Your IP :
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
// Adjust error_reporting favourable to deployment.
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0') <= 0 ? error_reporting(E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & E_ERROR) : error_reporting(E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & E_ERROR & ~E_STRICT); // PRODUCTION
//ini_set('display_errors','on'); version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0') <= 0 ? error_reporting(E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED) : error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); // DEBUGGING
//ini_set('display_errors','on'); error_reporting(E_ALL); // STRICT DEVELOPMENT
// more than 8MB memory needed for graphics
// memory limit default value = 64M
// show or hide calendar, world clock, calculator, chat and CKEditor
// Do NOT remove the quotes if you set these to false!
$USE_RTE = 'true';
// helpdesk support email id and support name (Example: '' and 'vtiger support')
$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ID = '[[admin_email]]';
$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME = 'your-support name';
/* database configuration
$dbconfig['db_server'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$dbconfig['db_port'] = ':3306';
$dbconfig['db_username'] = '[[softdbuser]]';
$dbconfig['db_password'] = '[[softdbpass]]';
$dbconfig['db_name'] = '[[softdb]]';
$dbconfig['db_type'] = 'mysqli';
$dbconfig['db_status'] = 'true';
// TODO: test if port is empty
// TODO: set db_hostname dependending on db_type
$dbconfig['db_hostname'] = $dbconfig['db_server'].$dbconfig['db_port'];
// log_sql default value = false
$dbconfig['log_sql'] = false;
// persistent default value = true
$dbconfigoption['persistent'] = true;
// autofree default value = false
$dbconfigoption['autofree'] = false;
// debug default value = 0
$dbconfigoption['debug'] = 0;
// seqname_format default value = '%s_seq'
$dbconfigoption['seqname_format'] = '%s_seq';
// portability default value = 0
$dbconfigoption['portability'] = 0;
// ssl default value = false
$dbconfigoption['ssl'] = false;
$host_name = $dbconfig['db_hostname'];
$site_URL = '[[softurl]]/';
// url for customer portal (Example:
$PORTAL_URL = $site_URL.'/customerportal';
// root directory path
$root_directory = '[[softpath]]/';
// cache direcory path
$cache_dir = 'cache/';
// tmp_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = images/
$tmp_dir = 'cache/images/';
// import_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = import/
$import_dir = 'cache/import/';
// upload_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = upload/
$upload_dir = 'cache/upload/';
// maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files
// upload_maxsize default value = 3000000
$upload_maxsize = 3145728;//3MB
// flag to allow export functionality
// 'all' to allow anyone to use exports
// 'admin' to only allow admins to export
// 'none' to block exports completely
// allow_exports default value = all
$allow_exports = 'all';
// files with one of these extensions will have '.txt' appended to their filename on upload
// upload_badext default value = php, php3, php4, php5, pl, cgi, py, asp, cfm, js, vbs, html, htm
$upload_badext = array('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm', 'exe', 'bin', 'bat', 'sh', 'dll', 'phps', 'phtml', 'xhtml', 'rb', 'msi', 'jsp', 'shtml', 'sth', 'shtm', 'htaccess');
// list_max_entries_per_page default value = 20
$list_max_entries_per_page = '20';
// history_max_viewed default value = 5
$history_max_viewed = '5';
// default_action default value = index
$default_action = 'index';
// set default theme
// default_theme default value = blue
$default_theme = 'softed';
// default text that is placed initially in the login form for user name
// no default_user_name default value
$default_user_name = '';
// default text that is placed initially in the login form for password
// no default_password default value
$default_password = '';
// create user with default username and password
// create_default_user default value = false
$create_default_user = false;
//Master currency name
$currency_name = 'USA, Dollars';
// default charset
// default charset default value = 'UTF-8' or 'ISO-8859-1'
$default_charset = 'UTF-8';
// default language
// default_language default value = en_us
$default_language = 'en_us';
//Option to hide empty home blocks if no entries.
$display_empty_home_blocks = false;
//Disable Stat Tracking of vtiger CRM instance
$disable_stats_tracking = false;
// Generating Unique Application Key
$application_unique_key = '[[unique_key]]';
// trim descriptions, titles in listviews to this value
$listview_max_textlength = 40;
// Maximum time limit for PHP script execution (in seconds)
$php_max_execution_time = 0;
// Set the default timezone as per your preference
$default_timezone = 'UTC';
/** If timezone is configured, try to set it */
if(isset($default_timezone) && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
//Set the default layout
$default_layout = 'v7';
//Maximum Listview Fields Selection Size
$maxListFieldsSelectionSize = 15;
include_once '';