Your IP :
/* vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */
* Parser for MARC records
* This package is based on the PHP MARC package, originally called "php-marc",
* that is part of the Emilda Project ( Christoffer
* Landtman generously agreed to make the "php-marc" code available under the
* GNU LGPL so it could be used as the basis of this PEAR package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category File_Formats
* @package File_MARC
* @author Christoffer Landtman <>
* @author Dan Scott <>
* @copyright 2003-2008 Oy Realnode Ab, Dan Scott
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id$
* @link
// {{{ class File_MARC_Record
* Represents a single MARC record
* A MARC record contains a leader and zero or more fields held within a
* linked list structure. Fields are represented by {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
* objects.
* @category File_Formats
* @package File_MARC
* @author Christoffer Landtman <>
* @author Dan Scott <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class File_MARC_Record
// {{{ properties
* Contains a linked list of {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} objects for
* this record
* @var File_MARC_List
protected $fields;
* Record leader
* @var string
protected $leader;
* Non-fatal warnings generated during parsing
* @var array
protected $warnings;
* XMLWriter for writing collections
* @var XMLWriter
protected $marcxml;
* MARC instance for access to the XML header/footer methods
* We need this so that we can properly wrap a collection of MARC records.
* @var File_MARC
protected $marc;
// }}}
// {{{ Constructor: function __construct()
* Start function
* Set all variables to defaults to create new File_MARC_Record object
* @param File_MARC $marc MARC record from File_MARC or File_MARCXML
* @return true
function __construct($marc = null)
$this->fields = new File_MARC_List();
$this->setLeader(str_repeat(' ', 24));
if (!$marc) {
$marc = new File_MARC(null, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING); // oh the hack
$this->marc = $marc;
$this->marcxml = $marc->getXMLWriter();
// }}}
// {{{ Destructor: function __destruct()
* Destroys the data field
function __destruct()
$this->fields = null;
$this->warnings = null;
// }}}
// {{{ getLeader()
* Get MARC leader
* Returns the leader for the MARC record. No validation
* on the specified leader is performed.
* @return string returns the leader
function getLeader()
return (string)$this->leader;
// }}}
// {{{ setLeader()
* Set MARC record leader
* Sets the leader for the MARC record. No validation
* on the specified leader is performed.
* @param string $leader Leader
* @return string returns the leader
function setLeader($leader)
$this->leader = $leader;
return $this->leader;
// }}}
// {{{ appendField()
* Appends field to MARC record
* Adds a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
* object to the end of the existing list of fields.
* @param File_MARC_Field $new_field The field to add
* @return File_MARC_Field The field that was added
function appendField(File_MARC_Field $new_field)
/* Append as the last field in the record */
return $new_field;
// }}}
// {{{ prependField()
* Prepends field to MARC record
* Adds a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
* object to the start of to the existing list of fields.
* @param File_MARC_Field $new_field The field to add
* @return File_MARC_Field The field that was added
function prependField(File_MARC_Field $new_field)
return $new_field;
// }}}
// {{{ insertField()
* Inserts a field in the MARC record relative to an existing field
* Inserts a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
* object before or after a specified existing field.
* <code>
* // Example: Insert a new field before the first 650 field
* // Create the new field
* $subfields[] = new File_MARC_Subfield('a', 'Scott, Daniel.');
* $new_field = new File_MARC_Data_Field('100', $subfields, 0, null);
* // Retrieve the target field for our insertion point
* $subject = $record->getFields('650');
* // Insert the new field
* if (is_array($subject)) {
* $record->insertField($new_field, $subject[0], true);
* }
* elseif ($subject) {
* $record->insertField($new_field, $subject, true);
* }
* </code>
* @param File_MARC_Field $new_field The field to add
* @param File_MARC_Field $existing_field The target field
* @param bool $before Insert the new field before the existing field if true, after the existing field if false
* @return File_MARC_Field The field that was added
function insertField(File_MARC_Field $new_field, File_MARC_Field $existing_field, $before = false)
$this->fields->insertNode($new_field, $existing_field, $before);
return $new_field;
// }}}
// {{{ _buildDirectory()
* Build record directory
* Generate the directory of the record according to the current contents
* of the record.
