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Monkey patching of distutils.
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import_module( t sixc C s- t j � d k r | f | j St j | � S( sm
Returns the bases classes for cls sorted by the MRO.
Works around an issue on Jython where inspect.getmro will not return all
base classes if multiple classes share the same name. Instead, this
function will return a tuple containing the class itself, and the contents
of cls.__bases__. See
t Jython( t platformt python_implementationt __bases__t inspectt getmro( t cls( ( s5 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.pyt _get_mro s c C sC t | t j � r t n t | t j � r0 t n d � } | | � S( Nc S s d S( N( t None( t item( ( s5 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.pyt <lambda>* t ( t
isinstanceR t class_typest get_unpatched_classt typest FunctionTypet get_unpatched_function( R t lookup( ( s5 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.pyt