Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: DialogS.tcl,v 1.5 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $
# DialogS.tcl --
# Implements the DialogShell widget. It tells the window
# manager that it is a dialog window and should be treated specially.
# The exact treatment depends on the treatment of the window
# manager
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996, Expert Interface Technologies
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
tixWidgetClass tixDialogShell {
-superclass tixShell
-classname TixDialogShell
-method {
popdown popup center
-flag {
-mapped -minheight -minwidth -parent -transient
-static {}
-configspec {
{-mapped mapped Mapped 0}
{-minwidth minWidth MinWidth 0}
{-minheight minHeight MinHeight 0}
{-transient transient Transient true}
{-parent parent Parent ""}
# Construct widget
proc tixDialogShell:ConstructWidget {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget
# Set the title of this shell appropriately
if {$data(-title) == ""} {
# dynamically sets the title
set data(-title) [winfo name $w]
wm title $w $data(-title)
# Set the parent of this dialog shell
if {$data(-parent) == ""} {
set data(-parent) [winfo parent $w]
# Set the minsize and maxsize of the thing
wm minsize $w $data(-minwidth) $data(-minheight)
wm transient $w ""
# The next procedures manage the dialog boxes
proc tixDialogShell:popup {w {parent ""}} {
upvar #0 $w data
# First update to make sure the boxes are the right size
update idletask
# Then we set the position and update
# tixDialogShell:center $w $parent
# and now make it visible. Viola! Centered over parent.
wm deiconify $w
after idle raise $w
# This procedure centers a dialog box over a window making sure that the
# dialog box doesn't appear off the screen
# However, if the parent is smaller than this dialog, make this dialog
# appear at parent(x,y) + (20,20)
proc tixDialogShell:center {w {parent ""}} {
upvar #0 $w data
# Tell the WM that we'll do this ourselves.
wm sizefrom $w user
wm positionfrom $w user
if {$parent == ""} {
set parent $data(-parent)
if {$parent == "" || [catch {set parent [winfo toplevel $parent]}]} {
set parent "."
# Where is my parent and what are it's dimensions
if {$parent != ""} {
set pargeo [split [wm geometry $parent] "+x"]
set parentW [lindex $pargeo 0]
set parentH [lindex $pargeo 1]
set parx [lindex $pargeo 2]
set pary [lindex $pargeo 3]
if {[string is true -strict $data(-transient)]} {
wm transient $w $parent
} else {
set parentW [winfo screenwidth $w]
set parentH [winfo screenheight $w]
set parx 0
set pary 0
set parent [winfo parent $w]
# What are is the offset of the virtual window
set vrootx [winfo vrootx $parent]
set vrooty [winfo vrooty $parent]
# What are my dimensions ?
set dialogW [winfo reqwidth $w]
set dialogH [winfo reqheight $w]
if {$dialogW < $parentW-30 || $dialogW < $parentH-30} {
set dialogx [expr {$parx+($parentW-$dialogW)/2+$vrootx}]
set dialogy [expr {$pary+($parentH-$dialogH)/2+$vrooty}]
} else {
# This dialog is too big. Place it at (parentx, parenty) + (20,20)
set dialogx [expr {$parx+20+$vrootx}]
set dialogy [expr {$pary+20+$vrooty}]
set maxx [expr {[winfo screenwidth $parent] - $dialogW}]
set maxy [expr {[winfo screenheight $parent] - $dialogH}]
# Make sure it doesn't go off screen
if {$dialogx < 0} {
set dialogx 0
} else {
if {$dialogx > $maxx} {
set dialogx $maxx
if {$dialogy < 0} {
set dialogy 0
} else {
if {$dialogy > $maxy} {
set dialogy $maxy
# set my new position (and dimensions)
if {[wm geometry $w] == "1x1+0+0"} {
wm geometry $w ${dialogW}x${dialogH}+${dialogx}+${dialogy}
proc tixDialogShell:popdown {w args} {
wm withdraw $w