Your IP :
package URI::urn::isbn; # RFC 3187
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.73';
use parent 'URI::urn';
use Carp qw(carp);
require Business::ISBN;
local $^W = 0; # don't warn about dev versions, perl5.004 style
warn "Using Business::ISBN version " . Business::ISBN->VERSION .
" which is deprecated.\nUpgrade to Business::ISBN version 2\n"
if Business::ISBN->VERSION < 2;
sub _isbn {
my $nss = shift;
$nss = $nss->nss if ref($nss);
my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new($nss);
$isbn = undef if $isbn && !$isbn->is_valid;
return $isbn;
sub _nss_isbn {
my $self = shift;
my $nss = $self->nss(@_);
my $isbn = _isbn($nss);
$isbn = $isbn->as_string if $isbn;
return($nss, $isbn);
sub isbn {
my $self = shift;
my $isbn;
(undef, $isbn) = $self->_nss_isbn(@_);
return $isbn;
sub isbn_publisher_code {
my $isbn = shift->_isbn || return undef;
return $isbn->publisher_code;
my $group_method = do {
local $^W = 0; # don't warn about dev versions, perl5.004 style
Business::ISBN->VERSION >= 2 ? 'group_code' : 'country_code';
sub isbn_group_code {
my $isbn = shift->_isbn || return undef;
return $isbn->$group_method;
sub isbn_country_code {
my $name = (caller(0))[3]; $name =~ s/.*:://;
carp "$name is DEPRECATED. Use isbn_group_code instead";
no strict 'refs';
my $isbn13_method = do {
local $^W = 0; # don't warn about dev versions, perl5.004 style
Business::ISBN->VERSION >= 2 ? 'as_isbn13' : 'as_ean';
sub isbn13 {
my $isbn = shift->_isbn || return undef;
# Business::ISBN 1.x didn't put hyphens in the EAN, and it was just a string
# Business::ISBN 2.0 doesn't do EAN, but it does ISBN-13 objects
# and it uses the hyphens, so call as_string with an empty anon array
# or, adjust the test and features to say that it comes out with hyphens.
my $thingy = $isbn->$isbn13_method;
return eval { $thingy->can( 'as_string' ) } ? $thingy->as_string([]) : $thingy;
sub isbn_as_ean {
my $name = (caller(0))[3]; $name =~ s/.*:://;
carp "$name is DEPRECATED. Use isbn13 instead";
no strict 'refs';
sub canonical {
my $self = shift;
my($nss, $isbn) = $self->_nss_isbn;
my $new = $self->SUPER::canonical;
return $new unless $nss && $isbn && $nss ne $isbn;
$new = $new->clone if $new == $self;
return $new;