Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use PhpParser\Comment\Doc as DocComment;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract;
* @return FileInfo[]
function processDirectory(string $dir, Context $context): array {
$fileInfos = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (preg_match('/\.stub\.php$/', $pathName)) {
$fileInfo = processStubFile($pathName, $context);
if ($fileInfo) {
$fileInfos[] = $fileInfo;
return $fileInfos;
function processStubFile(string $stubFile, Context $context): ?FileInfo {
try {
if (!file_exists($stubFile)) {
throw new Exception("File $stubFile does not exist");
$arginfoFile = str_replace('.stub.php', '_arginfo.h', $stubFile);
$legacyFile = str_replace('.stub.php', '_legacy_arginfo.h', $stubFile);
$stubCode = file_get_contents($stubFile);
$stubHash = computeStubHash($stubCode);
$oldStubHash = extractStubHash($arginfoFile);
if ($stubHash === $oldStubHash && !$context->forceParse) {
/* Stub file did not change, do not regenerate. */
return null;
$fileInfo = parseStubFile($stubCode);
$arginfoCode = generateArgInfoCode($fileInfo, $stubHash);
if (($context->forceRegeneration || $stubHash !== $oldStubHash) && file_put_contents($arginfoFile, $arginfoCode)) {
echo "Saved $arginfoFile\n";
if ($fileInfo->generateLegacyArginfo) {
foreach ($fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
$arginfoCode = generateArgInfoCode($fileInfo, $stubHash);
if (($context->forceRegeneration || $stubHash !== $oldStubHash) && file_put_contents($legacyFile, $arginfoCode)) {
echo "Saved $legacyFile\n";
return $fileInfo;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "In $stubFile:\n{$e->getMessage()}\n";
function computeStubHash(string $stubCode): string {
return sha1(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $stubCode));
function extractStubHash(string $arginfoFile): ?string {
if (!file_exists($arginfoFile)) {
return null;
$arginfoCode = file_get_contents($arginfoFile);
if (!preg_match('/\* Stub hash: ([0-9a-f]+) \*/', $arginfoCode, $matches)) {
return null;
return $matches[1];
class Context {
/** @var bool */
public $forceParse = false;
/** @var bool */
public $forceRegeneration = false;
class SimpleType {
/** @var string */
public $name;
/** @var bool */
public $isBuiltin;
public function __construct(string $name, bool $isBuiltin) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->isBuiltin = $isBuiltin;
public static function fromNode(Node $node): SimpleType {
if ($node instanceof Node\Name) {
if ($node->toLowerString() === 'static') {
// PHP internally considers "static" a builtin type.
return new SimpleType($node->toString(), true);
if ($node->toLowerString() === 'self') {
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
return new SimpleType($node->toString(), false);
if ($node instanceof Node\Identifier) {
return new SimpleType($node->toString(), true);
throw new Exception("Unexpected node type");
public static function fromPhpDoc(string $type): SimpleType
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case "void":
case "null":
case "false":
case "bool":
case "int":
case "float":
case "string":
case "array":
case "iterable":
case "object":
case "resource":
case "mixed":
case "static":
return new SimpleType(strtolower($type), true);
case "self":
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
if (strpos($type, "[]") !== false) {
return new SimpleType("array", true);
return new SimpleType($type, false);
public static function null(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("null", true);
public static function void(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("void", true);
public function isNull(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'null';
public function toTypeCode(): string {
switch (strtolower($this->name)) {
case "bool":
return "_IS_BOOL";
case "int":
return "IS_LONG";
case "float":
return "IS_DOUBLE";
case "string":
return "IS_STRING";
case "array":
return "IS_ARRAY";
case "object":
return "IS_OBJECT";
case "void":
return "IS_VOID";
case "callable":
return "IS_CALLABLE";
case "iterable":
return "IS_ITERABLE";
case "mixed":
return "IS_MIXED";
case "static":
return "IS_STATIC";
throw new Exception("Not implemented: $this->name");
public function toTypeMask() {
switch (strtolower($this->name)) {
case "null":
return "MAY_BE_NULL";
case "false":
return "MAY_BE_FALSE";
case "bool":
return "MAY_BE_BOOL";
case "int":
return "MAY_BE_LONG";
case "float":
return "MAY_BE_DOUBLE";
case "string":
return "MAY_BE_STRING";
case "array":
return "MAY_BE_ARRAY";
case "object":
return "MAY_BE_OBJECT";
case "callable":
case "mixed":
return "MAY_BE_ANY";
case "static":
return "MAY_BE_STATIC";
throw new Exception("Not implemented: $this->name");
public function toEscapedName(): string {
return str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $this->name);
public function equals(SimpleType $other) {
return $this->name === $other->name
&& $this->isBuiltin === $other->isBuiltin;
class Type {
/** @var SimpleType[] $types */
public $types;
public function __construct(array $types) {
$this->types = $types;
public static function fromNode(Node $node): Type {
if ($node instanceof Node\UnionType) {
return new Type(array_map(['SimpleType', 'fromNode'], $node->types));
if ($node instanceof Node\NullableType) {
return new Type([
return new Type([SimpleType::fromNode($node)]);
public static function fromPhpDoc(string $phpDocType) {
$types = explode("|", $phpDocType);
$simpleTypes = [];
foreach ($types as $type) {
$simpleTypes[] = SimpleType::fromPhpDoc($type);
return new Type($simpleTypes);
public function isNullable(): bool {
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
if ($type->isNull()) {
return true;
return false;
public function getWithoutNull(): Type {
return new Type(array_filter($this->types, function(SimpleType $type) {
return !$type->isNull();
