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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Generate a cidfmap file for substituting CID fonts with TrueType
% fonts, based on fonts found in the directory FONTDIR.
% The directory FONTDIR is searched for fonts whose filename
% matches a Path in the cidsubs dictionary.
% Any matches are written out as a CID font substitution.
% For each fontname and alias in the fontaliases dictionary,
% write out each alias that matches a substituted font.
% Where multiple aliases are possible, use the first match.
% Note that the substitutions and aliases in this file were created
% by someone who doesn't understand Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
% The initial list contains only font files found in Windows XP.
% Please submit corrections and additions.
% See the end of file for references and further information.
% Font filenames must match case.
% All font filenames are currently lower case.
% Usage: gswin32c -q -dBATCH -sFONTDIR=c:/windows/fonts
% -sCIDFMAP=c:/gs/cidfmap
systemdict /FONTDIR known not { /FONTDIR (c:/windows/fonts) def } if
systemdict /CIDFMAP known { CIDFMAP } { (%stdout) } ifelse
/cidfmap exch (w) file def
% Directory separator as used by filenameforall
/dirsep (/) def
% This dictionary contains a list of font substitutions.
% The first matching substitution in the array will be used.
% otf's /AdobeMingStd-Light /AdobeHeitiStd-Regular /AdobeSongStd-Light
% /KozMinPr6N-Regular /AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium came with Acroread 9 unix CJK pack.
% ArialUnicode and a common font are used as a last-resort catch-all
% in most cases.
% Traditional Chinese
% Mingliu and Kaiu are known to use patented TT instructions
/MSung-Light [ /MingLiU /ArialUnicodeMS-CNS ]
/MSung-Medium [ /MingLiU /ArialUnicodeMS-CNS ]
/MHei-Medium [ /MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular /ArialUnicodeMS-CNS /MingLiU ]
/MKai-Medium [ /DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF /Arial-Unicode-MS /MingLiU /ArialUnicodeMS-CNS ]
/AdobeMingStd-Light [ /MingLiU /ArialUnicodeMS-CNS ]
% Simplified Chinese
/STSong-Light [ /SimSun /SimSun-18030 /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
/STFangsong-Light [ /FangSong /SimSun /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
/STHeiti-Regular [ /MicrosoftYaHei /SimHei /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
/STKaiti-Regular [ /KaiTi /SimHei /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
/AdobeHeitiStd-Regular [ /MicrosoftYaHei /SimHei /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
/AdobeSongStd-Light [ /SimSun /ArialUnicodeMS-GB ]
% Japanese
/Ryumin-Light [ /MS-Mincho04 /MS-Mincho /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
/Ryumin-Medium [ /MS-Mincho04 /MS-Mincho /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
/GothicBBB-Medium [ /MS-Gothic04 /MS-Gothic /Meiryo /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
/HeiseiMin-W3 [ /MS-Mincho04 /MS-Mincho /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
/HeiseiKakuGo-W5 [ /MS-Gothic04 /MS-Gothic /Meiryo /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
/KozMinPr6N-Regular [ /MS-Mincho04 /MS-Mincho /ArialUnicodeMS-JP ]
% Korean
% Malgun seems to have a full set of Hangu but not much of Kanji glyphs
% "Gulim Old Hangul Jamo" has Hangu but no Kanji, and PMmy has Kanji but
% no Hangu. Neither are useful for Korean users.
/HYSMyeongJo-Medium [ /Batang /NewBatang /GulimChe /ArialUnicodeMS-KR /MalgunGothicRegular ]
/HYRGoThic-Medium [ /Gulim /NewGulim /GulimChe /ArialUnicodeMS-KR /MalgunGothicRegular ]
/HYGoThic-Medium [ /Dotum /NewGulim /GulimChe /ArialUnicodeMS-KR /MalgunGothicRegular ]
/AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium [ /Batang /NewBatang /GulimChe /ArialUnicodeMS-KR /MalgunGothicRegular ]
% This dictionary contains a list of CID substitutions
% Many ttc's have an older ttf version - be sure to put the ttf entries later.
% Simplified Chinese
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simhei.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simsun.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simsun.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simsun.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simkai.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simli.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simsun18030.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simsun18030.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simyou.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (simfang.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msyh.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msyhbd.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (mssong.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (mshei.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (arialuni.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(GB1) 2]
% Traditional Chinese
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (mingliu.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (mingliu.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
% It probably should be ttf (ttc a typo), but we'll keep this entry just in case.
