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Run a Python script under hotshot's control.
Adapted from a posting on python-dev by Walter D�rwald
usage %prog [ %prog args ] filename [ filename args ]
Any arguments after the filename are used as sys.argv for the filename.
i����Ns hotshot.profc C s� t j | � } t j j d t j j | � � | g | t _ | j d | � | j � t j
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sort_statst stdoutt stderrt print_stats( t filenamet profilet argst profR t save_stdout( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/hotshotmain.pyt run_hotshot s
c C s� t j t � } | j � | j d d d d d t d d d d �| j | � \ } } t | � d
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Ns -ps --profilet actiont storet defaultt destR t helps Specify profile file to usei s missing script to executei ( t optparset OptionParsert __doc__t disable_interspersed_argst
add_optiont PROFILEt
parse_argst lent
print_helpR R ( R t parsert optionsR ( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/hotshotmain.pyt main( s
t __main__i ( R R R R R t