public function tryToSimpleType(): ?SimpleType {
$withoutNull = $this->getWithoutNull();
if (count($withoutNull->types) === 1) {
return $withoutNull->types[0];
return null;
public function toArginfoType(): ?ArginfoType {
$classTypes = [];
$builtinTypes = [];
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
if ($type->isBuiltin) {
$builtinTypes[] = $type;
} else {
$classTypes[] = $type;
return new ArginfoType($classTypes, $builtinTypes);
public static function equals(?Type $a, ?Type $b): bool {
if ($a === null || $b === null) {
return $a === $b;
if (count($a->types) !== count($b->types)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a->types); $i++) {
if (!$a->types[$i]->equals($b->types[$i])) {
return false;
return true;
public function __toString() {
if ($this->types === null) {
return 'mixed';
return implode('|', array_map(
function ($type) { return $type->name; },
class ArginfoType {
/** @var ClassType[] $classTypes */
public $classTypes;
/** @var SimpleType[] $builtinTypes */
private $builtinTypes;
public function __construct(array $classTypes, array $builtinTypes) {
$this->classTypes = $classTypes;
$this->builtinTypes = $builtinTypes;
public function hasClassType(): bool {
return !empty($this->classTypes);
public function toClassTypeString(): string {
return implode('|', array_map(function(SimpleType $type) {
return $type->toEscapedName();
}, $this->classTypes));
public function toTypeMask(): string {
if (empty($this->builtinTypes)) {
return '0';
return implode('|', array_map(function(SimpleType $type) {
return $type->toTypeMask();
}, $this->builtinTypes));
class ArgInfo {
const SEND_BY_VAL = 0;
const SEND_BY_REF = 1;
const SEND_PREFER_REF = 2;
/** @var string */
public $name;
/** @var int */
public $sendBy;
/** @var bool */
public $isVariadic;
/** @var Type|null */
public $type;
/** @var Type|null */
public $phpDocType;
/** @var string|null */
public $defaultValue;
public function __construct(string $name, int $sendBy, bool $isVariadic, ?Type $type, ?Type $phpDocType, ?string $defaultValue) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->sendBy = $sendBy;
$this->isVariadic = $isVariadic;
$this->type = $type;
$this->phpDocType = $phpDocType;
$this->defaultValue = $defaultValue;
public function equals(ArgInfo $other): bool {
return $this->name === $other->name
&& $this->sendBy === $other->sendBy
&& $this->isVariadic === $other->isVariadic
&& Type::equals($this->type, $other->type)
&& $this->defaultValue === $other->defaultValue;
public function getSendByString(): string {
switch ($this->sendBy) {
case self::SEND_BY_VAL:
return "0";
case self::SEND_BY_REF:
return "1";
case self::SEND_PREFER_REF:
throw new Exception("Invalid sendBy value");
public function getMethodSynopsisType(): Type {
if ($this->type) {
return $this->type;
if ($this->phpDocType) {
return $this->phpDocType;
throw new Exception("A parameter must have a type");
public function hasProperDefaultValue(): bool {
return $this->defaultValue !== null && $this->defaultValue !== "UNKNOWN";
public function getDefaultValueAsArginfoString(): string {
if ($this->hasProperDefaultValue()) {
return '"' . addslashes($this->defaultValue) . '"';
return "NULL";
public function getDefaultValueAsMethodSynopsisString(): ?string {
if ($this->defaultValue === null) {
return null;
switch ($this->defaultValue) {
case 'UNKNOWN':
return null;
case 'false':
case 'true':
case 'null':
return "&{$this->defaultValue};";
return $this->defaultValue;
interface FunctionOrMethodName {
public function getDeclaration(): string;
public function getArgInfoName(): string;
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string;
public function __toString(): string;
public function isMethod(): bool;
public function isConstructor(): bool;
public function isDestructor(): bool;
class FunctionName implements FunctionOrMethodName {
/** @var Name */
private $name;
public function __construct(Name $name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function getNamespace(): ?string {
if ($this->name->isQualified()) {
return $this->name->slice(0, -1)->toString();
return null;
public function getNonNamespacedName(): string {
if ($this->name->isQualified()) {
throw new Exception("Namespaced name not supported here");
return $this->name->toString();
public function getDeclarationName(): string {
return $this->name->getLast();
public function getDeclaration(): string {
return "ZEND_FUNCTION({$this->getDeclarationName()});\n";
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
$underscoreName = implode('_', $this->name->parts);
return "arginfo_$underscoreName";
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string {
return implode('_', $this->name->parts);
public function __toString(): string {
return $this->name->toString();
public function isMethod(): bool {
return false;
public function isConstructor(): bool {
return false;
public function isDestructor(): bool {
return false;
class MethodName implements FunctionOrMethodName {
/** @var Name */
private $className;
/** @var string */
public $methodName;
public function __construct(Name $className, string $methodName) {
$this->className = $className;
$this->methodName = $methodName;
public function getDeclarationClassName(): string {
return implode('_', $this->className->parts);
public function getDeclaration(): string {
return "ZEND_METHOD({$this->getDeclarationClassName()}, $this->methodName);\n";
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
return "arginfo_class_{$this->getDeclarationClassName()}_{$this->methodName}";
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string {
return $this->getDeclarationClassName() . "_{$this->methodName}";
public function __toString(): string {
return "$this->className::$this->methodName";
public function isMethod(): bool {
return true;
public function isConstructor(): bool {
return $this->methodName === "__construct";
public function isDestructor(): bool {