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (arialuni.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msjh.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msjhbd.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (mingliu.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (kaiu.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (arialuni.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(CNS1) 2]
% Japanese
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgothic.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgothic.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgothic.ttc)
/SubfontID 2
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msmincho.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msmincho.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
% An XP update ships the Vista (JIS2004) version of msgothic.ttc/msmincho.ttc renamed
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgoth04.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgoth04.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgoth04.ttc)
/SubfontID 2
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msmin04.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msmin04.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msmincho.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (msgothic.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
% Newer meiryo.ttc and meiryob.ttc have subfont 2,3. Leave those out for the time being
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (meiryo.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (meiryo.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (meiryob.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (meiryob.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (arialuni.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Japan1) 3]
% Korean
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (batang.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (batang.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (batang.ttc)
/SubfontID 2
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (batang.ttc)
/SubfontID 3
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (gulim.ttc)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (gulim.ttc)
/SubfontID 1
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (gulim.ttc)
/SubfontID 2
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (gulim.ttc)
/SubfontID 3
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (malgun.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (malgunbd.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (nbatang.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (ngulim.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (gulimche.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
/FileType /TrueType
/Path (arialuni.ttf)
/SubfontID 0
/CSI [(Korea1) 3]
% A dictionary for storing the names and paths of found fonts
/foundfonts 50 dict def
% Get the basename of a path
% For example, (c:/windows/fonts/ --> (
/basename { % path -- subpath
{ dirsep search
{pop pop}
} loop
} def
% Convert string (font file name) to lowercase, take care not to touch
% non-upper case letters. There are a few similiar routines elsewhere
% for reference:
% /.ToLower in lib/
% /toupper in lib/
% /.lowerstring in Resource/Init/
/lowercase {
dup length 1 sub -1 0 {
1 index exch 2 copy
dup dup 65 ge exch 90 le and {
2#00100000 or
} if
} for
} def
% Check if a font basename matches one of the possible cid substitutions.
% If it does, add the font and full path to the foundfonts dictionary
/checkfont {
dup basename
/Path get
2 index eq % Match case only
foundfonts exch
3 index dup length string copy put
pop pop
} def
% Add all matching fonts to foundfonts dictionary
/findfonts { % path --
dup length 2 add string dup 3 1 roll copy pop
dup dup length 2 sub dirsep 0 get put
dup dup length 1 sub (*) 0 get put
/checkfont load 256 string filenameforall
} def
% Write out a cid substition, using the full font path
% name is the font name, e.g. /MS-Mincho
% path is the full path to the font file, e.g. (c:\windows\fonts\msmincho.ttc)
% subs is the dictionary for CID font substition, from cidsubs
/emitsubs { % name path subs --
3 -1 roll cidfmap exch write==only % name
cidfmap ( << ) writestring
% path subs
1 index /Path eq {pop 1 index} if % use full path, not basename
exch cidfmap exch write==only cidfmap ( ) writestring
cidfmap exch write==only cidfmap ( ) writestring
} forall
cidfmap (>> ;\n) writestring
} def
% Write out all known cid substitutions.
/writesubs { % ---
cidfmap (% Substitutions\n) writestring
1 index cidsubs exch known
1 index cidsubs exch get % name path subs
pop pop
} def
% Write out aliases for which the cid substituted font exists.
