Your IP :
| PECL :: http |
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
| in the accompanying LICENSE file are met. |
| Copyright (c) 2004-2014, Michael Wallner <> |
typedef struct php_http_option php_http_option_t;
typedef struct php_http_options php_http_options_t;
typedef ZEND_RESULT_CODE (*php_http_option_set_callback_t)(php_http_option_t *opt, zval *val, void *userdata);
typedef zval *(*php_http_option_get_callback_t)(php_http_option_t *opt, HashTable *options, void *userdata);
struct php_http_options {
HashTable options;
php_http_option_get_callback_t getter;
php_http_option_set_callback_t setter;
unsigned persistent:1;
struct php_http_option {
php_http_options_t suboptions;
zend_string *name;
unsigned long option;
zend_uchar type;
unsigned flags;
zval defval;
php_http_option_set_callback_t setter;
unsigned persistent:1;
PHP_HTTP_API php_http_options_t *php_http_options_init(php_http_options_t *registry, zend_bool persistent);
PHP_HTTP_API ZEND_RESULT_CODE php_http_options_apply(php_http_options_t *registry, HashTable *options, void *userdata);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_options_dtor(php_http_options_t *registry);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_options_free(php_http_options_t **registry);
PHP_HTTP_API php_http_option_t *php_http_option_register(php_http_options_t *registry, const char *name_str, size_t name_len, unsigned long option, zend_uchar type);
PHP_HTTP_API zval *php_http_option_get(php_http_option_t *opt, HashTable *options, void *userdata);
#endif /* PHP_HTTP_OPTIONS_H */
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