaviour: fixed users notified of behaviour records unable to add follow up
Finance: fixed bulk exporting invoice fees for Pending invoices
Form Groups: fixed Year Group Summary list when looking at non-current school years
Individual Needs: fixed an error on the IN Archive page that prevented access to it
Markbook: fixed SQL error in Markbook when using external assessments for a baseline
Planner: fixed next lesson plan date not auto populating in Add Lesson Plan
Reports: fixed Send Report option to enable sending to students without needing parent details
Reports: fixed Scan Asset Directories not working on Windows servers
Reports: fixed Scan Asset Directories failing to create template folder if it does not exist
Timetable: fixed permission checking before displaying user status info in View Timetables list
System Admin: fixed the sanitization rules for application form fields to allow HTML
System: replaced the legacy Thickbox library with an AJAX-based modal window
System: replaced the legacy LiveValidation library with Alpine.js validation
System: replaced the legacy jQuery tooltip with Alpine.js