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@var _rdata_modules: A dictionary mapping a (rdclass, rdtype) tuple to
the module which implements that type.
@type _rdata_modules: dict
@var _module_prefix: The prefix to use when forming modules names. The
default is 'dns.rdtypes'. Changing this value will break the library.
@type _module_prefix: string
@var _hex_chunk: At most this many octets that will be represented in each
chunk of hexstring that _hexify() produces before whitespace occurs.
@type _hex_chunk: inti����Ni c C s� | d k r t } n | j d � } t | � } | | k r� g } d } x2 | | k r| | j | | | | !� | | 7} qK Wd j | � } n | S( s Convert a binary string into its hex encoding, broken up into chunks
of I{chunksize} characters separated by a space.
@param data: the binary string
@type data: string
@param chunksize: the chunk size. Default is L{dns.rdata._hex_chunksize}
@rtype: string
t hex_codeci t N( t Nonet _hex_chunksizet encodet lent appendt join( t datat chunksizet hext lt chunkst i( ( s/ /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt _hexify'