Your IP :
* Added
- Added new Webuzo server plugin.
- Added Webuzo support to Softaculous Auto Installer.
- Added a new diagnostics Report Plugin. This plugin will automatically set pricing for secondary currencies based on the set exchange rates in the admin area.
- Added a "Test Mode?" option to Stripe, as well as test key options, to make testing Stripe easier.
- Enhance packages will now show name servers on client side.
- Added "Invoice-Merge" and "Invoice-Update" hook/event.
- Added DC Location selection to 20i plugin.
- Added SSO/Direct Login to Plesk10.
- Added recurring price to domains list table.
- Added recurring price, billing cycle and next due date to hosting packages list table.
* Improvement
- Do not show "Additional Information" on the hosting page if hosting custom fields are disabled.
- Sending welcome email from client side is now an ajax call, so the client stays on the page they were on.
- Updated DirectAdmin integration to use their JSON API.
- Updated product view, "Additional Details" to show "Nameserver 1", "Nameserver 2", etc.
- Ensure Billing Profile ID field is always shown.
- Only load forms for used plugins.
- Allow a package username to be searched in global search.
- Show a proper error message on client side domain pages (name servers, contact info, host records) if the domain has not transfered.
- Always allow the server field to be updated for a package.
- Ensure there is a proper index on events_log.action column.
- Fixed issue preventing SnapinPlugin addMappingForTopMenu public profile from working.
- Change "Custom Fields" to "More Information" on client side, to be less confusing.
- Pricing on Step 1 now properly use "Monthly Price Breakdown" and "Show Discounted Pricing in Billing Cycle Selector" settings.
- Allow for additional configurable options in VirtFusion (both custom fields and addons).
- Updated WHMCS, BLESTA, and CLIENTEXEC importers about setting the default currency before importing.
- Updated "Credit Card Invoice Template" email about charging CC.
- Updated the 'Forgot Password' and 'Activate Account' logic allowing clients to set a password directly from the link (as opposed to sending a second email with their password).
- You can now set the expiration time (in hours) for the links in: Password reset & account activation emails
- Updated text on main page for "Submit a Ticket" box.
- Enhance servers will no longer set the default PHP version to 7.4 for newly created websites.
- "Allow direct link?" and "Show in signup form?" logic changes
- Allow to configure and use Upgrade/Downgrade for products of product groups of the same type.
- Properly show Server IP if hide hosting custom fields is enabled.
- Updated WHMCS importer to import 20i ids.
- When creating a new product, the pricing will not show prices of 0.00, but blank prices.
- Ensure we are properly caching translations to drastically speed up admin interface.
- Added additional space under the domain is available/unavailable message on order form.
- Server public panels will now redirect to the main package page if an exception is thrown.
- Packages on default style (not compare) that have no addons/custom fields or bundled packages should skip step 2.
- Allow hosting packages to be bundled with a domain group that only has self manage, as long as the hosting package is also configured for sub domains.
- Always allow a product group to be changed, as long as the product is not tied to a subscription.
- Added package description when viewing a package details as a client.
- Added package description when requesting upgrade/downgrade for a package as a client.
- The Upgrade/Downgrade service will now allow to use hidden packages (packages that are not using direct link or that are not set to show in signup form).
- Added the option to pay with a stored credit card in the cart summary when placing a new order or when a client is manually paying an invoice.
- Removed the depreciated tools: Migrate CC Accounts to Stripe & Migrate Stripe CC Accounts to Stripe
- Updated NameSilo sandbox URL.
- Updated NetIM integration.
* Fixed
- Fixed issue not properly displaying all product custom fields in client area.
- Fixed issue with sending bad charset to our EmailParser.
- Fixed issue preventing EPP code from showing on client side domain page.
- Fixed issue preventing the registrar lock checkbox from properly triggering.
- Fixed issue preventing OpenProvider plugin from properly showing domains to import.
- Fixed issue with cPanel Accounts Report when a cURL connection error occurs.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Cloudflare to Paypal plugin.
- Fixed issue with sign up sometimes picking an old registrar for a TLD.
- Fixed issues when using the functions isTermValid() or isCurrencyTermValid(). They should not use array_pop().
- Fixed issue in the Upgrade/Downgrade Packages automation service plugin that prevented running properly.
- Fixed issue with Synergy Wholesale registrar not always canceling domains that were expired.
- Fixed issue with Proxmox not properly displaying VPS plans when configuring a package.
- Fixed multiple issues with Linode.
- Fixed issue triggering the popup message "Leaving now will cancel this item. Are you sure you want to leave?" when editing invoice entries.
- Fixed issue in the "Default late fee charge" description.
- Fixed issue preventing the domain updater from checking transfer status for synergywholesale domains.
- Fixed issue preventing importing cPanel packages
- Fixed issue when trying to process an invoice for an amount of 0. Now it will just mark the invoice as paid.
- Fixed Chinese yuan currency symbol.
- Fixed wrong email template tag [CLIENTAREAURL] with [CLIENTAPPLICATIONURL].
- Fixed invoice details to properly display to admins the current tax data of the invoice.
- Fixed issue when captcha is enabled on submit ticket page, but the captcha plugin is disabled.
- Fixed issue preventing ResellerClub domains from renewing privacy when a domain is renewed.
