Your IP :
'use strict'
const BB = require('bluebird')
const fetch = require('libnpm/fetch')
const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
const log = require('npmlog')
const npa = require('libnpm/parse-arg')
const npm = require('./npm.js')
const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
const output = require('./utils/output.js')
const usage = require('./utils/usage.js')
const whoami = require('./whoami.js')
const StarConfig = figgyPudding({
'unicode': {}
star.usage = usage(
'npm star [<pkg>...]\n' +
'npm unstar [<pkg>...]'
star.completion = function (opts, cb) {
// FIXME: there used to be registry completion here, but it stopped making
// sense somewhere around 50,000 packages on the registry
module.exports = star
function star (args, cb) {
const opts = StarConfig(npmConfig())
return BB.try(() => {
if (!args.length) throw new Error(star.usage)
let s = opts.unicode ? '\u2605 ' : '(*)'
const u = opts.unicode ? '\u2606 ' : '( )'
const using = !(npm.command.match(/^un/))
if (!using) s = u
return, pkg => {
return BB.all([
whoami([pkg], true, () => {}),
fetch.json(pkg.escapedName, opts.concat({
spec: pkg,
query: {write: true},
'prefer-online': true
]).then(([username, fullData]) => {
if (!username) { throw new Error('You need to be logged in!') }
const body = {
_id: fullData._id,
_rev: fullData._rev,
users: fullData.users || {}
if (using) {'star', 'starring', body._id)
body.users[username] = true
log.verbose('star', 'starring', body)
} else {
delete body.users[username]'star', 'unstarring', body._id)
log.verbose('star', 'unstarring', body)
return fetch.json(pkg.escapedName, opts.concat({
spec: pkg,
method: 'PUT',
}).then(data => {
output(s + ' ' +
log.verbose('star', data)
return data