Your IP :
syntax = "proto2";
message criu_page_server_info {
optional string address = 1;
optional int32 port = 2;
optional int32 pid = 3;
optional int32 fd = 4;
message criu_veth_pair {
required string if_in = 1;
required string if_out = 2;
message ext_mount_map {
required string key = 1;
required string val = 2;
message join_namespace {
required string ns = 1;
required string ns_file = 2;
optional string extra_opt = 3;
message inherit_fd {
required string key = 1;
required int32 fd = 2;
message cgroup_root {
optional string ctrl = 1;
required string path = 2;
message unix_sk {
required uint32 inode = 1;
enum criu_cg_mode {
CG_NONE = 1;
PROPS = 2;
SOFT = 3;
FULL = 4;
message criu_opts {
required int32 images_dir_fd = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2; /* if not set on dump, will dump requesting process */
optional bool leave_running = 3;
optional bool ext_unix_sk = 4;
optional bool tcp_established = 5;
optional bool evasive_devices = 6;
optional bool shell_job = 7;
optional bool file_locks = 8;
optional int32 log_level = 9 [default = 2];
optional string log_file = 10; /* No subdirs are allowed. Consider using work-dir */
optional criu_page_server_info ps = 11;
optional bool notify_scripts = 12;
optional string root = 13;
optional string parent_img = 14;
optional bool track_mem = 15;
optional bool auto_dedup = 16;
optional int32 work_dir_fd = 17;
optional bool link_remap = 18;
repeated criu_veth_pair veths = 19; /* DEPRECATED, use external instead */
optional uint32 cpu_cap = 20 [default = 0xffffffff];
optional bool force_irmap = 21;
repeated string exec_cmd = 22;
repeated ext_mount_map ext_mnt = 23; /* DEPRECATED, use external instead */
optional bool manage_cgroups = 24; /* backward compatibility */
repeated cgroup_root cg_root = 25;
optional bool rst_sibling = 26; /* swrk only */
repeated inherit_fd inherit_fd = 27; /* swrk only */
optional bool auto_ext_mnt = 28;
optional bool ext_sharing = 29;
optional bool ext_masters = 30;
repeated string skip_mnt = 31;
repeated string enable_fs = 32;
repeated unix_sk unix_sk_ino = 33; /* DEPRECATED, use external instead */
optional criu_cg_mode manage_cgroups_mode = 34;
optional uint32 ghost_limit = 35 [default = 0x100000];
repeated string irmap_scan_paths = 36;
repeated string external = 37;
optional uint32 empty_ns = 38;
repeated join_namespace join_ns = 39;
optional string cgroup_props = 41;
optional string cgroup_props_file = 42;
repeated string cgroup_dump_controller = 43;
optional string freeze_cgroup = 44;
optional uint32 timeout = 45;
optional bool tcp_skip_in_flight = 46;
optional bool weak_sysctls = 47;
optional bool lazy_pages = 48;
optional int32 status_fd = 49;
optional bool orphan_pts_master = 50;
optional string config_file = 51;
optional bool tcp_close = 52;
optional string lsm_profile = 53;
optional string tls_cacert = 54;
optional string tls_cacrl = 55;
optional string tls_cert = 56;
optional string tls_key = 57;
optional bool tls = 58;
optional bool tls_no_cn_verify = 59;
optional bool root_only = 60;
/* optional bool check_mounts = 128; */
message criu_dump_resp {
optional bool restored = 1;
message criu_restore_resp {
required int32 pid = 1;
message criu_notify {
optional string script = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
enum criu_req_type {
EMPTY = 0;
DUMP = 1;
CHECK = 3;
WAIT_PID = 11;
* List of features which can queried via
message criu_features {
optional bool mem_track = 1;
optional bool lazy_pages = 2;
* Request -- each type corresponds to must-be-there
* request arguments of respective type
message criu_req {
required criu_req_type type = 1;
optional criu_opts opts = 2;
optional bool notify_success = 3;
* When set service won't close the connection but
* will wait for more req-s to appear. Works not
* for all request types.
optional bool keep_open = 4;
* 'features' can be used to query which features
* are supported by the installed criu/kernel
* via RPC.
optional criu_features features = 5;
/* 'pid' is used for WAIT_PID */
optional uint32 pid = 6;
* Response -- it states whether the request was served
* and additional request-specific information
message criu_resp {
required criu_req_type type = 1;
required bool success = 2;
optional criu_dump_resp dump = 3;
optional criu_restore_resp restore = 4;
optional criu_notify notify = 5;
optional criu_page_server_info ps = 6;
optional int32 cr_errno = 7;
optional criu_features features = 8;
optional string cr_errmsg = 9;
optional criu_version version = 10;
optional int32 status = 11;
/* Answer for criu_req_type.VERSION requests */
message criu_version {
required int32 major_number = 1;
required int32 minor_number = 2;
optional string gitid = 3;
optional int32 sublevel = 4;
optional int32 extra = 5;
optional string name = 6;