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* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_SDB_H
#define DNS_SDB_H 1
***** Module Info
/*! \file dns/sdb.h
* \brief
* Simple database API.
*** Imports
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <dns/clientinfo.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
*** Types
* A simple database. This is an opaque type.
typedef struct dns_sdb dns_sdb_t;
* A simple database lookup in progress. This is an opaque type.
typedef struct dns_sdblookup dns_sdblookup_t;
* A simple database traversal in progress. This is an opaque type.
typedef struct dns_sdballnodes dns_sdballnodes_t;
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_sdblookupfunc_t)(const char *zone, const char *name, void *dbdata,
dns_sdblookup_t *lookup,
dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods,
dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_sdblookup2func_t)(const dns_name_t *zone, const dns_name_t *name,
void *dbdata, dns_sdblookup_t *lookup,
dns_clientinfomethods_t *methods,
dns_clientinfo_t *clientinfo);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_sdbauthorityfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *dbdata, dns_sdblookup_t *);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_sdballnodesfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *dbdata,
dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_sdbcreatefunc_t)(const char *zone, int argc, char **argv,
void *driverdata, void **dbdata);
typedef void
(*dns_sdbdestroyfunc_t)(const char *zone, void *driverdata, void **dbdata);
typedef struct dns_sdbmethods {
dns_sdblookupfunc_t lookup;
dns_sdbauthorityfunc_t authority;
dns_sdballnodesfunc_t allnodes;
dns_sdbcreatefunc_t create;
dns_sdbdestroyfunc_t destroy;
dns_sdblookup2func_t lookup2;
} dns_sdbmethods_t;
*** Functions
#define DNS_SDBFLAG_THREADSAFE 0x00000004U
#define DNS_SDBFLAG_DNS64 0x00000008U
dns_sdb_register(const char *drivername, const dns_sdbmethods_t *methods,
void *driverdata, unsigned int flags, isc_mem_t *mctx,
dns_sdbimplementation_t **sdbimp);
* Register a simple database driver for the database type 'drivername',
* implemented by the functions in '*methods'.
* sdbimp must point to a NULL dns_sdbimplementation_t pointer. That is,
* sdbimp != NULL && *sdbimp == NULL. It will be assigned a value that
* will later be used to identify the driver when deregistering it.
* The name server will perform lookups in the database by calling the
* function 'lookup', passing it a printable zone name 'zone', a printable
* domain name 'name', and a copy of the argument 'dbdata' that
* was potentially returned by the create function. The 'dns_sdblookup_t'
* argument to 'lookup' and 'authority' is an opaque pointer to be passed to
* ns_sdb_putrr().
* The lookup function returns the lookup results to the name server
* by calling ns_sdb_putrr() once for each record found. On success,
* the return value of the lookup function should be ISC_R_SUCCESS.
* If the domain name 'name' does not exist, the lookup function should
* ISC_R_NOTFOUND. Any other return value is treated as an error.
* Lookups at the zone apex will cause the server to also call the
* function 'authority' (if non-NULL), which must provide an SOA record
* and NS records for the zone by calling ns_sdb_putrr() once for each of
* these records. The 'authority' function may be NULL if invoking
* the 'lookup' function on the zone apex will return SOA and NS records.
* The allnodes function, if non-NULL, fills in an opaque structure to be
* used by a database iterator. This allows the zone to be transferred.
* This may use a considerable amount of memory for large zones, and the
* zone transfer may not be fully RFC1035 compliant if the zone is
* frequently changed.
* The create function will be called for each zone configured
* into the name server using this database type. It can be used
* to create a "database object" containing zone specific data,
* which can make use of the database arguments specified in the
* name server configuration.
* The destroy function will be called to free the database object
* when its zone is destroyed.
* The create and destroy functions may be NULL.
* If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVEOWNER, the lookup and authority
* functions will be called with relative names rather than absolute names.
* The string "@" represents the zone apex in this case.
* If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_RELATIVERDATA, the rdata strings may
* include relative names. Otherwise, all names in the rdata string must
* be absolute. Be aware that if relative names are allowed, any
* absolute names must contain a trailing dot.
* If flags includes DNS_SDBFLAG_THREADSAFE, the driver must be able to
* handle multiple lookups in parallel. Otherwise, calls into the driver
* are serialized.
dns_sdb_unregister(dns_sdbimplementation_t **sdbimp);
* Removes the simple database driver from the list of registered database
* types. There must be no active databases of this type when this function
* is called.
/*% See dns_sdb_putradata() */
dns_sdb_putrr(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl,
const char *data);
dns_sdb_putrdata(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_ttl_t ttl,
const unsigned char *rdata, unsigned int rdlen);
* Add a single resource record to the lookup structure to be
* returned in the query response. dns_sdb_putrr() takes the
* resource record in master file text format as a null-terminated
* string, and dns_sdb_putrdata() takes the raw RDATA in
* uncompressed wire format.
/*% See dns_sdb_putnamerdata() */
dns_sdb_putnamedrr(dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes, const char *name,
const char *type, dns_ttl_t ttl, const char *data);
dns_sdb_putnamedrdata(dns_sdballnodes_t *allnodes, const char *name,
dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_ttl_t ttl,
const void *rdata, unsigned int rdlen);
* Add a single resource record to the allnodes structure to be
* included in a zone transfer response, in text or wire
* format as above.
dns_sdb_putsoa(dns_sdblookup_t *lookup, const char *mname, const char *rname,
uint32_t serial);
* This function may optionally be called from the 'authority' callback
* to simplify construction of the SOA record for 'zone'. It will
* provide a SOA listing 'mname' as as the master server and 'rname' as
* the responsible person mailbox. It is the responsibility of the
* driver to increment the serial number between responses if necessary.
* All other SOA fields will have reasonable default values.
#endif /* DNS_SDB_H */