return $this->methodName === "__destruct";
class ReturnInfo {
/** @var bool */
public $byRef;
/** @var Type|null */
public $type;
/** @var Type|null */
public $phpDocType;
public function __construct(bool $byRef, ?Type $type, ?Type $phpDocType) {
$this->byRef = $byRef;
$this->type = $type;
$this->phpDocType = $phpDocType;
public function equals(ReturnInfo $other): bool {
return $this->byRef === $other->byRef
&& Type::equals($this->type, $other->type);
public function getMethodSynopsisType(): ?Type {
return $this->type ?? $this->phpDocType;
class FuncInfo {
/** @var FunctionOrMethodName */
public $name;
/** @var int */
public $classFlags;
/** @var int */
public $flags;
/** @var string|null */
public $aliasType;
/** @var FunctionName|null */
public $alias;
/** @var bool */
public $isDeprecated;
/** @var bool */
public $verify;
/** @var ArgInfo[] */
public $args;
/** @var ReturnInfo */
public $return;
/** @var int */
public $numRequiredArgs;
/** @var string|null */
public $cond;
public function __construct(
FunctionOrMethodName $name,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
?string $aliasType,
?FunctionOrMethodName $alias,
bool $isDeprecated,
bool $verify,
array $args,
ReturnInfo $return,
int $numRequiredArgs,
?string $cond
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->classFlags = $classFlags;
$this->flags = $flags;
$this->aliasType = $aliasType;
$this->alias = $alias;
$this->isDeprecated = $isDeprecated;
$this->verify = $verify;
$this->args = $args;
$this->return = $return;
$this->numRequiredArgs = $numRequiredArgs;
$this->cond = $cond;
public function isMethod(): bool
return $this->name->isMethod();
public function isFinalMethod(): bool
return ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) || ($this->classFlags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL);
public function isInstanceMethod(): bool
return !($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) && $this->isMethod() && !$this->name->isConstructor();
/** @return string[] */
public function getModifierNames(): array
if (!$this->isMethod()) {
return [];
$result = [];
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) {
$result[] = "final";
} elseif ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT && $this->classFlags & ~Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
$result[] = "abstract";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED) {
$result[] = "protected";
} elseif ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE) {
$result[] = "private";
} else {
$result[] = "public";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) {
$result[] = "static";
return $result;
public function hasParamWithUnknownDefaultValue(): bool
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
if ($arg->defaultValue && !$arg->hasProperDefaultValue()) {
return true;
return false;
public function equalsApartFromName(FuncInfo $other): bool {
if (count($this->args) !== count($other->args)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->args); $i++) {
if (!$this->args[$i]->equals($other->args[$i])) {
return false;
return $this->return->equals($other->return)
&& $this->numRequiredArgs === $other->numRequiredArgs
&& $this->cond === $other->cond;
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
return $this->name->getArgInfoName();
public function getDeclarationKey(): string
$name = $this->alias ?? $this->name;
return "$name|$this->cond";
public function getDeclaration(): ?string
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
return null;
$name = $this->alias ?? $this->name;
return $name->getDeclaration();
public function getFunctionEntry(): string {
if ($this->name instanceof MethodName) {
if ($this->alias) {
if ($this->alias instanceof MethodName) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_MALIAS(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$this->alias->getDeclarationClassName(), $this->name->methodName,
$this->alias->methodName, $this->getArgInfoName(), $this->getFlagsAsArginfoString()
} else if ($this->alias instanceof FunctionName) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_ME_MAPPING(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$this->name->methodName, $this->alias->getNonNamespacedName(),
$this->getArgInfoName(), $this->getFlagsAsArginfoString()
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot happen");
} else {
$declarationClassName = $this->name->getDeclarationClassName();
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_ABSTRACT_ME_WITH_FLAGS(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$declarationClassName, $this->name->methodName, $this->getArgInfoName(),
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_ME(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$declarationClassName, $this->name->methodName, $this->getArgInfoName(),
} else if ($this->name instanceof FunctionName) {
$namespace = $this->name->getNamespace();
$declarationName = $this->name->getDeclarationName();
if ($this->alias && $this->isDeprecated) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_DEP_FALIAS(%s, %s, %s)\n",
$declarationName, $this->alias->getNonNamespacedName(), $this->getArgInfoName()
if ($this->alias) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_FALIAS(%s, %s, %s)\n",
$declarationName, $this->alias->getNonNamespacedName(), $this->getArgInfoName()
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_DEP_FE(%s, %s)\n", $declarationName, $this->getArgInfoName());
if ($namespace) {
// Render A\B as "A\\B" in C strings for namespaces
return sprintf(
"\tZEND_NS_FE(\"%s\", %s, %s)\n",
addslashes($namespace), $declarationName, $this->getArgInfoName());
} else {
return sprintf("\tZEND_FE(%s, %s)\n", $declarationName, $this->getArgInfoName());
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot happen");
private function getFlagsAsArginfoString(): string
