Your IP :
* profile.h
#ifndef _KRB5_PROFILE_H
#define _KRB5_PROFILE_H
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <win-mac.h>
#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# error "Use KfM 4.0 SDK headers for CFM compilation."
# endif
typedef struct _profile_t *profile_t;
/* Used by profile_init_flags(). */
#define PROFILE_INIT_ALLOW_MODULE 0x0001 /* Allow module declaration */
* Used by the profile iterator in prof_get.c
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
typedef char* profile_filespec_t; /* path as C string */
typedef char* profile_filespec_list_t; /* list of : separated paths, C string */
typedef const char * const_profile_filespec_t; /* path as C string */
typedef const char * const_profile_filespec_list_t; /* list of : separated paths, C string */
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init
(const_profile_filespec_t *files, profile_t *ret_profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init_flags
(const_profile_filespec_t *files, int flags, profile_t *ret_profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init_path
(const_profile_filespec_list_t filelist, profile_t *ret_profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush
(profile_t profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush_to_file
(profile_t profile, const_profile_filespec_t outfile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_flush_to_buffer
(profile_t profile, char **bufp);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_free_buffer
(profile_t profile, char *buf);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_is_writable
(profile_t profile, int *writable);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_is_modified
(profile_t profile, int *modified);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_abandon
(profile_t profile);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_release
(profile_t profile);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_values
(profile_t profile, const char *const *names, char ***ret_values);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_free_list
(char **list);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_string
(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname,
const char *subsubname, const char *def_val,
char **ret_string);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_integer
(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname,
const char *subsubname, int def_val,
int *ret_default);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_boolean
(profile_t profile, const char *name, const char *subname,
const char *subsubname, int def_val,
int *ret_default);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_relation_names
(profile_t profile, const char **names, char ***ret_names);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_get_subsection_names
(profile_t profile, const char **names, char ***ret_names);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator_create
(profile_t profile, const char *const *names,
int flags, void **ret_iter);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator_free
(void **iter_p);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_iterator
(void **iter_p, char **ret_name, char **ret_value);
void KRB5_CALLCONV profile_release_string (char *str);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_update_relation
(profile_t profile, const char **names,
const char *old_value, const char *new_value);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_clear_relation
(profile_t profile, const char **names);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_rename_section
(profile_t profile, const char **names,
const char *new_name);
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_add_relation
(profile_t profile, const char **names,
const char *new_value);
* profile_init_vtable allows a caller to create a profile-compatible object
* with a different back end.
* Mandatory: Look up all of the relations for names, placing the resulting
* values in *ret_values. If no relations exist, return PROF_NO_RELATION, or
* PROF_NO_SECTION to indicate that one of the intermediate names does not
* exist as a section. The list will be freed with free_values.
typedef long
(*profile_get_values_fn)(void *cbdata, const char *const *names,
char ***ret_values);
/* Mandatory: Free a list of strings returned by get_values. */
typedef void
(*profile_free_values_fn)(void *cbdata, char **values);
/* Optional: Release any data associated with the profile. */
typedef void
(*profile_cleanup_fn)(void *cbdata);
* Optional (mandatory if cleanup is defined): Generate a new cbdata pointer
* for a copy of the profile. If not implemented, the new profile will receive
* the same cbdata pointer as the old one.
typedef long
(*profile_copy_fn)(void *cbdata, void **ret_cbdata);
* Optional: Create an iterator handle.
* If flags contains PROFILE_ITER_LIST_SECTION, iterate over all of the
* relations and sections within names. Otherwise, iterate over the relation
* values for names, or produce a single section result if names is a section.
* If flags contains PROFILE_ITER_SECTIONS_ONLY, produce only sections.
* If flags contains PROFILE_ITER_RELATIONS_ONLY, produce only relations.
typedef long
(*profile_iterator_create_fn)(void *cbdata, const char *const *names,
int flags, void **ret_iter);
* Optional (mandatory if iterator_create is defined): Produce the next
* relation or section in an iteration. If producing a section result, set
* *ret_value to NULL. The returned strings will be freed with free_string.
typedef long
(*profile_iterator_fn)(void *cbdata, void *iter, char **ret_name,
char **ret_value);
* Optional (mandatory if iterator_create is defined): Free the memory for an
* iterator.
typedef void
(*profile_iterator_free_fn)(void *cbdata, void *iter);
/* Optional (mandatory if iterator is defined): Free a string value. */
typedef void
(*profile_free_string_fn)(void *cbdata, char *string);
* Optional: Determine if a profile is writable. If not implemented, the
* profile is never writable.
typedef long
(*profile_writable_fn)(void *cbdata, int *writable);
* Optional: Determine if a profile is modified in memory relative to the
* persistent store. If not implemented, the profile is assumed to never be
* modified.
typedef long
(*profile_modified_fn)(void *cbdata, int *modified);
* Optional: Change the value of a relation, or remove it if new_value is NULL.