* @return array Array ($fields, $directory, $total, $base_address)
private function _buildDirectory()
// Vars
$fields = array();
$directory = array();
$data_end = 0;
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
// No empty fields allowed
if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
// Get data in raw format
$str = $field->toRaw();
$fields[] = $str;
// Create directory entry
$len = strlen($str);
$direntry = sprintf("%03s%04d%05d", $field->getTag(), $len, $data_end);
$directory[] = $direntry;
$data_end += $len;
* Rules from MARC::Record::USMARC
= File_MARC::LEADER_LEN + // better be 24
(count($directory) * File_MARC::DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN) +
// all the directory entries
1; // end-of-field marker
= $base_address + // stuff before first field
$data_end + // Length of the fields
1; // End-of-record marker
return array($fields, $directory, $total, $base_address);
// }}}
// {{{ setLeaderLengths()
* Set MARC record leader lengths
* Set the Leader lengths of the record according to defaults specified in
* {@link}
* @param int $record_length Record length
* @param int $base_address Base address of data
* @return bool Success or failure
function setLeaderLengths($record_length, $base_address)
if (!is_int($record_length)) {
return false;
if (!is_int($base_address)) {
return false;
// Set record length
$this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), sprintf("%05d", $record_length), 0, 5));
$this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), sprintf("%05d", $base_address), File_MARC::DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN, 5));
$this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), '22', 10, 2));
$this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), '4500', 20, 4));
if (strlen($this->getLeader()) > File_MARC::LEADER_LEN) {
// Avoid incoming leaders that are mangled to be overly long
$this->setLeader(substr($this->getLeader(), 0, File_MARC::LEADER_LEN));
$this->addWarning("Input leader was too long; truncated to " . File_MARC::LEADER_LEN . " characters");
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ getField()
* Return the first {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or
* {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} object that matches the specified tag
* name. Returns false if no match is found.
* @param string $spec tag name
* @param bool $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
* @return {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}|{@link File_MARC_Control_Field} first field that matches the requested tag name
function getField($spec = null, $pcre = null)
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (($pcre
&& preg_match("/$spec/", $field->getTag()))
|| (!$pcre
&& $spec == $field->getTag())
) {
return $field;
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ getFields()
* Return an array or {@link File_MARC_List} containing all
* {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} objects
* that match the specified tag name. If the tag name is omitted all
* fields are returned.
* @param string $spec tag name
* @param bool $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
* @return File_MARC_List|array {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or
* {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} objects that match the requested tag name
function getFields($spec = null, $pcre = null)
if (!$spec) {
return $this->fields;
// Okay, we're actually looking for something specific
$matches = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (($pcre && preg_match("/$spec/", $field->getTag()))
|| (!$pcre && $spec == $field->getTag())
) {
$matches[] = $field;
return $matches;
// }}}
// {{{ deleteFields()
* Delete all occurrences of a field matching a tag name from the record.
* @param string $tag tag for the fields to be deleted
* @param bool $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
* @return int number of fields that were deleted
function deleteFields($tag, $pcre = null)
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
if (($pcre
&& preg_match("/$tag/", $field->getTag()))
|| (!$pcre
&& $tag == $field->getTag())
) {
return $cnt;
// }}}
// {{{ addWarning()
* Add a warning to the MARC record that something non-fatal occurred during
* parsing.
* @param string $warning warning message
* @return true
public function addWarning($warning)
$this->warnings[] = $warning;
// }}}
// {{{ getWarnings()
* Return the array of warnings from the MARC record.
* @return array warning messages
public function getWarnings()
return $this->warnings;
// }}}
// {{{ output methods
* ========== OUTPUT METHODS ==========
// {{{ toRaw()
* Return the record in raw MARC format.
* If you have modified an existing MARC record or created a new MARC
* record, use this method to save the record for use in other programs
* that accept the MARC format -- for example, your integrated library
* system.
* <code>
* // Example: Modify a record and save the output to a file
* $record->deleteFields('650');
* // Now that the record has no subject fields, save it to disk
* fopen($file, '/home/dan/no_subject.mrc', 'w');
* fwrite($file, $record->toRaw());
* fclose($file);
* </code>
* @return string Raw MARC data
function toRaw()
list($fields, $directory, $record_length, $base_address) = $this->_buildDirectory();
$this->setLeaderLengths($record_length, $base_address);
* Glue together all parts
return $this->getLeader().implode("", $directory).File_MARC::END_OF_FIELD.implode("", $fields).File_MARC::END_OF_RECORD;
// }}}
// {{{ __toString()
* Return the MARC record in a pretty printed string
* This method produces an easy-to-read textual display of a MARC record.