$flags = "ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED) {
} elseif ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE) {
$flags = "ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) {
$flags .= "|ZEND_ACC_STATIC";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) {
$flags .= "|ZEND_ACC_FINAL";
if ($this->flags & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) {
$flags .= "|ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT";
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
return $flags;
* @param FuncInfo[] $funcMap
* @param FuncInfo[] $aliasMap
* @throws Exception
public function getMethodSynopsisDocument(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap): ?string {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$methodSynopsis = $this->getMethodSynopsisElement($funcMap, $aliasMap, $doc);
if (!$methodSynopsis) {
return null;
return $doc->saveXML();
* @param FuncInfo[] $funcMap
* @param FuncInfo[] $aliasMap
* @throws Exception
public function getMethodSynopsisElement(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap, DOMDocument $doc): ?DOMElement {
if ($this->hasParamWithUnknownDefaultValue()) {
return null;
if ($this->name->isConstructor()) {
$synopsisType = "constructorsynopsis";
} elseif ($this->name->isDestructor()) {
$synopsisType = "destructorsynopsis";
} else {
$synopsisType = "methodsynopsis";
$methodSynopsis = $doc->createElement($synopsisType);
$aliasedFunc = $this->aliasType === "alias" && isset($funcMap[$this->alias->__toString()]) ? $funcMap[$this->alias->__toString()] : null;
$aliasFunc = $aliasMap[$this->name->__toString()] ?? null;
if (($this->aliasType === "alias" && $aliasedFunc !== null && $aliasedFunc->isMethod() !== $this->isMethod()) ||
($aliasFunc !== null && $aliasFunc->isMethod() !== $this->isMethod())
) {
$role = $doc->createAttribute("role");
$role->value = $this->isMethod() ? "oop" : "procedural";
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
foreach ($this->getModifierNames() as $modifierString) {
$modifierElement = $doc->createElement('modifier', $modifierString);
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText(" "));
$returnType = $this->return->getMethodSynopsisType();
if ($returnType) {
$this->appendMethodSynopsisTypeToElement($doc, $methodSynopsis, $returnType);
$methodname = $doc->createElement('methodname', $this->name->__toString());
if (empty($this->args)) {
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$void = $doc->createElement('void');
} else {
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$methodparam = $doc->createElement('methodparam');
if ($arg->defaultValue !== null) {
$methodparam->setAttribute("choice", "opt");
if ($arg->isVariadic) {
$methodparam->setAttribute("rep", "repeat");
$this->appendMethodSynopsisTypeToElement($doc, $methodparam, $arg->getMethodSynopsisType());
$parameter = $doc->createElement('parameter', $arg->name);
if ($arg->sendBy !== ArgInfo::SEND_BY_VAL) {
$parameter->setAttribute("role", "reference");
$defaultValue = $arg->getDefaultValueAsMethodSynopsisString();
if ($defaultValue !== null) {
$initializer = $doc->createElement('initializer');
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/', $defaultValue)) {
$constant = $doc->createElement('constant', $defaultValue);
} else {
$initializer->nodeValue = $defaultValue;
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $methodSynopsis;
public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(): void {
$this->return->type = null;
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
$arg->type = null;
$arg->defaultValue = null;
private function appendMethodSynopsisTypeToElement(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $elementToAppend, Type $type) {
if (count($type->types) > 1) {
$typeElement = $doc->createElement('type');
$typeElement->setAttribute("class", "union");
foreach ($type->types as $type) {
$unionTypeElement = $doc->createElement('type', $type->name);
} else {
$typeElement = $doc->createElement('type', $type->types[0]->name);
class ClassInfo {
/** @var Name */
public $name;
/** @var FuncInfo[] */
public $funcInfos;
public function __construct(Name $name, array $funcInfos) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->funcInfos = $funcInfos;
class FileInfo {
/** @var FuncInfo[] */
public $funcInfos = [];
/** @var ClassInfo[] */
public $classInfos = [];
/** @var bool */
public $generateFunctionEntries = false;
/** @var string */
public $declarationPrefix = "";
/** @var bool */
public $generateLegacyArginfo = false;
* @return iterable<FuncInfo>
public function getAllFuncInfos(): iterable {
yield from $this->funcInfos;
foreach ($this->classInfos as $classInfo) {
yield from $classInfo->funcInfos;
class DocCommentTag {
/** @var string */
public $name;
/** @var string|null */
public $value;
public function __construct(string $name, ?string $value) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
public function getValue(): string {
if ($this->value === null) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name does not have a value");
return $this->value;
public function getType(): string {
$value = $this->getValue();
$matches = [];
if ($this->name === "param") {
preg_match('/^\s*([\w\|\\\\\[\]]+)\s*\$\w+.*$/', $value, $matches);
} elseif ($this->name === "return") {
preg_match('/^\s*([\w\|\\\\\[\]]+)\s*$/', $value, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]) === false) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't contain a type or has an invalid format \"$value\"");
return $matches[1];
public function getVariableName(): string {
$value = $this->value;
if ($value === null || strlen($value) === 0) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't have any value");
$matches = [];
if ($this->name === "param") {
preg_match('/^\s*[\w\|\\\\\[\]]+\s*\$(\w+).*$/', $value, $matches);
} elseif ($this->name === "prefer-ref") {
