Your IP :
/* vim: ts=8:sw=4:expandtab
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1994-2010 Tim Bunce Ireland
* See COPYRIGHT section in for usage and distribution rights.
/* DBI Interface Definitions for DBD Modules */
#ifndef DBIXS_VERSION /* prevent multiple inclusion */
#ifndef DBIS
#define DBIS dbis /* default name for dbistate_t variable */
/* Here for backwards compat. PERL_POLLUTE was removed in perl 5.13.3 */
/* first pull in the standard Perl header files for extensions */
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>
#include <XSUB.h>
#ifdef debug /* causes problems with DBIS->debug */
#undef debug
#ifdef std /* causes problems with STLport <> */
#undef std
/* define DBIXS_REVISION */
#include "dbixs_rev.h"
/* Perl backwards compatibility definitions */
#include "dbipport.h"
/* DBI SQL_* type definitions */
#include "dbi_sql.h"
#define DBIXS_VERSION 93 /* superseded by DBIXS_REVISION */
error You_need_to_upgrade_your_DBI_module_before_building_this_driver
#define DBI_LOCK
#define DBI_UNLOCK
#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
#endif /* DBI_NO_THREADS */
/* forward struct declarations */
typedef struct dbistate_st dbistate_t;
/* implementor needs to define actual struct { dbih_??c_t com; ... }*/
typedef struct imp_drh_st imp_drh_t; /* driver */
typedef struct imp_dbh_st imp_dbh_t; /* database */
typedef struct imp_sth_st imp_sth_t; /* statement */
typedef struct imp_fdh_st imp_fdh_t; /* field descriptor */
typedef struct imp_xxh_st imp_xxh_t; /* any (defined below) */
#define DBI_imp_data_ imp_xxh_t /* friendly for take_imp_data */
/* --- DBI Handle Common Data Structure (all handles have one) --- */
/* Handle types. Code currently assumes child = parent + 1. */
#define DBIt_DR 1
#define DBIt_DB 2
#define DBIt_ST 3
#define DBIt_FD 4
/* component structures */
typedef struct dbih_com_std_st {
U32 flags;
int call_depth; /* used by DBI to track nested calls (int) */
U16 type; /* DBIt_DR, DBIt_DB, DBIt_ST */
HV *my_h; /* copy of outer handle HV (not refcounted) */
SV *parent_h; /* parent inner handle (ref to hv) ( */
imp_xxh_t *parent_com; /* parent com struct shortcut */
PerlInterpreter * thr_user; /* thread that owns the handle */
HV *imp_stash; /* who is the implementor for this handle */
SV *imp_data; /* optional implementors data (for perl imp's) */
I32 kids; /* count of db's for dr's, st's for db's etc */
I32 active_kids; /* kids which are currently DBIc_ACTIVE */
U32 pid; /* pid of process that created handle */
dbistate_t *dbistate;
} dbih_com_std_t;
typedef struct dbih_com_attr_st {
/* These are copies of the Hash values ('d) */
/* Many of the hash values are themselves references */
SV *TraceLevel;
SV *State; /* Standard SQLSTATE, 5 char string */
SV *Err; /* Native engine error code */
SV *Errstr; /* Native engine error message */
UV ErrCount;
U32 LongReadLen; /* auto read length for long/blob types */
SV *FetchHashKeyName; /* for fetchrow_hashref */
/* (NEW FIELDS?... DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE dbih_clearcom()!) */
} dbih_com_attr_t;
struct dbih_com_st { /* complete core structure (typedef'd above) */
dbih_com_std_t std;
dbih_com_attr_t attr;
/* This 'implementors' type the DBI defines by default as a way to */
/* refer to the imp_??h data of a handle without considering its type. */
struct imp_xxh_st { struct dbih_com_st com; };
/* Define handle-type specific structures for implementors to include */
/* at the start of their private structures. */
typedef struct { /* -- DRIVER -- */
dbih_com_std_t std;
dbih_com_attr_t attr;
HV *_old_cached_kids; /* not used, here for binary compat */