/writealiases { % --
cidfmap (\n% Aliases\n) writestring
% name aliasarray
% name alias
foundfonts 1 index known
1 index cidfmap exch write==only cidfmap ( ) writestring
cidfmap exch write==only cidfmap ( ;\n) writestring
exit % after first match
pop % didn't find this name
} forall
% name
} def
% Write out a new cidfmap file to stdout
/writecidfmap { % path --
cidfmap (%!\n% cidfmap generated automatically by from fonts found in\n) writestring
cidfmap (% ) writestring
dup cidfmap exch writestring cidfmap (\n\n) writestring
} def
FONTDIR writecidfmap
% For what fonts ship with which microsoft product, see:
% A reasonably clean Vista box comes with:
% ARIALUNI.TTF meiryob.ttc msjh.ttf simhei.ttf
% batang.ttc meiryo.ttc msmincho.ttc simkai.ttf
% gulim.ttc mingliub.ttc MSMINCHO.TTF simsunb.ttf
% kaiu.ttf mingliu.ttc msyhbd.ttf simsun.ttc
% malgunbd.ttf msgothic.ttc msyh.ttf
% malgun.ttf msjhbd.ttf simfang.ttf
% Here is a non-exhaustive list of CJK fonts found on various MS systems for reference:
% File Size Version Glyphs Charmaps Postscript Name Codepage
% ======================================================================================================================
% arialuni.ttf 24172892 0.86 51180 (1,0)(3,1) ArialUnicodeMS
% arialuni.ttf 23275812 1.01 50377 (3,1) ArialUnicodeMS 932,936,949,950
% batang.ttc 16258580 2.21 39680 (3,1) Batang/BatangChe/Gungsuh/GungsuhChe
% batang.ttc 16265128 2.21 39680 (3,1) Batang/BatangChe/Gungsuh/GungsuhChe
% batang.ttc 16264732 5.00 39680 (3,1) Batang/BatangChe/Gungsuh/GungsuhChe 949
% gulimche.ttf 5512432 1.00 20792 (3,1) GulimChe
% gulim.ttc 13518660 2.21 40194 (3,1) Gulim/GulimChe/Dotum/DotumChe
% gulim.ttc 13525204 2.21 40194 (3,1) Gulim/GulimChe/Dotum/DotumChe
% gulim.ttc 13524720 5.00 40194 (3,1) Gulim/GulimChe/Dotum/DotumChe 949
% kaiu.ttf 4282984 2.00 18193 (1,0)(3,1) DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF
% kaiu.ttf 4279576 2.10 18193 (1,0)(3,1) DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF
% kaiu.ttf 5172084 3.00 22134 (1,0)(3,1) DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF
% kaiu.ttf 5178844 5.00 22134 (1,0)(3,1) DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF 950
% malgun.ttf 4337480 0.85 12747 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicRegular
% malgun.ttf 4337080 1.00 12747 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicRegular
% malgun.ttf 4337104 5.00 12747 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicRegular
% malgun.ttf 4337296 6.11 12747 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicRegular 949
% malgunbd.ttf 4514980 0.85 12740 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicBold
% malgunbd.ttf 4513504 1.00 12740 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicBold
% malgunbd.ttf 4513520 5.00 12740 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicBold
% malgunbd.ttf 4515044 6.00 12740 (0,3)(3,1) MalgunGothicBold
% meiryo.ttc 7682568 0.97 20682 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo/Meiryo-Italic 932
% meiryo.ttc 7815292 5.00 20684 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo/Meiryo-Italic
% meiryo.ttc 9533888 6.02 23942 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo/Meiryo-Italic/MeiryoUI/MeiryoUI-Italic
% meiryob.ttc 7924644 0.97 20682 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo-Bold/Meiryo-BoldItalic
% meiryob.ttc 8054096 5.00 20684 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo-Bold/Meiryo-BoldItalic
% meiryob.ttc 9749256 6.02 23942 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) Meiryo-Bold/Meiryo-BoldItalic/MeiryoUI-Bold/MeiryoUI-BoldItalic
% mingliu.ttf 6272080 2.00 18362 (1,0)(3,1) MingLiU
% mingliu.ttc 8823308 3.21 22753 (1,0)(3,1) MingLiU/PMingLiU
% mingliu.ttc 8829856 3.21 22753 (1,0)(3,1) MingLiU/PMingLiU
% mingliu.ttc 27496184 6.02 33987 (3,1) MingLiU/PMingLiU/Ming-Lt-HKSCS-UNI-H