preg_match('/^\s*\$(\w+).*$/', $value, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]) === false) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't contain a variable name or has an invalid format \"$value\"");
return $matches[1];
/** @return DocCommentTag[] */
function parseDocComment(DocComment $comment): array {
$commentText = substr($comment->getText(), 2, -2);
$tags = [];
foreach (explode("\n", $commentText) as $commentLine) {
$regex = '/^\*\s*@([a-z-]+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/';
if (preg_match($regex, trim($commentLine), $matches)) {
$tags[] = new DocCommentTag($matches[1], $matches[2] ?? null);
return $tags;
function parseFunctionLike(
PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter,
FunctionOrMethodName $name,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
Node\FunctionLike $func,
?string $cond
): FuncInfo {
$comment = $func->getDocComment();
$paramMeta = [];
$aliasType = null;
$alias = null;
$isDeprecated = false;
$verify = true;
$docReturnType = null;
$docParamTypes = [];
if ($comment) {
$tags = parseDocComment($comment);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'prefer-ref') {
$varName = $tag->getVariableName();
if (!isset($paramMeta[$varName])) {
$paramMeta[$varName] = [];
$paramMeta[$varName]['preferRef'] = true;
} else if ($tag->name === 'alias' || $tag->name === 'implementation-alias') {
$aliasType = $tag->name;
$aliasParts = explode("::", $tag->getValue());
if (count($aliasParts) === 1) {
$alias = new FunctionName(new Name($aliasParts[0]));
} else {
$alias = new MethodName(new Name($aliasParts[0]), $aliasParts[1]);
} else if ($tag->name === 'deprecated') {
$isDeprecated = true;
} else if ($tag->name === 'no-verify') {
$verify = false;
} else if ($tag->name === 'return') {
$docReturnType = $tag->getType();
} else if ($tag->name === 'param') {
$docParamTypes[$tag->getVariableName()] = $tag->getType();
$varNameSet = [];
$args = [];
$numRequiredArgs = 0;
$foundVariadic = false;
foreach ($func->getParams() as $i => $param) {
$varName = $param->var->name;
$preferRef = !empty($paramMeta[$varName]['preferRef']);
if (isset($varNameSet[$varName])) {
throw new Exception("Duplicate parameter name $varName for function $name");
$varNameSet[$varName] = true;
if ($preferRef) {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_PREFER_REF;
} else if ($param->byRef) {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_BY_REF;
} else {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_BY_VAL;
if ($foundVariadic) {
throw new Exception("Error in function $name: only the last parameter can be variadic");
$type = $param->type ? Type::fromNode($param->type) : null;
if ($type === null && !isset($docParamTypes[$varName])) {
throw new Exception("Missing parameter type for function $name()");
if ($param->default instanceof Expr\ConstFetch &&
$param->default->name->toLowerString() === "null" &&
$type && !$type->isNullable()
) {
$simpleType = $type->tryToSimpleType();
if ($simpleType === null) {
throw new Exception(
"Parameter $varName of function $name has null default, but is not nullable");
if ($param->default instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch && $param->default->class->toLowerString() === "self") {
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
$foundVariadic = $param->variadic;
$args[] = new ArgInfo(
isset($docParamTypes[$varName]) ? Type::fromPhpDoc($docParamTypes[$varName]) : null,
$param->default ? $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($param->default) : null
if (!$param->default && !$param->variadic) {
$numRequiredArgs = $i + 1;
foreach (array_keys($paramMeta) as $var) {
throw new Exception("Found metadata for invalid param $var of function $name");
$returnType = $func->getReturnType();
if ($returnType === null && $docReturnType === null && !$name->isConstructor() && !$name->isDestructor()) {
throw new Exception("Missing return type for function $name()");
$return = new ReturnInfo(
$returnType ? Type::fromNode($returnType) : null,
$docReturnType ? Type::fromPhpDoc($docReturnType) : null
return new FuncInfo(
function handlePreprocessorConditions(array &$conds, Stmt $stmt): ?string {
foreach ($stmt->getComments() as $comment) {
$text = trim($comment->getText());
if (preg_match('/^#\s*if\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = $matches[1];
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*ifdef\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = "defined($matches[1])";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*ifndef\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = "!defined($matches[1])";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*else$/', $text)) {
if (empty($conds)) {
throw new Exception("Encountered else without corresponding #if");
$cond = array_pop($conds);
$conds[] = "!($cond)";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*endif$/', $text)) {
if (empty($conds)) {
throw new Exception("Encountered #endif without corresponding #if");
} else if ($text[0] === '#') {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized preprocessor directive \"$text\"");
return empty($conds) ? null : implode(' && ', $conds);
function getFileDocComment(array $stmts): ?DocComment {
if (empty($stmts)) {
return null;
$comments = $stmts[0]->getComments();
if (empty($comments)) {
return null;
if ($comments[0] instanceof DocComment) {
return $comments[0];
return null;
function handleStatements(FileInfo $fileInfo, array $stmts, PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter) {
$conds = [];
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Nop) {
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Namespace_) {
handleStatements($fileInfo, $stmt->stmts, $prettyPrinter);
$cond = handlePreprocessorConditions($conds, $stmt);
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Function_) {