* If old_value is set and the relation does not have that value, return
typedef long
(*profile_update_relation_fn)(void *cbdata, const char **names,
const char *old_value, const char *new_value);
* Optional: Rename a section to new_name, or remove the section if new_name is
typedef long
(*profile_rename_section_fn)(void *cbdata, const char **names,
const char *new_name);
* Optional: Add a new relation, or a new section if new_value is NULL. Add
* any intermediate sections as necessary.
typedef long
(*profile_add_relation_fn)(void *cbdata, const char **names,
const char *new_value);
* Optional: Flush any pending memory updates to the persistent store. If
* implemented, this function will be called by profile_release as well as
* profile_flush, so make sure it's not inefficient to flush an unmodified
* profile.
typedef long
(*profile_flush_fn)(void *cbdata);
struct profile_vtable {
int minor_ver; /* Set to structure minor version (currently 1)
* if calling profile_init_vtable. */
/* Methods needed for a basic read-only non-iterable profile (cleanup is
* optional). */
profile_get_values_fn get_values;
profile_free_values_fn free_values;
profile_cleanup_fn cleanup;
profile_copy_fn copy;
/* Methods for iterable profiles. */
profile_iterator_create_fn iterator_create;
profile_iterator_fn iterator;
profile_iterator_free_fn iterator_free;
profile_free_string_fn free_string;
/* Methods for writable profiles. */
profile_writable_fn writable;
profile_modified_fn modified;
profile_update_relation_fn update_relation;
profile_rename_section_fn rename_section;
profile_add_relation_fn add_relation;
profile_flush_fn flush;
/* End of minor version 1. */
* Create a profile object whose operations will be performed using the
* function pointers in vtable. cbdata will be supplied to each vtable
* function as the first argument.
long KRB5_CALLCONV profile_init_vtable
(struct profile_vtable *vtable, void *cbdata, profile_t *ret_profile);
* Dynamically loadable profile modules should define a function named
* "profile_module_init" matching the following signature. The function should
* initialize the methods of the provided vtable structure, stopping at the
* field corresponding to vtable->minor_ver. Do not change the value of
* vtable->minor_ver. Unimplemented methods can be left uninitialized. The
* function should supply a callback data pointer in *cb_ret; this pointer can
* be cleaned up via the vtable cleanup method.
typedef long
(*profile_module_init_fn)(const char *residual, struct profile_vtable *vtable,
void **cb_ret);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _KRB5_PROFILE_H */
* et-h-prof_err.h:
* This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
#include <et/com_err.h>
#define PROF_VERSION (-1429577728L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_NODE (-1429577727L)
#define PROF_NO_SECTION (-1429577726L)
#define PROF_NO_RELATION (-1429577725L)
#define PROF_ADD_NOT_SECTION (-1429577724L)
#define PROF_SECTION_WITH_VALUE (-1429577723L)
#define PROF_BAD_LINK_LIST (-1429577722L)
#define PROF_BAD_GROUP_LVL (-1429577721L)
#define PROF_BAD_PARENT_PTR (-1429577720L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_ITERATOR (-1429577719L)
#define PROF_SET_SECTION_VALUE (-1429577718L)
#define PROF_EINVAL (-1429577717L)
#define PROF_READ_ONLY (-1429577716L)
#define PROF_SECTION_NOTOP (-1429577715L)
#define PROF_SECTION_SYNTAX (-1429577714L)
#define PROF_RELATION_SYNTAX (-1429577713L)
#define PROF_EXTRA_CBRACE (-1429577712L)
#define PROF_MISSING_OBRACE (-1429577711L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_PROFILE (-1429577710L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_SECTION (-1429577709L)
#define PROF_TOPSECTION_ITER_NOSUPP (-1429577708L)
#define PROF_INVALID_SECTION (-1429577707L)
#define PROF_END_OF_SECTIONS (-1429577706L)
#define PROF_BAD_NAMESET (-1429577705L)
#define PROF_NO_PROFILE (-1429577704L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_FILE (-1429577703L)
#define PROF_FAIL_OPEN (-1429577702L)
#define PROF_EXISTS (-1429577701L)
#define PROF_BAD_BOOLEAN (-1429577700L)
#define PROF_BAD_INTEGER (-1429577699L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_FILE_DATA (-1429577698L)
#define PROF_FAIL_INCLUDE_FILE (-1429577697L)
#define PROF_FAIL_INCLUDE_DIR (-1429577696L)
#define PROF_UNSUPPORTED (-1429577695L)
#define PROF_MAGIC_NODE_ITERATOR (-1429577694L)
#define PROF_MODULE (-1429577693L)
#define PROF_MODULE_SYNTAX (-1429577692L)
#define PROF_MODULE_INVALID (-1429577691L)
extern const struct error_table et_prof_error_table;
extern void initialize_prof_error_table(void);
/* For compatibility with Heimdal */
extern void initialize_prof_error_table_r(struct et_list **list);
#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_prof (-1429577728L)
/* for compatibility with older versions... */
#define init_prof_err_tbl initialize_prof_error_table
#define prof_err_base ERROR_TABLE_BASE_prof