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d � � YZ d d d � � YZ e d d i � Z d � Z e d k ri e � n d S(
sC Enumeration metaclass.
XXX This is very much a work in progress.
EnumMetaClassc B s) e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( sh Metaclass for enumeration.
To define your own enumeration, do something like
class Color(Enum):
red = 1
green = 2
blue = 3
Now,, and behave totally
different: they are enumerated values, not integers.
Enumerations cannot be instantiated; however they can be
c C s� x) | D]! } | j t k r t d � q q Wt d � | � } | | _ | | _ i | _ x3 | j � D]% \ } } t | | | � | j | <qf Wd S( s� Constructor -- create an enumeration.
Called at the end of the class statement. The arguments are
the name of the new class, a tuple containing the base
classes, and a dictionary containing everything that was
entered in the class' namespace during execution of the class
statement. In the above example, it would be {'red': 1,
'green': 2, 'blue': 3}.
s* Enumeration base class must be enumerationc S s
| t k S( N( t Enum( t x( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyt <lambda>) t N( t __class__R t TypeErrort filtert __name__t __bases__t _EnumMetaClass__dictt itemst EnumInstance( t selft namet basest dictt baset keyt value( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyt __init__ s
c C s� | d k r | j j � Sy | j | SWnM t k
rw x= | j D]. } y t | | � SWqB t k
ro qB qB XqB Wn Xt | � d S( s� Return an enumeration value.
For example, returns the value corresponding to red.
XXX Perhaps the values should be created in the constructor?
This looks in the class dictionary and if it is not found
there asks the base classes.
The special attribute __members__ returns the list of names
defined in this class (it does not merge in the names defined
in base classes).
t __members__N( R
t keyst KeyErrorR t getattrt AttributeError( R
R R ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyt __getattr__0 s
c C s� | j } | j rB | d t j t d � | j � d � d } n | j r� g } x: | j j � D]) \ } } | j d | t | � f � qa Wd | t j | d � f } n | S( Nt (c S s | j S( N( R ( R ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyR P R s , t )s %s: %ss %s: {%s}( R R t stringt joint mapR
R t appendt int( R
t st listR R ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyt __repr__M s 0 !( R t
__module__t __doc__R R R$ ( ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyR s R c B s; e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s
Class to represent an enumeration value.
EnumInstance('Color', 'red', 12) prints as '' and behaves
like the integer 12 when compared, but doesn't support arithmetic.
XXX Should it record the actual enumeration rather than just its
c C s | | _ | | _ | | _ d S( N( t _EnumInstance__classnamet _EnumInstance__enumnamet _EnumInstance__value( R
t classnamet enumnameR ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyR e s c C s | j S( N( R) ( R
( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/metaclasses/Enum.pyt __int__j s c C s d | j | j | j f S( Ns EnumInstance(%r, %r, %r)( R'