$fileInfo->funcInfos[] = parseFunctionLike(
new FunctionName($stmt->namespacedName),
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\ClassLike) {
$className = $stmt->namespacedName;
$methodInfos = [];
foreach ($stmt->stmts as $classStmt) {
$cond = handlePreprocessorConditions($conds, $classStmt);
if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\Nop) {
if (!$classStmt instanceof Stmt\ClassMethod) {
throw new Exception("Not implemented {$classStmt->getType()}");
$classFlags = 0;
if ($stmt instanceof Class_) {
$classFlags = $stmt->flags;
$flags = $classStmt->flags;
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Interface_) {
$flags |= Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT;
if (!($flags & Class_::VISIBILITY_MODIFIER_MASK)) {
throw new Exception("Method visibility modifier is required");
$methodInfos[] = parseFunctionLike(
new MethodName($className, $classStmt->name->toString()),
$fileInfo->classInfos[] = new ClassInfo($className, $methodInfos);
throw new Exception("Unexpected node {$stmt->getType()}");
function parseStubFile(string $code): FileInfo {
$lexer = new PhpParser\Lexer();
$parser = new PhpParser\Parser\Php7($lexer);
$nodeTraverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
$nodeTraverser->addVisitor(new PhpParser\NodeVisitor\NameResolver);
$prettyPrinter = new class extends Standard {
protected function pName_FullyQualified(Name\FullyQualified $node) {
return implode('\\', $node->parts);
$stmts = $parser->parse($code);
$fileInfo = new FileInfo;
$fileDocComment = getFileDocComment($stmts);
if ($fileDocComment) {
$fileTags = parseDocComment($fileDocComment);
foreach ($fileTags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'generate-function-entries') {
$fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries = true;
$fileInfo->declarationPrefix = $tag->value ? $tag->value . " " : "";
} else if ($tag->name === 'generate-legacy-arginfo') {
$fileInfo->generateLegacyArginfo = true;
handleStatements($fileInfo, $stmts, $prettyPrinter);
return $fileInfo;
function funcInfoToCode(FuncInfo $funcInfo): string {
$code = '';
$returnType = $funcInfo->return->type;
if ($returnType !== null) {
if (null !== $simpleReturnType = $returnType->tryToSimpleType()) {
if ($simpleReturnType->isBuiltin) {
$code .= sprintf(
"ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX(%s, %d, %d, %s, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$simpleReturnType->toTypeCode(), $returnType->isNullable()
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_OBJ_INFO_EX(%s, %d, %d, %s, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$simpleReturnType->toEscapedName(), $returnType->isNullable()
} else {
$arginfoType = $returnType->toArginfoType();
if ($arginfoType->hasClassType()) {
$code .= sprintf(
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$arginfoType->toClassTypeString(), $arginfoType->toTypeMask()
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(%s, 0, %d, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef, $funcInfo->numRequiredArgs
foreach ($funcInfo->args as $argInfo) {
$argKind = $argInfo->isVariadic ? "ARG_VARIADIC" : "ARG";
$argDefaultKind = $argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? "_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE" : "";
$argType = $argInfo->type;
if ($argType !== null) {
if (null !== $simpleArgType = $argType->tryToSimpleType()) {
if ($simpleArgType->isBuiltin) {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_TYPE_INFO%s(%s, %s, %s, %d%s)\n",
$argKind, $argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$simpleArgType->toTypeCode(), $argType->isNullable(),
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_OBJ_INFO%s(%s, %s, %s, %d%s)\n",
$argKind,$argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$simpleArgType->toEscapedName(), $argType->isNullable(),
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
} else {
$arginfoType = $argType->toArginfoType();
if ($arginfoType->hasClassType()) {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_OBJ_TYPE_MASK(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$argKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$arginfoType->toClassTypeString(), $arginfoType->toTypeMask(),
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_TYPE_MASK(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$argKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_INFO%s(%s, %s%s)\n",
$argKind, $argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
$code .= "ZEND_END_ARG_INFO()";
return $code . "\n";
/** @param FuncInfo[] $generatedFuncInfos */
function findEquivalentFuncInfo(array $generatedFuncInfos, FuncInfo $funcInfo): ?FuncInfo {
foreach ($generatedFuncInfos as $generatedFuncInfo) {
if ($generatedFuncInfo->equalsApartFromName($funcInfo)) {
return $generatedFuncInfo;
return null;
/** @param iterable<FuncInfo> $funcInfos */
function generateCodeWithConditions(
iterable $funcInfos, string $separator, Closure $codeGenerator): string {
$code = "";
foreach ($funcInfos as $funcInfo) {
$funcCode = $codeGenerator($funcInfo);
if ($funcCode === null) {
$code .= $separator;
if ($funcInfo->cond) {
$code .= "#if {$funcInfo->cond}\n";
$code .= $funcCode;
$code .= "#endif\n";
} else {
$code .= $funcCode;
return $code;
function generateArgInfoCode(FileInfo $fileInfo, string $stubHash): string {
$code = "/* This is a generated file, edit the .stub.php file instead.\n"
. " * Stub hash: $stubHash */\n";
$generatedFuncInfos = [];
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions(
$fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos(), "\n",
function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) use(&$generatedFuncInfos) {
/* If there already is an equivalent arginfo structure, only emit a #define */
if ($generatedFuncInfo = findEquivalentFuncInfo($generatedFuncInfos, $funcInfo)) {
$code = sprintf(
