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GHe � n d S( s� turtle-example-suite:
A minimal 'Towers of Hanoi' animation:
A tower of 6 discs is transferred from the
left to the right peg.
An imho quite elegant and concise
implementation using a tower class, which
is derived from the built-in type list.
Discs are turtles with shape "square", but
stretched to rectangles by shapesize()
To exit press STOP button
i����( t *t Discc B s e Z d � Z RS( c C sg t j | d d d t �| j � | j d | d d � | j | d d d | d � | j � d S( Nt shapet squaret visibleg �?i g @i i ( t Turtlet __init__t Falset put shapesizet fillcolort st( t selft n( ( s7 /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/turtle/tdemo_minimal_hanoi.pyR s
( t __name__t
__module__R ( ( ( s7 /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/turtle/tdemo_minimal_hanoi.pyR s t Towerc B s) e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s- Hanoi tower, a subclass of built-in type listc C s
| | _ d S( s- create an empty tower. x is x-position of pegN( t x( R R ( ( s7 /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/turtle/tdemo_minimal_hanoi.pyR s c C s<