Your IP :
//This program uses UTF-8 (without BOM) and database utf8_general_ci. Your files must respect this standard.
return array(
/** URL
* You can define your URL or leave blank to let us figure it out
* - Sometimes in non-apache setups you need to define your url
'url' => '[[softurl]]/',
/** Directories
Here, you'll define where to store informations
'directory' : where to store the files you'll attach to an issue
| Default value : 'uplaods/' ... which means /var/www/html/Bugs_directory/uploads/
| if you want to store wherever in your computer, give the absolute path starting this with a '/' like '/home/user/Documents/Downloads/'
'format' : how to name the downloaded files attached to an issue, each component of this variable will be separated by an undescore
| Possible values are limited to : 'ICN', 'NCI', 'CIN'
| 'C' like 'Comment' refering to comment's number
| 'I' like 'Issue' refering to issue's number
| 'N' like 'Name' a somewhat given name
| Defalut value : 'ICN' will produce something like I_C_name.ext
'method' : how to store the attached files
| Possible values are limited to : 'd', 'i'
| 'd' like 'directories' : all together in a single directory
| 'i' like 'issue' : each issue has its own sub-directory ... if you chose this option, the 'I' value of 'format' will be skipped
| Default value : 'i'
'attached' => array(
'directory' => 'uploads/',
'format' => 'ICN',
'method' => 'i'
/** Database
* Fill out your database settings. Make sure that the driver is correct:
** 'mysql' for MySQL,
** 'sqlsrv' for MSSQL,
** 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL,
** 'sqlite' for SQLite
'database' => array(
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => '[[softdbhost]]',
'database' => '[[softdb]]',
'username' => '[[softdbuser]]',
'password' => '[[softdbpass]]',
/** Date format
* Check for informations
* Internationnal date and time: 'date_format'=>'Y-m-d H:i',
* Internationnal date and time with seconds: 'date_format'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s',
* USA way of writing time: 'date_format'=>'F jS \a\t g:i A',
'name'=> 'Bugs',
'date_format'=>'Y-m-d H:i',
/** Timezone
* Specify your timezone
* -
'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
/** wysiwyg editor
* Default : 'BasePage'=>'/app/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js',
* No one : 'BasePage'=>'',
* If you want to use no wysiwyg editor please set this to empty.
* Do not mark this as comment
* Fill out with the entire path, begining with app/
* Editor base page type permitted: .js .php
////This (below) for ckeditor
'directory' = > 'vendor/ckeditor',
'BasePage' => '/app/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js',
'name' => 'ckeditor',
////This (below) for Trumbowyg editor
'directory' = > 'vendor/Trumbowyg/',
'BasePage' => '/app/vendor/Trumbowyg/trumbowyg.min.js',
'name' => 'trumbowyg',
'editor' => array(
'BasePage' => '/app/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js',
'directory' => 'vendor/ckeditor',
'name' => 'ckeditor',
/** Mail
* Mail Settings
* - Put in the name and email you would like email from Tiny Issue to come from
* - This is usually only for setting up new accounts
* Default Mail Transport
* |
* | Possible Values
* | mail (PHP Mail Function) --- default
* | PHP (php language mail function)
* | sendmail (Sendmail - almost the same as 'mail' option but with authentications details)
* | gmail (using Google's gmail system)
* | pop3 (Define Custom POP3)
* | smtp (Define Custom SMTP)
'mail' => array(
'from' => array(
'name' => '[[email_name]]',
'email' => '[[admin_email]]',
'replyTo' => array(
'name' => '[[email_name]]',
'email' => '[[admin_email]]',
* Transport Settings
* Transport settings if using mail or smtp
* 'mail' or 'smtp' must be lower case
'transport' => 'mail',
'sendmail' => array('path' => ''),
'smtp' => array(
'server' => '',
'port' => 25,
* Encryption support, SSL/TLS, used with gmail servers
* Default: blank
* 'ssl' or 'tls' must be lower case
* Here example for gmail server
'encryption' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => ''
/* Characters encoding
* Possible values or endless, but most usual are 'UTF-8' (Europe) or 'iso-8859-1' (North-America)
* Default value : 'UTF-8'
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
* Final delivery format
* Default: multipart/mixed
* 'text/plain' or 'html' or 'multipart/mixed' must be lower case
'plainHTML' => 'multipart/mixed',
'linelenght' => 80,
// Output after error on sending email
// 0 = no output, 1 = errors and messages, 2 = messages only.
'mailerrormsg' => '1',
* Every emails you'll send from here will start by intro and end by bye
* Use those to include the recepient values:
* - {first} for his first name
* - {last} for his last name
* - {full} for his full name ( first name and last name )
* These contents may be edited in the administration page, tab « Global settings for email »
* When edited by administration page, the values bellow will be empty and the new content saved into uploads/intro.html and uploads/bye.html files
'intro' => 'Hello {first},',
'bye' => 'Bye.',
/** Session key
* Put in a random key combination to use as your session keys
* You must use 16 or 32 characters
* You can use this online generator:
'key' => '[[key]]',
/** mod_rewrite
* True if you are using mod rewrite
* False if you are not
'mod_rewrite' => true,
/** Percentage
*Percentage of issue done
*Make sure your array count 5 items, the fifth must be 100
*In order: (done, open, inProgress, Testing, SysNeed)
*Default: (100,0,10,80,100)
'Percent' => array (100,0,10,80,100),
/** duration
*How long is supposed to be given to fix an issue
*Duration in days
*Default: 30
'duration' => 30,
*Beside others tickets,
*which ones need to be solved first ( priority = 5 )
*which ones can wait ( priority = 1 )
*closed issues have priority = 0
**PriorityColors chose the color of the dot marker
**Values can be either names or hexadecimals
**Names like: black, darkviolet, blue, green ... ref
**Hexadecimal values starting with # code like #FF0000 #FFFF00 #123456
**If you don't wont to see the status marker, set the values to transparent
**Examples below:
****'PriorityColors' => array("black", "PaleGray","DarkCyan","LimeGreen","Darkorange","Crimson"),
****'PriorityColors' => array("#000000","#acacac","#008B8B", "#32CD32", "#FF8C00", "#DC143C"),
****All transparent
****'PriorityColors' => array("transparent","transparent","transparent","transparent","transparent","transparent "),
'PriorityColors' => array("black","PaleGray","DarkCyan","LimeGreen","Darkorange","Crimson"),
/** Todo : Number of items per column
'TodoNbItems' => 25,
/** TempsFait
* Default duration of work (in hours) to be charged to your client
* Default value is 1
'TempsFait' => 1,