Your IP :
# Dada Mail Outside Config File! (.dada_config)
# Dada Mail Global Variables Configuration Guide:
# The location of your .dada_config directory:
$DIR = '[[softdatadir]]/.dada_files';
# The URL to access Dada Mail:
$PROGRAM_URL = '[[softurl]]/mail.cgi';
$S_PROGRAM_URL = '[[softurl]]/mail.cgi';
# The location (server path + URL) of static, support files
dir => '[[wwwdir]]/dada_mail_support_files',
url => '[[wwwurl]]/dada_mail_support_files',
# The Dada Mail Root Pass:
# Start Root Password
$PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD = '[[admin_pass]]';
# End Root Password
# Backend Database Configuration:
# May just be, "localhost"
dbserver => '[[softdbhost]]',
database => '[[softdb]]',
# MySQL: 3306
# PostgreSQL: 5432
port => '3306',
# MySQL: mysql
# PostgreSQL: Pg
# SQLite: SQLite
dbtype => 'mysql',
user => '[[softdbuser]]',
pass => '[[softdbpass]]',
# WYSIWYG Editor/File Browser Options
ckeditor => {
enabled => 1,
url => '[[wwwurl]]/dada_mail_support_files/ckeditor',
tiny_mce => {
enabled => 1,
url => '[[wwwurl]]/dada_mail_support_files/tinymce',
rich_filemanager => {
enabled => 1,
url => '[[wwwurl]]/dada_mail_support_files/RichFilemanager',
upload_dir => '[[wwwdir]]/dada_mail_support_files/file_uploads',
upload_url => '[[wwwurl]]/dada_mail_support_files/file_uploads',
connector => 'php',
session_name => 'PHPSESSID',
session_dir => '[[softdatadir]]/.dada_files/.tmp/php_sessions',
core5_filemanager => {
enabled => 0,
url => '',
upload_dir => '',
upload_url => '',
connector => '',
none => {
enabled => 0,
scheduled_jobs_flavor => '_schedules',
log => 0,
run_at_teardown => 1,
set_smtp_sender => 1, # For SMTP
add_sendmail_f_flag => 1, # For Sendmail Command
admin_email => undef,
boilerplate_plugin => 0,
tracker => 1,
bounce_handler => 0,
bridge => 1,
change_root_password => 1,
change_list_shortname => 1,
password_protect_directories => 0,
log_viewer => 1,
screen_cache => 1,
global_config => 1,
view_list_settings => 0,
usage_log_to_consent_activity => 0,
Bounce_Handler => {
Connection_Protocol => 'POP3',
Server => '',
Address => '',
Username => '',
Password => '',
Port => AUTO,
USESSL => 0,
starttls => 0,
SSL_verify_mode => 0,
Plugin_Name => 'Bounce Handler',
Enable_POP3_File_Locking => undef,
Log => undef,
MessagesAtOnce => 100,
Max_Size_Of_Any_Message => undef,
Rules => undef,
Bridge => {
Plugin_Name => 'Bridge',
MessagesAtOnce => 1,
Room_For_One_More_Check => 1,
Enable_POP3_File_Locking => 1,
Check_List_Owner_Return_Path_Header => 0,
Check_Multiple_Return_Path_Headers => 0,
Tracker => {
Plugin_Name => undef,
Geo_IP_Db => undef,
log_viewer => {
Plugin_URL => undef,
tail_command => undef,
password_protect_directories => {
Plugin_Name => undef,
Plugin_URL => undef,
Allow_Manual_Run => undef,
Manual_Run_Passcode => undef,
Base_Absolute_Path => undef,
Base_URL => undef,
blog_index => {
Default_List => undef,
Entries => undef,
Style => undef,
Allow_QS_Overrides => undef,
multiple_subscribe => {
Plugin_Name => undef,
Plugin_URL => undef,
$EXT_URL =~ s/\/(\w+)\.(cgi|pl)(\??)$/\//;
$EXT_URL .= 'extensions';
{-Title => 'Mass Mailing',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'All Drafts/Stationery/Schedules',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=drafts&draft_role=draft",
-Function => 'drafts',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => '+ New Draft Message',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=send_email",
-Function => 'send_email',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Monitor',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=sending_monitor",
-Function => 'sending_monitor',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mass_mailing_options",
-Function => 'mass_mailing_options',
-Activated => 1,
{-Title => 'Mailing List',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'List Information',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=change_info",
-Function => 'change_info',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'List Password',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=change_password",
-Function => 'change_password',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Privacy Policy',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_privacy_policy",
-Function => 'manage_privacy_policy',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'List Consents',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_list_consent",
-Function => 'manage_list_consent',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=list_options",
-Function => 'list_options',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Web Services API',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=web_services",
-Function => 'web_services',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Delete This Mailing List',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=delete_list",
-Function => 'delete_list',
-Activated => 0,
{-Title => 'Membership',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'View',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=view_list",
-Function => 'view_list',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Recent Activity',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=list_activity",
-Function => 'list_activity',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Invite<!-- tmpl_if list_settings.enable_mass_subscribe -->/Subscribe<!-- /tmpl_if -->/Add',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=add",
-Function => 'add',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Remove',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=delete_email",
-Function => 'delete_email',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=subscription_options",