- Ensure that the domains_transfer_key permission is properly checked when viewing EPP code from admin.
- Fixed "Vultr.class.php 24 Illegal offset type" error with Vultr.
- Fixed issue with OpenProvider not sending proper phone numbers, and owner_handle when registering.
- Fixed issue showing affiliate XXX is not approved.
- Added additional validation when calculating an upgrade/downgrade discount, making sure it is calculated only over invoices that were paid.
- Fixed issue displaying wrong currency format when using a product direct link with step 2 and a currency different than the default one, in a product group using Compare Style.
- Fixed the Custom Fields values displayed for User and Packages in the New Order Notification email, to show their real values and not their ids.
- Fixed PHP 8.x issue when updating a payment gateway that has a gateway update call.
- Fixed issue with Stripe Checkout creating guest customers.
- Fixed WHMCS database table validation in the WHMCS importer.
- Fixed issue preventing an active background when viewing a package public panel on client side.
- Fixed possible issue with top menu when adding a staff role.
- Fixed missing exception handling on client side domain name servers view.
- Fixed issue with "View Affiliates" permission.
- Fixed issues with "Change payment method" and "Edit customer credit card" permissions.
- Fixed issue when a client tries to use the upgrade/downgrade feature not properly getting the respective currency of that user the first time the page is loaded.
- Fixed PHP Error: modules/admin/models/TopLevelDomainGateway.php 543 Cannot unset offset in a non-array variable.
- Fixed pending affiliate count in dashboard menu if an affiliate is deleted.
- Fixed issue with Enhance attempting to create a new customer instead of using the existing if the customer has multiple Enhance packages.
- Fixed issue with PayPal button not showing on sign up when using French language.
- Fixed issue preventing OpenProvider domains from properly renewing.
- Fixed issue showing the default profile picture as well as the profile picture of the user on tickets.
- Fixed issue setting paid invoice to unpaid with Mollie's callback.
- Fixed translations for "Select a Product", "Submit" and "Cancel" when a client is upgrading/downgrading a package.
- Fixed issue preventing UserPackage-Suspend hook/event from properly firing.
- Fixed PHP error/white page on KB view when captcha is enabled but the plugin is set to disabled.
- Fixed issue preventing Plesk10 plugin from properly updating passwords.
- Fixed issue preventing some permissions from properly showing up under staff roles.
- Fixed issue with NameCheap TLDs being imported with a discounted price, instead of the regular price.
- Fixed issue with expiration date and contact information with Connect Reseller.
- Fixed issue .sg TLD domain extensions when not using a registrar plugin
- Fixed issue with OpenSRS register and transfer domains when using ROO as the Mexican State, as OpenSRS expects QR instead.
- Fixed issue with some Linode actions not working.
- Fixed WHMCS importer to import the invoice tax rates
- Fixed issue with Pterodactyl not provisioning a server on first attempt of creation.
- Fixed issue with NameCheap marking domains as cancelled if the API returns a 500000 error.
- Fixed issue preventing NameSilo .ca and .us domains from properly being registered.
- Fixed issue preventing Captcha from appearing on the all settings view.
- Ensure Linode Web Console is properly working.
- Do not show Affiliate permissions for guest group.
* Fixed
- Fixed Security Issue. More details to be released at a later date.
* Added
- Added DirectAdmin support to CSF Unblock, thanks to
* Improvement
- Ensure Kaputa Unicode font is included in our build for PDF Invoices.
- Sending welcome email from client side will now redirect back to the page you came from.
- Ensure the login password for Nominet is properly encoded.
- In Signup, when using a Direct Link, if the Product Group is using Product List Style as Compare, redirect to Step 2.
- In Signup, when using a Direct Link, if the Product does not have pricing, redirect to the start of the order.
- The cPanel/WHM Packages importer will now call matchpkgs instead of listpkgs
- Speed up domain search page when there are a large number of TLDs.
- The Global Search Results should show if SSL instead of Package.
- Improved the look of the product description on step 2 when using crisp asset HTML.
* Fixed
- Fixed issue with view pending orders when using CloudFlare's Rocket Loader.
- Fixed issue with Direct Login/SSO not working for server plugins.
- Fixed multi-currency issue on sign up & upgrade/downgrade page.
- Fixed multi-currency issue sometimes preventing the general tab of edit product from displaying properly.
- Fixed multi-currency saving issue if there was a comma in the price.
- Fixed admin users to not use a real currency, so that deleting unused currencies does not fail.
- Fixed issue with Stripe sometimes not properly marking an invoice as paid.
- Fixed issue with WHMCS importer to use nextduedate instead of nextinvoicedate field when importing addons, domain and hosting packages.
- Fixed issue with StripeCheckout not sending line_items properly.
- Fixed "Invalid JSON payload" issue when viewing emails.
- Fixed issue preventing the shared IP address of a package from displaying properly on client area product page.
- Fixed sending wrong value of contact name for Nominet.
- Fixed issue in the Country Yearly Income report plugin to always allow to start with the default country.
- Fixed modules/support/models/EmailGateway.php 226 Call to a member function getId() on null error when importing a ticket from POP3.
- Fixed issue preventing UserPackage::getCustomField() from returning a value.