"#define %s %s\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $generatedFuncInfo->getArgInfoName()
} else {
$code = funcInfoToCode($funcInfo);
$generatedFuncInfos[] = $funcInfo;
return $code;
if ($fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries) {
$code .= "\n\n";
$generatedFunctionDeclarations = [];
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions(
$fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos(), "",
function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) use($fileInfo, &$generatedFunctionDeclarations) {
$key = $funcInfo->getDeclarationKey();
if (isset($generatedFunctionDeclarations[$key])) {
return null;
$generatedFunctionDeclarations[$key] = true;
return $fileInfo->declarationPrefix . $funcInfo->getDeclaration();
if (!empty($fileInfo->funcInfos)) {
$code .= generateFunctionEntries(null, $fileInfo->funcInfos);
foreach ($fileInfo->classInfos as $classInfo) {
$code .= generateFunctionEntries($classInfo->name, $classInfo->funcInfos);
return $code;
/** @param FuncInfo[] $funcInfos */
function generateFunctionEntries(?Name $className, array $funcInfos): string {
$code = "";
$functionEntryName = "ext_functions";
if ($className) {
$underscoreName = implode("_", $className->parts);
$functionEntryName = "class_{$underscoreName}_methods";
$code .= "\n\nstatic const zend_function_entry {$functionEntryName}[] = {\n";
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions($funcInfos, "", function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) {
return $funcInfo->getFunctionEntry();
$code .= "\tZEND_FE_END\n";
$code .= "};\n";
return $code;
* @param FuncInfo[] $funcMap
* @param FuncInfo[] $aliasMap
* @return array<string, string>
function generateMethodSynopses(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($funcMap as $funcInfo) {
$methodSynopsis = $funcInfo->getMethodSynopsisDocument($funcMap, $aliasMap);
if ($methodSynopsis !== null) {
$result[$funcInfo->name->getMethodSynopsisFilename() . ".xml"] = $methodSynopsis;
return $result;
* @param FuncInfo[] $funcMap
* @param FuncInfo[] $aliasMap
* @return array<string, string>
function replaceMethodSynopses(string $targetDirectory, array $funcMap, array $aliasMap): array {
$methodSynopses = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($targetDirectory),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (!preg_match('/\.xml$/i', $pathName)) {
$xml = file_get_contents($pathName);
if ($xml === false) {
if (stripos($xml, "<methodsynopsis") === false && stripos($xml, "<constructorsynopsis") === false && stripos($xml, "<destructorsynopsis") === false) {
$replacedXml = preg_replace("/&([A-Za-z0-9._{}%-]+?;)/", "REPLACED-ENTITY-$1", $xml);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = false;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$doc->validateOnParse = true;
$success = $doc->loadXML($replacedXml);
if (!$success) {
echo "Failed opening $pathName\n";
$docComparator = new DOMDocument();
$docComparator->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$docComparator->formatOutput = true;
$methodSynopsisElements = [];
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("constructorsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("destructorsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("methodsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($methodSynopsisElements as $methodSynopsis) {
if (!$methodSynopsis instanceof DOMElement) {
$list = $methodSynopsis->getElementsByTagName("methodname");
$item = $list->item(0);
if (!$item instanceof DOMElement) {
$funcName = $item->textContent;
if (!isset($funcMap[$funcName])) {
$funcInfo = $funcMap[$funcName];
$newMethodSynopsis = $funcInfo->getMethodSynopsisElement($funcMap, $aliasMap, $doc);
if ($newMethodSynopsis === null) {
// Retrieve current signature
$params = [];
$list = $methodSynopsis->getElementsByTagName("methodparam");
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
if (!$item instanceof DOMElement) {
$paramList = $item->getElementsByTagName("parameter");
if ($paramList->count() !== 1) {
$paramName = $paramList->item(0)->textContent;
$paramTypes = [];
$paramList = $item->getElementsByTagName("type");
foreach ($paramList as $type) {
if (!$type instanceof DOMElement) {
$paramTypes[] = $type->textContent;
$params[$paramName] = ["index" => $i, "type" => $paramTypes];
// Check if there is any change - short circuit if there is not any.
$xml1 = $doc->saveXML($methodSynopsis);
$xml1 = preg_replace("/&([A-Za-z0-9._{}%-]+?;)/", "REPLACED-ENTITY-$1", $xml1);
$xml1 = $docComparator->saveXML();
$methodSynopsis->parentNode->replaceChild($newMethodSynopsis, $methodSynopsis);
$xml2 = $doc->saveXML($newMethodSynopsis);
$xml2 = preg_replace("/&([A-Za-z0-9._{}%-]+?;)/", "REPLACED-ENTITY-$1", $xml2);
$xml2 = $docComparator->saveXML();
if ($xml1 === $xml2) {
// Update parameter references
$paramList = $doc->getElementsByTagName("parameter");
/** @var DOMElement $paramElement */
foreach ($paramList as $paramElement) {
if ($paramElement->parentNode && $paramElement->parentNode->nodeName === "methodparam") {
$name = $paramElement->textContent;
if (!isset($params[$name])) {
$index = $params[$name]["index"];
if (!isset($funcInfo->args[$index])) {
$paramElement->textContent = $funcInfo->args[$index]->name;
// Return the updated XML
$replacedXml = $doc->saveXML();
$replacedXml = preg_replace(
"<refentry xml:id=\"$2\" xmlns=\"$1\">",
"<refentry xml:id=\"$3\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\">",
$methodSynopses[$pathName] = $replacedXml;
return $methodSynopses;
function installPhpParser(string $version, string $phpParserDir) {
$lockFile = __DIR__ . "/PHP-Parser-install-lock";
$lockFd = fopen($lockFile, 'w+');
if (!flock($lockFd, LOCK_EX)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to acquire installation lock");
try {
// Check whether a parallel process has already installed PHP-Parser.