-Function => 'subscription_options',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'Sending',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mail_sending_options",
-Function => 'mail_sending_options',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Advanced Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mail_sending_advanced_options",
-Function => 'mail_sending_advanced_options',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Mass Mailing Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mailing_sending_mass_mailing_options",
-Function => 'mailing_sending_mass_mailing_options',
-Activated => 1,
{-Title => 'Archives',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'View',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=view_archive",
-Function => 'view_archive',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=archive_options",
-Function => 'archive_options',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Advanced Options',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=adv_archive_options",
-Function => 'adv_archive_options',
-Activated => 1,
{-Title => 'Appearance',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'Your Mailing List Template',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_template",
-Function => 'edit_template',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Email Themes',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=email_themes",
-Function => 'email_themes',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Custom Mass Mailing Layout',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_type",
-Function => 'edit_type',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'HTML Screen Templates',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_html_type",
-Function => 'edit_html_type',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Subscription Form HTML',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=html_code",
-Function => 'html_code',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Create a Back Link',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=back_link",
-Function => 'back_link',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Profiles',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'Profile Fields',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=profile_fields",
-Function => 'profile_fields',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Plugins/Extensions ',
-Activated => 1,
-Submenu => [
# # These are plugins. Make sure you install them
# # if you want to use them!
-Title => 'Tracker',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/tracker",
-Function => 'tracker',
-Activated => 1,
# {
# -Title => 'Bounce Handler',
# -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/bounce_handler",
# -Function => 'bounce_handler',
# -Activated => 1,
# },
-Title => 'Bridge',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/bridge",
-Function => 'bridge',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Change the Program Root Password',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/change_root_password",
-Function => 'change_root_password',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'Change Your List Short Name',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/change_list_shortname",
-Function => 'change_list_shortname',
-Activated => 0,
# {
# -Title => 'Password Protect Directories',
# -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/password_protect_directories",
# -Function => 'password_protect_directories',
# -Activated => 1,
# },
-Title => 'View Logs',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/log_viewer",
-Function => 'log_viewer',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Screen Cache',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/screen_cache",
-Function => 'screen_cache',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'Global Configuration',
-Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/global_config",
-Function => 'global_config',
-Activated => 0,
# {
# -Title => 'Boilerplate Example',
# -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/boilerplate_plugin",
# -Function => 'boilerplate',
# -Activated => 1,
# },
# {
# -Title => 'View List Settings',
# -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/view_list_settings",
# -Function => 'view_list_settings',
# -Activated => 1,
# },
# {
# -Title => 'usage_log_to_consent_activity',
# -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/usage_log_to_consent_activity",
# -Function => 'usage_log_to_consent_activity',
# -Activated => 0,
# },
-Title => 'Multiple Subscribe',
-Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/multiple_subscribe.cgi",
-Function => 'multiple_subscribe',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'Archive Blog Index',
-Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/blog_index.cgi?mode=html&list=<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list -->",
-Function => 'blog_index',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => '<i class="fi-widget"></i> Control Panel Settings',
-Activated => 0,
-Submenu => [
-Title => 'Enable/Disable Features',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=feature_set",
-Function => 'feature_set',
-Activated => 0,
-Title => 'Scheduled Jobs',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=scheduled_jobs",
-Function => 'scheduled_jobs',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'App Configuration',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=setup_info",
-Function => 'setup_info',
-Activated => 1,
-Title => 'About Dada Mail',
-Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_script",
-Function => 'manage_script',
-Activated => 1,