% mingliu.ttc 32217124 7.00 34046 (3,1) MingLiU/PMingLiU/Ming-Lt-HKSCS-UNI-H 950
% mingliub.ttc 33791880 5.00 44857 (3,1)(3,10) MingLiU-ExtB/PMingLiU-ExtB/Ming-Lt-HKSCS-ExtB
% mingliub.ttc 33805700 7.00 44875 (3,1)(3,10) MingLiU-ExtB/PMingLiU-ExtB/Ming-Lt-HKSCS-ExtB
% msgothic.ttf 4170144 2.00 13104 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Gothic
% msgothic.ttc 8272028 2.30 20458 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Gothic/MS-PGothic/MS-UIGothic
% msgothic.ttc 8278584 2.30 20458 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Gothic/MS-PGothic/MS-UIGothic
% msgothic.ttc 9165480 5.00 22213 (3,1)(3,10) MS-Gothic/MS-PGothic/MS-UIGothic
% msgothic.ttc 9176636 5.01 22213 (3,1)(3,10) MS-Gothic/MS-PGothic/MS-UIGothic 932
% mshei.ttf 1902464 1.00 26272 (1,0)(3,1) MS Hei
% mshei.ttf 1902556 1.00 26272 (1,0)(3,1) MS Hei
% msjh.ttf 14698792 0.71 28969 (0,3)(3,1) MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular 950
% msjh.ttf 14713712 0.75 28969 (0,3)(3,1) MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular
% msjh.ttf 14713760 5.00 28969 (0,3)(3,1) MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular
% msjh.ttf 21663376 6.02 29220 (0,3)(3,1) MicrosoftJhengHeiRegular
% msjhbd.ttf 14498048 0.71 28961 (0,3)(3.1) MicrosoftJhengHeiBold
% msjhbd.ttf 14509708 0.75 28961 (0,3)(3.1) MicrosoftJhengHeiBold
% msjhbd.ttf 14509756 5.00 28961 (0,3)(3.1) MicrosoftJhengHeiBold
% msmincho.ttf 5151192 2.00 13104 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Mincho
% msmincho.ttc 9136456 2.30 17807 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Mincho/MS-PMincho
% msmincho.ttc 9135960 2.31 17807 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Mincho/MS-PMincho
% msmincho.ttc 9142516 2.31 17807 (1,0)(3,1) MS-Mincho/MS-PMincho
% msmincho.ttc 10056872 5.00 19321 (3,1)(3,10) MS-Mincho/MS-PMincho
% msmincho.ttc 10057108 5.01 19321 (3,1)(3,10) MS-Mincho/MS-PMincho 932
% mssong.ttf 2569040 1.00 26304 (1,0)(3,1) MS Song
% mssong.ttf 2569116 1.00 26304 (1,0)(3,1) MS Song
% msyh.ttf 12263452 6.01 22562 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MSYH
% msyh.ttf 15067744 0.71 29207 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MicrosoftYaHei
% msyh.ttf 15043584 0.75 29126 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MicrosoftYaHei
% msyh.ttf 15044440 5.00 29126 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MicrosoftYaHei
% msyh.ttf 21767952 6.02 29354 (0,3)(3,1) MicrosoftYaHei 936
% msyhbd.ttf 14707012 0.71 29240 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MicrosoftYaHei
% msyhbd.ttf 14685876 5.00 29126 (0,3)(3,1)(3,10) MicrosoftYaHei
% nbatang.ttf 32472240 3.00 49636 (3,1) New Batang
% ngulim.ttf 8862844 2.00 23181 (3,1) New Gulim
% ngulim.ttf 25719724 3.10 49284 (3,1) New Gulim
% ogulim.ttf 830340 1.00 2921 (3,1) Gulim Old Hangul Jamo
% palmm.ttf 13816928 001.003 27560 (3,1) PMmy
% simfang.ttf 3996872 2.00 7580 (1,0)(3,1) FangSong_GB2312
% simfang.ttf 10576012 5.01 28562 (3,1) FangSong 936
% simhei.ttf 10044356 3.02 22021 (1,0)(3,1) SimHei
% simhei.ttf 10050868 3.02 22021 (1,0)(3,1) SimHei
% simhei.ttf 9751960 5.01 28562 (3,1) SimHei 936
% simkai.ttf 4135804 2.00 7580 (1,0)(3,1) KaiTi_GB2312
% simkai.ttf 11785184 5.01 28562 (3,1) KaiTi 936
% simli.ttf 9317908 3.00 21992 (1,0)(3,1) LiSu
% simsun.ttc 10500792 3.03 22141 (1,0)(3,1) SimSun/NSimSun
% simsun.ttc 10507340 3.03 22141 (1,0)(3,1) SimSun/NSimSun
% simsun.ttc 13747080 5.00 28762 (1,0)(3,1) SimSun/NSimSun
% simsun.ttc 15323200 5.03 28762 (1,0)(3,1) SimSun/NSimSun 936
% simsun18030.ttc 12642204 2.06 30533 (1,0)(3,1) SimSun-18030/NSimSun-18030
% simsunb.ttf 15406216 0.90 42809 (1,0)(3,1)(3,10) SimSun-ExtB
% simsunb.ttf 15406288 5.00 42809 (1,0)(3,1)(3,10) SimSun-ExtB
% simyou.ttf 6794984 3.00 21991 (1,0)(3,1) YouYuan
% simyou.ttf 6788204 3.00 21991 (1,0)(3,1) YouYuan