* The structure is roughly:
* <tag> <ind1> <ind2> _<code><data>
* _<code><data>
* @return string Formatted representation of MARC record
function __toString()
// Begin output
$formatted = "LDR " . $this->getLeader() . "\n";
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
$formatted .= $field->__toString() . "\n";
return $formatted;
// }}}
// {{{ toJSON()
* Return the MARC record in JSON format
* This method produces a JSON representation of a MARC record. The input
* encoding must be UTF8, otherwise the returned values will be corrupted.
* @return string representation of MARC record in JSON format
* @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
function toJSON()
$json = new StdClass();
$json->leader = utf8_encode($this->getLeader());
/* Start fields */
$fields = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
switch(get_class($field)) {
case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
$fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()) => utf8_encode($field->getData()));
case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
$subs = array();
foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $sf) {
$subs[] = array(utf8_encode($sf->getCode()) => utf8_encode($sf->getData()));
$contents = new StdClass();
$contents->ind1 = utf8_encode($field->getIndicator(1));
$contents->ind2 = utf8_encode($field->getIndicator(2));
$contents->subfields = $subs;
$fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()) => $contents);
/* End fields and record */
$json->fields = $fields;
$json_rec = json_encode($json);
// Required because json_encode() does not let us stringify integer keys
return preg_replace('/("subfields":)(.*?)\["([^\"]+?)"\]/', '\1\2{"0":"\3"}', $json_rec);
// }}}
// {{{ toJSONHash()
* Return the MARC record in Bill Dueber's MARC-HASH JSON format
* This method produces a JSON representation of a MARC record as defined
* at
* The input * encoding must be UTF8, otherwise the returned values will
* be corrupted.
* @return string representation of MARC record in JSON format
* @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
function toJSONHash()
$json = new StdClass();
$json->type = "marc-hash";
$json->version = array(1, 0);
$json->leader = utf8_encode($this->getLeader());
/* Start fields */
$fields = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
switch(get_class($field)) {
case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
$fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()), utf8_encode($field->getData()));
case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
$subs = array();
foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $sf) {
$subs[] = array(utf8_encode($sf->getCode()), utf8_encode($sf->getData()));
$contents = array(
$fields[] = $contents;
/* End fields and record */
$json->fields = $fields;
return json_encode($json);
// }}}
// {{{ toXML()
* Return the MARC record in MARCXML format
* This method produces an XML representation of a MARC record that
* attempts to adhere to the MARCXML standard documented at
* @param string $encoding output encoding for the MARCXML record
* @param bool $indent pretty-print the MARCXML record
* @param bool $single wrap the <record> element in a <collection> element
* @return string representation of MARC record in MARCXML format
* @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
function toXML($encoding = "UTF-8", $indent = true, $single = true)
if ($single) {
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "");
} else {
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "");
// MARCXML schema has some strict requirements
// We'll set reasonable defaults to avoid invalid MARCXML
$xmlLeader = $this->getLeader();
// Record status
if ($xmlLeader[5] == " ") {
// Default to "n" (new record)
$xmlLeader[5] = "n";
// Type of record
if ($xmlLeader[6] == " ") {
// Default to "a" (language material)
$xmlLeader[6] = "a";
$this->marcxml->writeElement("leader", $xmlLeader);
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
switch(get_class($field)) {
case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("tag", $field->getTag());
$this->marcxml->endElement(); // end control field
case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("tag", $field->getTag());
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("ind1", $field->getIndicator(1));
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("ind2", $field->getIndicator(2));
foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $subfield) {
$this->marcxml->writeAttribute("code", $subfield->getCode());
$this->marcxml->endElement(); // end subfield
$this->marcxml->endElement(); // end data field
$this->marcxml->endElement(); // end record
if ($single) {
$this->marcxml->endElement(); // end collection
return $this->marcxml->outputMemory();
// }}}
// }}}