} dbih_drc_t;
typedef struct { /* -- DATABASE -- */
dbih_com_std_t std; /* \__ standard structure */
dbih_com_attr_t attr; /* / plus... (nothing else right now) */
HV *_old_cached_kids; /* not used, here for binary compat */
} dbih_dbc_t;
typedef struct { /* -- STATEMENT -- */
dbih_com_std_t std; /* \__ standard structure */
dbih_com_attr_t attr; /* / plus ... */
int num_params; /* number of placeholders */
int num_fields; /* NUM_OF_FIELDS, must be set */
AV *fields_svav; /* special row buffer (inc bind_cols) */
IV row_count; /* incremented by get_fbav() */
AV *fields_fdav; /* not used yet, may change */
I32 spare1;
void *spare2;
} dbih_stc_t;
typedef struct { /* -- FIELD DESCRIPTOR -- */
dbih_com_std_t std; /* standard structure (not fully setup) */
/* core attributes (from DescribeCol in ODBC) */
char *col_name; /* see dbih_make_fdsv */
I16 col_name_len;
I16 col_sql_type;
I16 col_precision;
I16 col_scale;
I16 col_nullable;
/* additional attributes (from ColAttributes in ODBC) */
I32 col_length;
I32 col_disp_size;
I32 spare1;
void *spare2;
} dbih_fdc_t;
#define _imp2com(p,f) ((p)->com.f) /* private */
#define DBIc_FLAGS(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.flags)
#define DBIc_TYPE(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.type)
#define DBIc_CALL_DEPTH(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.call_depth)
#define DBIc_MY_H(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.my_h)
#define DBIc_PARENT_H(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.parent_h)
#define DBIc_PARENT_COM(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.parent_com)
#define DBIc_THR_COND(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.thr_cond)
#define DBIc_THR_USER(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.thr_user)
#define DBIc_IMP_STASH(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.imp_stash)
#define DBIc_IMP_DATA(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.imp_data)
#define DBIc_DBISTATE(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.dbistate)
#define DBIc_LOGPIO(imp) DBIc_DBISTATE(imp)->logfp
#define DBIc_KIDS(imp) _imp2com(imp,
#define DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.active_kids)
#define DBIc_LAST_METHOD(imp) _imp2com(imp, std.last_method)
/* d = DBD flags, l = DBD level (needs to be shifted down)
* D - DBI flags, r = reserved, L = DBI trace level
* Trace level bit allocation: 0xddlDDDrL */
#define DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL_MASK 0x0000000F
#define DBIc_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK 0xFF0FFF00 /* includes DBD flag bits for DBIc_TRACE */
#define DBIc_TRACE_SETTINGS(imp) (DBIc_DBISTATE(imp)->debug)
/* DBI defined trace flags */
#define DBIf_TRACE_SQL 0x00000100
#define DBIf_TRACE_CON 0x00000200
#define DBIf_TRACE_ENC 0x00000400
#define DBIf_TRACE_DBD 0x00000800
#define DBIf_TRACE_TXN 0x00001000
#define DBDc_TRACE_LEVEL_MASK 0x00F00000
/* DBIc_TRACE_MATCHES(this, crnt): true if this 'matches' (is within) crnt
#define DBIc_TRACE_MATCHES(this, crnt) \
( ((crnt & DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL_MASK) >= (this & DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL_MASK)) \
|| ((crnt & DBIc_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK) & (this & DBIc_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK)) )
/* DBIc_TRACE(imp, flags, flag_level, fallback_level)
True if flags match the handle trace flags & handle trace level >= flag_level,
OR if handle trace_level > fallback_level (typically > flag_level).
This is the main trace testing macro to be used by drivers.