if (is_dir($phpParserDir)) {
$cwd = getcwd();
$tarName = "v$version.tar.gz";
passthru("wget$tarName", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
passthru("curl -LO$tarName", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to download PHP-Parser tarball");
if (!mkdir($phpParserDir)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to create directory $phpParserDir");
passthru("tar xvzf $tarName -C PHP-Parser-$version --strip-components 1", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to extract PHP-Parser tarball");
unlink(__DIR__ . "/$tarName");
} finally {
flock($lockFd, LOCK_UN);
function initPhpParser() {
static $isInitialized = false;
if ($isInitialized) {
if (!extension_loaded("tokenizer")) {
throw new Exception("The \"tokenizer\" extension is not available");
$isInitialized = true;
$version = "4.13.0";
$phpParserDir = __DIR__ . "/PHP-Parser-$version";
if (!is_dir($phpParserDir)) {
installPhpParser($version, $phpParserDir);
spl_autoload_register(function(string $class) use($phpParserDir) {
if (strpos($class, "PhpParser\\") === 0) {
$fileName = $phpParserDir . "/lib/" . str_replace("\\", "/", $class) . ".php";
require $fileName;
$optind = null;
$options = getopt("fh", ["force-regeneration", "parameter-stats", "help", "verify", "generate-methodsynopses", "replace-methodsynopses"], $optind);
$context = new Context;
$printParameterStats = isset($options["parameter-stats"]);
$verify = isset($options["verify"]);
$generateMethodSynopses = isset($options["generate-methodsynopses"]);
$replaceMethodSynopses = isset($options["replace-methodsynopses"]);
$context->forceRegeneration = isset($options["f"]) || isset($options["force-regeneration"]);
$context->forceParse = $context->forceRegeneration || $printParameterStats || $verify || $generateMethodSynopses || $replaceMethodSynopses;
$targetMethodSynopses = $argv[$optind + 1] ?? null;
if ($replaceMethodSynopses && $targetMethodSynopses === null) {
die("A target directory must be provided.\n");
if (isset($options["h"]) || isset($options["help"])) {
die("\nusage: gen-stub.php [ -f | --force-regeneration ] [ --generate-methodsynopses ] [ --replace-methodsynopses ] [ --parameter-stats ] [ --verify ] [ -h | --help ] [ name.stub.php | directory ] [ directory ]\n\n");
$fileInfos = [];
$location = $argv[$optind] ?? ".";
if (is_file($location)) {
// Generate single file.
$fileInfo = processStubFile($location, $context);
if ($fileInfo) {
$fileInfos[] = $fileInfo;
} else if (is_dir($location)) {
$fileInfos = processDirectory($location, $context);
} else {
echo "$location is neither a file nor a directory.\n";
if ($printParameterStats) {
$parameterStats = [];
foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) {
foreach ($fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
foreach ($funcInfo->args as $argInfo) {
if (!isset($parameterStats[$argInfo->name])) {
$parameterStats[$argInfo->name] = 0;
echo json_encode($parameterStats, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";
/** @var FuncInfo[] $funcMap */
$funcMap = [];
/** @var FuncInfo[] $aliasMap */
$aliasMap = [];
foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) {
foreach ($fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
/** @var FuncInfo $funcInfo */
$funcMap[$funcInfo->name->__toString()] = $funcInfo;
if ($funcInfo->aliasType === "alias") {
$aliasMap[$funcInfo->alias->__toString()] = $funcInfo;
if ($verify) {
$errors = [];
foreach ($aliasMap as $aliasFunc) {
if (!isset($funcMap[$aliasFunc->alias->__toString()])) {
$errors[] = "Aliased function {$aliasFunc->alias}() cannot be found";
if (!$aliasFunc->verify) {
$aliasedFunc = $funcMap[$aliasFunc->alias->__toString()];
$aliasedArgs = $aliasedFunc->args;
$aliasArgs = $aliasFunc->args;
if ($aliasFunc->isInstanceMethod() !== $aliasedFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
if ($aliasFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
$aliasedArgs = array_slice($aliasedArgs, 1);
if ($aliasedFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
$aliasArgs = array_slice($aliasArgs, 1);
function(?ArgInfo $aliasArg, ?ArgInfo $aliasedArg) use ($aliasFunc, $aliasedFunc, &$errors) {
if ($aliasArg === null) {
assert($aliasedArg !== null);
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() is missing";
return null;
if ($aliasedArg === null) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasedFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name of alias function {$aliasFunc->name}() is missing";
return null;
if ($aliasArg->name !== $aliasedArg->name) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same name";
return null;
if ($aliasArg->type != $aliasedArg->type) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same type";
if ($aliasArg->defaultValue !== $aliasedArg->defaultValue) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same default value";
$aliasArgs, $aliasedArgs
if ((!$aliasedFunc->isMethod() || $aliasedFunc->isFinalMethod()) &&
(!$aliasFunc->isMethod() || $aliasFunc->isFinalMethod()) &&
$aliasFunc->return != $aliasedFunc->return
) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}() and {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same return type";
echo implode("\n", $errors);
if (!empty($errors)) {
echo "\n";
if ($generateMethodSynopses) {
$methodSynopsesDirectory = getcwd() . "/methodsynopses";
$methodSynopses = generateMethodSynopses($funcMap, $aliasMap);
if (!empty($methodSynopses)) {
if (!file_exists($methodSynopsesDirectory)) {
foreach ($methodSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents("$methodSynopsesDirectory/$filename", $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($replaceMethodSynopses) {
$methodSynopses = replaceMethodSynopses($targetMethodSynopses, $funcMap, $aliasMap);
foreach ($methodSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";