Your IP :
package IO::Lines;
use strict;
use Carp;
use IO::ScalarArray;
# The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
our $VERSION = '2.113';
# Inheritance:
our @ISA = qw(IO::ScalarArray); ### also gets us new_tie :-)
=head1 NAME
IO::Lines - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of lines
use IO::Lines;
### See IO::ScalarArray for details
This class implements objects which behave just like FileHandle
(or IO::Handle) objects, except that you may use them to write to
(or read from) an array of lines. C<tiehandle> capable as well.
This is a subclass of L<IO::ScalarArray|IO::ScalarArray>
in which the underlying
array has its data stored in a line-oriented-format: that is,
every element ends in a C<"\n">, with the possible exception of the
final element. This makes C<getline()> I<much> more efficient;
if you plan to do line-oriented reading/printing, you want this class.
The C<print()> method will enforce this rule, so you can print
arbitrary data to the line-array: it will break the data at
newlines appropriately.
See L<IO::ScalarArray> for full usage and warnings.
# getline
# Instance method, override.
# Return the next line, or undef on end of data.
# Can safely be called in an array context.
# Currently, lines are delimited by "\n".
sub getline {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $/) {
return join( '', $self->_getlines_for_newlines );
elsif ($/ eq "\n") {
if (!*$self->{Pos}) { ### full line...
return *$self->{AR}[*$self->{Str}++];
else { ### partial line...
my $partial = substr(*$self->{AR}[*$self->{Str}++], *$self->{Pos});
*$self->{Pos} = 0;
return $partial;
else {
croak 'unsupported $/: must be "\n" or undef';
# getlines
# Instance method, override.
# Return an array comprised of the remaining lines, or () on end of data.
# Must be called in an array context.
# Currently, lines are delimited by "\n".
sub getlines {
my $self = shift;
wantarray or croak("can't call getlines in scalar context!");
if ((defined $/) and ($/ eq "\n")) {
return $self->_getlines_for_newlines(@_);
else { ### slow but steady
return $self->SUPER::getlines(@_);
# _getlines_for_newlines
# Instance method, private.
# If $/ is newline, do fast getlines.
# This CAN NOT invoke getline!
sub _getlines_for_newlines {
my $self = shift;
my ($rArray, $Str, $Pos) = @{*$self}{ qw( AR Str Pos ) };
my @partial = ();
if ($Pos) { ### partial line...
@partial = (substr( $rArray->[ $Str++ ], $Pos ));
*$self->{Pos} = 0;
*$self->{Str} = scalar @$rArray; ### about to exhaust @$rArray
return (@partial,
@$rArray[ $Str .. $#$rArray ]); ### remaining full lines...
# print ARGS...
# Instance method, override.
# Print ARGS to the underlying line array.
sub print {
if (defined $\ && $\ ne "\n") {
croak 'unsupported $\: must be "\n" or undef';
my $self = shift;
### print STDERR "\n[[ARRAY WAS...\n", @{*$self->{AR}}, "<<EOF>>\n";
my @lines = split /^/, join('', @_); @lines or return 1;
### Did the previous print not end with a newline?
### If so, append first line:
if (@{*$self->{AR}} and (*$self->{AR}[-1] !~ /\n\Z/)) {
*$self->{AR}[-1] .= shift @lines;
push @{*$self->{AR}}, @lines; ### add the remainder
### print STDERR "\n[[ARRAY IS NOW...\n", @{*$self->{AR}}, "<<EOF>>\n";
=head1 VERSION
$Id:,v 1.3 2005/02/10 21:21:53 dfs Exp $
=head1 AUTHOR
Eryq (F<>).
President, ZeeGee Software Inc (F<>).
Dianne Skoll (F<>).
Copyright (c) 1997 Erik (Eryq) Dorfman, ZeeGee Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.