(Drivers should define their own DBDf_TRACE_* macros for the top 8 bits: 0xFF000000)
DBIc_TRACE(imp, 0, 0, 4) = if trace level >= 4
DBIc_TRACE(imp, DBDf_TRACE_FOO, 2, 4) = if tracing DBDf_FOO & level>=2 or level>=4
DBIc_TRACE(imp, DBDf_TRACE_FOO, 2, 0) = as above but never trace just due to level
if (DBIc_TRACE(imp_xxh, DBIf_TRACE_SQL|DBIf_TRACE_xxx, 2, 0)) {
PerlIO_printf(DBIc_LOGPIO(imp_sth), "\tThe %s wibbled the %s\n", ...);
#define DBIc_TRACE(imp, flags, flaglevel, level) \
( (flags && (DBIc_TRACE_FLAGS(imp) & flags) && (DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL(imp) >= flaglevel)) \
|| (level && DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL(imp) >= level) )
#define DBIc_DEBUG(imp) (_imp2com(imp, attr.TraceLevel)) /* deprecated */
#define DBIc_DEBUGIV(imp) SvIV(DBIc_DEBUG(imp)) /* deprecated */
#define DBIc_STATE(imp) SvRV(_imp2com(imp, attr.State))
#define DBIc_ERR(imp) SvRV(_imp2com(imp, attr.Err))
#define DBIc_ERRSTR(imp) SvRV(_imp2com(imp, attr.Errstr))
#define DBIc_ErrCount(imp) _imp2com(imp, attr.ErrCount)
#define DBIc_LongReadLen(imp) _imp2com(imp, attr.LongReadLen)
#define DBIc_LongReadLen_init 80 /* may change */
#define DBIc_FetchHashKeyName(imp) (_imp2com(imp, attr.FetchHashKeyName))
/* handle sub-type specific fields */
/* dbh & drh */
#define DBIc_CACHED_KIDS(imp) Nullhv /* no longer used, here for src compat */
/* sth */
#define DBIc_NUM_FIELDS(imp) _imp2com(imp, num_fields)
#define DBIc_NUM_PARAMS(imp) _imp2com(imp, num_params)
#define DBIc_NUM_PARAMS_AT_EXECUTE -9 /* see Driver.xst */
#define DBIc_ROW_COUNT(imp) _imp2com(imp, row_count)
#define DBIc_FIELDS_AV(imp) _imp2com(imp, fields_svav)
#define DBIc_FDESC_AV(imp) _imp2com(imp, fields_fdav)
#define DBIc_FDESC(imp, i) ((imp_fdh_t*)(void*)SvPVX(AvARRAY(DBIc_FDESC_AV(imp))[i]))
#define DBIcf_COMSET 0x000001 /* needs to be clear'd before free'd */
#define DBIcf_IMPSET 0x000002 /* has implementor data to be clear'd */
#define DBIcf_ACTIVE 0x000004 /* needs finish/disconnect before clear */
#define DBIcf_IADESTROY 0x000008 /* do DBIc_ACTIVE_off before DESTROY */
#define DBIcf_WARN 0x000010 /* warn about poor practice etc */
#define DBIcf_COMPAT 0x000020 /* compat/emulation mode (eg oraperl) */
#define DBIcf_ChopBlanks 0x000040 /* rtrim spaces from fetch char columns */
#define DBIcf_RaiseError 0x000080 /* throw exception (croak) on error */
#define DBIcf_PrintError 0x000100 /* warn() on error */
#define DBIcf_AutoCommit 0x000200 /* dbh only. used by drivers */
#define DBIcf_LongTruncOk 0x000400 /* truncation to LongReadLen is okay */
#define DBIcf_MultiThread 0x000800 /* allow multiple threads to enter */
#define DBIcf_HandleSetErr 0x001000 /* has coderef HandleSetErr attribute */
#define DBIcf_ShowErrorStatement 0x002000 /* include Statement in error */
#define DBIcf_BegunWork 0x004000 /* between begin_work & commit/rollback */
#define DBIcf_HandleError 0x008000 /* has coderef in HandleError attribute */
#define DBIcf_Profile 0x010000 /* profile activity on this handle */
#define DBIcf_TaintIn 0x020000 /* check inputs for taintedness */
#define DBIcf_TaintOut 0x040000 /* taint outgoing data */
#define DBIcf_Executed 0x080000 /* do/execute called since commit/rollb */
#define DBIcf_PrintWarn 0x100000 /* warn() on warning (err="0") */
#define DBIcf_Callbacks 0x200000 /* has Callbacks attribute hash */
#define DBIcf_AIADESTROY 0x400000 /* auto DBIcf_IADESTROY if pid changes */
/* NOTE: new flags may require clone() to be updated */
#define DBIcf_INHERITMASK /* what NOT to pass on to children */ \
