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Written by Martin v. Löwis.
� Nc C sT t � }t� }x2| D ]*}t|�dk r2|jt|�� q|j|� qW t|�}t|�|fS )z 3.1 Basic code point segregation� )� bytearray�set�ord�append�add�sorted�bytes)�str�base�extended�c� r �*/usr/lib64/python3.6/encodings/� segregate
r c C s* d}x | D ]}t |�|k r
|d7 }q
W |S )z@Return the length of str, considering only characters below max.r � )r )r
r r r �
selective_len s
r c C sR t | �}xD|d7 }||krdS | | }||kr:|d |fS ||k r
|d7 }q
W dS )a Return a pair (index, pos), indicating the next occurrence of
char in str. index is the position of the character considering
only ordinals up to and including char, and pos is the position in
the full string. index/pos is the starting position in the full
string.r N���r )r r )�len)r
r r r �selective_find s r c C s� d}g }d}x~|D ]v}d }}t |�}t| |�} | d || }
xBt| |||�\}}|dkr^P |
|| 7 }
d � |}d}
qBW |}qW |S )z3.2 Insertion unsort codingr r r r r r )r r r r )r
r Zoldchar�resultZoldindexr
r r r Zcurlen�deltar r r �insertion_unsort0 s$
r c C s, d| d | }|dk rdS |dkr(dS |S )N�$ r � r )�j�biasr r r r �TF s r# s$ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789c C sr t � }d}xbt||�}| |k r4|jt| � t|�S |jt|| | d| � | | d| } |d7 }qW dS )z(3.3 Generalized variable-length integersr r r N)r r# r �digitsr )�Nr"