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# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
<a name="3.5.1"></a>
## [3.5.1]( (2018-08-25)
<a name="3.5.0"></a>
# [3.5.0]( (2018-08-25)
### Bug Fixes
* **node:** get rid of Object.entries to add node6 support back ([074f779](
### Features
* **node:** add node@10 to CI config ([78b8937](
<a name="3.4.1"></a>
## [3.4.1]( (2018-08-16)
### Bug Fixes
* **forEach:** get forEach to behave like a normal forEach ([c064755](
* **has:** get `in` keyword working right ([fafc5a8](
* **iteration:** fix and test iteration of opts.other keys ([7a76217](
* **iteration:** use proper args for forEach/toJSON ([974e879](
* **proxy:** make sure proxy corner-cases work ok ([8c66e45](
* **set:** fix and test the exceptions to writing ([206793b](
<a name="3.4.0"></a>
# [3.4.0]( (2018-08-16)
### Features
* **iterator:** allow iteration over "other" keys ([3c53323](
<a name="3.3.0"></a>
# [3.3.0]( (2018-08-16)
### Bug Fixes
* **props:** allow symbols to pass through ([97b3464](
### Features
* **pudding:** iteration and serialization support ([0aaa50d](
<a name="3.2.1"></a>
## [3.2.1]( (2018-08-15)
### Bug Fixes
* **aliases:** make reverse aliases work correctly ([76a255e](
<a name="3.2.0"></a>
# [3.2.0]( (2018-07-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **concat:** have concat spit out a proxy, too ([64e3495](
### Features
* **default:** pass the pudding itself to default fns ([d9d9e09](
<a name="3.1.0"></a>
# [3.1.0]( (2018-04-08)
### Features
* **opts:** allow direct option fetching without .get() ([ca77aad](
<a name="3.0.0"></a>
# [3.0.0]( (2018-04-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **ci:** oops -- forgot to update CI config ([7a40563](
* **get:** make provider lookup order like Object.assign ([33ff89b](
### Features
* **concat:** add .concat() method to opts ([d310fce](
### meta
* drop support for node@4 and node@7 ([9f8a61c](
* node@4 and node@7 are no longer supported
* **get:** shadow order for properties in providers is reversed
<a name="2.0.1"></a>
## [2.0.1]( (2018-03-16)
### Bug Fixes
* **opts:** ignore non-object providers ([7b9c0f8](
<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# [2.0.0]( (2018-03-16)
### Features
* **api:** overhauled API with new opt handling concept ([e6cc929](
* **license:** relicense to ISC ([87479aa](
* **license:** the license has been changed from CC0-1.0 to ISC.
* **api:** this is a completely different approach than previously
used by this library. See the readme for the new API and an explanation.