| DBIcf_AutoCommit | DBIcf_BegunWork | DBIcf_Executed | DBIcf_Callbacks )
/* general purpose bit setting and testing macros */
#define DBIbf_is( bitset,flag) ((bitset) & (flag))
#define DBIbf_has(bitset,flag) DBIbf_is(bitset, flag) /* alias for _is */
#define DBIbf_on( bitset,flag) ((bitset) |= (flag))
#define DBIbf_off(bitset,flag) ((bitset) &= ~(flag))
#define DBIbf_set(bitset,flag,on) ((on) ? DBIbf_on(bitset, flag) : DBIbf_off(bitset,flag))
/* as above, but specifically for DBIc_FLAGS imp flags (except ACTIVE) */
#define DBIc_is(imp, flag) DBIbf_is( DBIc_FLAGS(imp), flag)
#define DBIc_has(imp,flag) DBIc_is(imp, flag) /* alias for DBIc_is */
#define DBIc_on(imp, flag) DBIbf_on( DBIc_FLAGS(imp), flag)
#define DBIc_off(imp,flag) DBIbf_off(DBIc_FLAGS(imp), flag)
#define DBIc_set(imp,flag,on) DBIbf_set(DBIc_FLAGS(imp), flag, on)
#define DBIc_COMSET(imp) DBIc_is(imp, DBIcf_COMSET)
#define DBIc_COMSET_on(imp) DBIc_on(imp, DBIcf_COMSET)
#define DBIc_COMSET_off(imp) DBIc_off(imp,DBIcf_COMSET)
#define DBIc_IMPSET(imp) DBIc_is(imp, DBIcf_IMPSET)
#define DBIc_IMPSET_on(imp) DBIc_on(imp, DBIcf_IMPSET)
#define DBIc_IMPSET_off(imp) DBIc_off(imp,DBIcf_IMPSET)
#define DBIc_ACTIVE(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) & DBIcf_ACTIVE)
#define DBIc_ACTIVE_on(imp) /* adjust parent's active kid count */ \
do { \
imp_xxh_t *ph_com = DBIc_PARENT_COM(imp); \
if (!DBIc_ACTIVE(imp) && ph_com && !PL_dirty \
&& ++DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(ph_com) > DBIc_KIDS(ph_com)) \
croak("panic: DBI active kids (%ld) > kids (%ld)", \
(long)DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(ph_com), \
(long)DBIc_KIDS(ph_com)); \
DBIc_FLAGS(imp) |= DBIcf_ACTIVE; \
} while(0)
#define DBIc_ACTIVE_off(imp) /* adjust parent's active kid count */ \
do { \
imp_xxh_t *ph_com = DBIc_PARENT_COM(imp); \
if (DBIc_ACTIVE(imp) && ph_com && !PL_dirty \
&& (--DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(ph_com) > DBIc_KIDS(ph_com) \
|| DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(ph_com) < 0) ) \
croak("panic: DBI active kids (%ld) < 0 or > kids (%ld)", \
(long)DBIc_ACTIVE_KIDS(ph_com), \
(long)DBIc_KIDS(ph_com)); \
DBIc_FLAGS(imp) &= ~DBIcf_ACTIVE; \
} while(0)
#define DBIc_IADESTROY_on(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) |= DBIcf_IADESTROY)
#define DBIc_IADESTROY_off(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) &= ~DBIcf_IADESTROY)
#define DBIc_AIADESTROY_on(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) |= DBIcf_AIADESTROY)
#define DBIc_AIADESTROY_off(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) &= ~DBIcf_AIADESTROY)
#define DBIc_WARN(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) & DBIcf_WARN)
#define DBIc_WARN_on(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) |= DBIcf_WARN)
#define DBIc_WARN_off(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) &= ~DBIcf_WARN)
#define DBIc_COMPAT(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) & DBIcf_COMPAT)
#define DBIc_COMPAT_on(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) |= DBIcf_COMPAT)
#define DBIc_COMPAT_off(imp) (DBIc_FLAGS(imp) &= ~DBIcf_COMPAT)
#ifdef IN_DBI_XS /* get Handle Common Data Structure */
#define DBIh_COM(h) (dbih_getcom2(aTHX_ h, 0))
#define DBIh_COM(h) (DBIS->getcom(h))
#define neatsvpv(sv,len) (DBIS->neat_svpv(sv,len))
/* --- For sql_type_cast_svpv() --- */
#define DBIstcf_DISCARD_STRING 0x0001
#define DBIstcf_STRICT 0x0002
/* --- Implementors Private Data Support --- */
#define D_impdata(name,type,h) type *name = (type*)(DBIh_COM(h))
