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Logging package for Python. Based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
To use, simply 'import logging' and log away!
� N)�Template�BASIC_FORMAT�BufferingFormatter�CRITICAL�DEBUG�ERROR�FATAL�FileHandler�Filter� Formatter�Handler�INFO� LogRecord�Logger�
StreamHandler�WARN�WARNING�addLevelName�basicConfig�captureWarnings�critical�debug�disable�error� exception�fatal�getLevelName� getLogger�getLoggerClass�info�log�
lastResort�raiseExceptionsz&Vinay Sajip <>Z
productionz0.5.1.2z07 February 2010T�2 �( � � �
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Return the textual representation of logging level 'level'.
If the level is one of the predefined levels (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING,
INFO, DEBUG) then you get the corresponding string. If you have
associated levels with names using addLevelName then the name you have
associated with 'level' is returned.
If a numeric value corresponding to one of the defined levels is passed
in, the corresponding string representation is returned.
Otherwise, the string "Level %s" % level is returned.
NzLevel %s)�_levelToName�get�_nameToLevel)�level�result� r7 �(/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/__init__.pyr x s
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