#define D_imp_drh(h) D_impdata(imp_drh, imp_drh_t, h)
#define D_imp_dbh(h) D_impdata(imp_dbh, imp_dbh_t, h)
#define D_imp_sth(h) D_impdata(imp_sth, imp_sth_t, h)
#define D_imp_xxh(h) D_impdata(imp_xxh, imp_xxh_t, h)
#define D_imp_from_child(name,type,child) \
type *name = (type*)(DBIc_PARENT_COM(child))
#define D_imp_drh_from_dbh D_imp_from_child(imp_drh, imp_drh_t, imp_dbh)
#define D_imp_dbh_from_sth D_imp_from_child(imp_dbh, imp_dbh_t, imp_sth)
#define DBI_IMP_SIZE(n,s) sv_setiv(get_sv((n), GV_ADDMULTI), (s)) /* XXX */
/* --- Event Support (VERY LIABLE TO CHANGE) --- */
#define DBIh_EVENTx(h,t,a1,a2) /* deprecated XXX */ &PL_sv_no
#define DBIh_EVENT0(h,t) DBIh_EVENTx((h), (t), &PL_sv_undef, &PL_sv_undef)
#define DBIh_EVENT1(h,t, a1) DBIh_EVENTx((h), (t), (a1), &PL_sv_undef)
#define DBIh_EVENT2(h,t, a1,a2) DBIh_EVENTx((h), (t), (a1), (a2))
#define ERROR_event "ERROR"
#define WARN_event "WARN"
#define MSG_event "MESSAGE"
#define DBEVENT_event "DBEVENT"
#define UNKNOWN_event "UNKNOWN"
#define DBIh_SET_ERR_SV(h,i, err, errstr, state, method) \
(DBIc_DBISTATE(i)->set_err_sv(h,i, err, errstr, state, method))
#define DBIh_SET_ERR_CHAR(h,i, err_c, err_i, errstr, state, method) \
(DBIc_DBISTATE(i)->set_err_char(h,i, err_c, err_i, errstr, state, method))
/* --- Handy Macros --- */
#define DBIh_CLEAR_ERROR(imp_xxh) (void)( \
(void)SvOK_off(DBIc_ERR(imp_xxh)), \
(void)SvOK_off(DBIc_ERRSTR(imp_xxh)), \
(void)SvOK_off(DBIc_STATE(imp_xxh)) \
/* --- DBI State Structure --- */
struct dbistate_st {
/* DBISTATE_VERSION is checked at runtime via DBISTATE_INIT and check_version.
* It should be incremented on incompatible changes to dbistate_t structure.
* Additional function pointers being assigned from spare padding, where the
* size of the structure doesn't change, doesn't require an increment.
* Incrementing forces all XS drivers to need to be recompiled.
* (See also DBIXS_REVISION as a driver source compatibility tool.)
#define DBISTATE_VERSION 94 /* ++ on incompatible dbistate_t changes */
/* this must be the first member in structure */
void (*check_version) _((const char *name,
int dbis_cv, int dbis_cs, int need_dbixs_cv,
int drc_s, int dbc_s, int stc_s, int fdc_s));
/* version and size are used to check for DBI/DBD version mis-match */
U16 version; /* version of this structure */
U16 size;
U16 xs_version; /* version of the overall DBIXS / DBD interface */
U16 spare_pad;
I32 debug;
PerlIO *logfp;
/* pointers to DBI functions which the DBD's will want to use */
char * (*neat_svpv) _((SV *sv, STRLEN maxlen));
imp_xxh_t * (*getcom) _((SV *h)); /* see DBIh_COM macro */
void (*clearcom) _((imp_xxh_t *imp_xxh));
SV * (*event) _((SV *h, const char *name, SV*, SV*));
int (*set_attr_k) _((SV *h, SV *keysv, int dbikey, SV *valuesv));
SV * (*get_attr_k) _((SV *h, SV *keysv, int dbikey));
AV * (*get_fbav) _((imp_sth_t *imp_sth));
SV * (*make_fdsv) _((SV *sth, const char *imp_class, STRLEN imp_size, const char *col_name));
int (*bind_as_num) _((int sql_type, int p, int s, int *t, void *v)); /* XXX deprecated */
I32 (*hash) _((const char *string, long i));
SV * (*preparse) _((SV *sth, char *statement, IV ps_return, IV ps_accept, void *foo));
SV *neatsvpvlen; /* only show dbgpvlen chars when debugging pv's */
PerlInterpreter * thr_owner; /* thread that owns this dbistate */
int (*logmsg) _((imp_xxh_t *imp_xxh, const char *fmt, ...));
int (*set_err_sv) _((SV *h, imp_xxh_t *imp_xxh, SV *err, SV *errstr, SV *state, SV *method));
int (*set_err_char) _((SV *h, imp_xxh_t *imp_xxh, const char *err, IV err_i, const char *errstr, const char *state, const char *method));
int (*bind_col) _((SV *sth, SV *col, SV *ref, SV *attribs));
IO *logfp_ref; /* keep ptr to filehandle for refcounting */
int (*sql_type_cast_svpv) _((pTHX_ SV *sv, int sql_type, U32 flags, void *v));
/* WARNING: Only add new structure members here, and reduce pad2 to keep */
/* the memory footprint exactly the same */
void *pad2[3];
/* macros for backwards compatibility */
#define set_attr(h, k, v) set_attr_k(h, k, 0, v)
#define get_attr(h, k) get_attr_k(h, k, 0)
#define DBILOGFP (DBIS->logfp)
#ifdef IN_DBI_XS
#define DBILOGMSG (dbih_logmsg)
#define DBILOGMSG (DBIS->logmsg)
/* --- perl object (ActiveState) / multiplicity hooks and hoops --- */
/* note that USE_ITHREADS implies MULTIPLICITY */
typedef dbistate_t** (*_dbi_state_lval_t)(pTHX);
static _dbi_state_lval_t dbi_state_lval_p = 0; \
static dbistate_t** dbi_get_state(pTHX) { \
if (!dbi_state_lval_p) { \
CV *cv = get_cv("DBI::_dbi_state_lval", 0); \
if (!cv) \
croak("Unable to get DBI state function. DBI not loaded."); \
dbi_state_lval_p = (_dbi_state_lval_t)CvXSUB(cv); \
} \
return dbi_state_lval_p(aTHX); \
} \
typedef int dummy_dbistate /* keep semicolon from feeling lonely */
#if defined(MULTIPLICITY) || defined(PERL_OBJECT) || defined(PERL_CAPI)
# undef DBIS
# define DBIS (*dbi_get_state(aTHX))
# define dbis DBIS /* temp for old drivers using 'dbis' instead of 'DBIS' */
#else /* plain and simple non perl object / multiplicity case */
static dbistate_t *DBIS; \
# define _DBISTATE_INIT_DBIS DBIS = *dbi_get_state(aTHX);
# define DBISTATE_INIT { /* typically use in BOOT: of XS file */ \
if (DBIS == NULL) \
croak("Unable to get DBI state. DBI not loaded."); \
sizeof(dbih_drc_t), sizeof(dbih_dbc_t), sizeof(dbih_stc_t), sizeof(dbih_fdc_t) \
); \
/* --- Assorted Utility Macros --- */
#define DBD_ATTRIB_OK(attribs) /* is this a usable attrib value */ \
(attribs && SvROK(attribs) && SvTYPE(SvRV(attribs))==SVt_PVHV)
/* If attribs value supplied then croak if it's not a hash ref. */
/* Also map undef to Null. Should always be called to pre-process the */
/* attribs value. One day we may add some extra magic in here. */
#define DBD_ATTRIBS_CHECK(func, h, attribs) \
if ((attribs) && SvOK(attribs)) { \
if (!SvROK(attribs) || SvTYPE(SvRV(attribs))!=SVt_PVHV) \
croak("%s->%s(...): attribute parameter '%s' is not a hash ref", \
SvPV_nolen(h), func, SvPV_nolen(attribs)); \
} else (attribs) = Nullsv
#define DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen) \
(DBD_ATTRIB_OK(attribs) \
? hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(attribs), key,klen, 0) \
: (SV **)Nullsv)
#define DBD_ATTRIB_GET_IV(attribs, key,klen, svp, var) \
if ((svp=DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen)) != NULL) \
var = SvIV(*svp)
#define DBD_ATTRIB_GET_UV(attribs, key,klen, svp, var) \
if ((svp=DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen)) != NULL) \
var = SvUV(*svp)
#define DBD_ATTRIB_GET_BOOL(attribs, key,klen, svp, var) \
if ((svp=DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen)) != NULL) \
var = SvTRUE(*svp)
#define DBD_ATTRIB_TRUE(attribs, key,klen, svp) \
( ((svp=DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen)) != NULL) \
? SvTRUE(*svp) : 0 )
#define DBD_ATTRIB_GET_PV(attribs, key,klen, svp, dflt) \
(((svp=DBD_ATTRIB_GET_SVP(attribs, key,klen)) != NULL) \
? SvPV_nolen(*svp) : (dflt))
#define DBD_ATTRIB_DELETE(attribs, key, klen) \
hv_delete((HV*)SvRV(attribs), key, klen, G_DISCARD)
#endif /* DBIXS_VERSION */
/* end of DBIXS.h */